Episode Notes: due South "The Deal"

Mar 25, 2007 13:32

Meep and wibble, I'm now on the same disc with Victoria's Secret. ::whimper::

The time for freaking out about that is not yet (it is, in fact, precisely three weeks from now), so I'll focus on what I'm watching today. I have seen The Deal before, though mostly what I remember is hurt!Fraser and forceful!Ray, neither of which is a bad thing.

This should be fun, on with the show....:D

After watching note: OMG that was wonderful!! I just *adore* Ray *so* much!! ::twirls:: Such an intense episode, but so wonderful for all that. Many many many screencaps of Ray here, because he was hotter than the Mountie for a lot of this episode (and that's the first time I've ever said that).


spikedluv has an awesome collection of quotes from "The Deal" over at her LJ. You should definitely go check them out, there are some wonderful moments there!

Notes on watching The Deal

--Oh, poor Fraser. (And the poor choir director, this choir's going to be wicked heavy on the sopranos with Fraser there. :D) Surely even Fraser's not missing the catfights breaking out around him though. He's generally pretty oblivious to the women flirting with him, but he can't possibly be *that* oblivious--can he?

--Oh, dear, Frannie! I love that Fraser and the priest both had the same reaction to seeing her. :D

--So am I supposed to get that Frankie just took over the family business from his father?? Oh, man, he's scary like a *snake*, absolutely like a snake. All that false cheer and friendliness. ::shiver::

--Oh, Frannie!! ::shakes her:: Just shut up and sing. I'm amazed she ever caught a man at all, even a bad one, if this is her approach.

--Love Fraser trying to sing over her!!

--Oh, man, Frannie's just so Frannie....::wince::

--Heeee!! Fraser's just jumping on any opportunity to escape. "Oh. Darn." :D

--Oooo! Pretty!

--Oh, Fraser's so cute investigating the theft from the poor box! I love that! :D

--And I love Ray trying to stop him almost as much! So *very* Ray!! And, as Ray so often is, perfectly reasonable on the surface.

--Ray: "Hey, Elaine! Get me a list of all the salmon fisheries in the greater metropolitan area, will you?" Elaine: "What?" Fraser: "Never mind, Elaine, I believe Ray was just mocking me." Ray: "Ah, yes, I was." Heeee!!

--So why is Welsh, head of Violent Crimes (or given in one ep as Major Crimes) even looking at the case of the robbed church poor box?? (Wait, St. Michael's?? Is this the same St. Michael's that was in Hawk & Handsaw? That'd be wicked cool!)

--Heee!! Love Ray's "On it, sir. I've already found some waxy residue." And Fraser's *look* in response. :D So disapproving. And Ray gives him a sort of apologetic look in return. Hee!

--Fraser's *so* cute!

--Welsh: "I have to ask you this, son, don't you have a job of your own?" Fraser: "Oh, yes, sir. But I had the early shift this morning." Welsh: "And you have nothing better to do with your life than hang around here and help us solve crimes?" Fraser: "No, sir." So that's nicely clarified. Yay!! :D So basically helping the community (and Ray) are Fraser's hobby. Nice!!

--Alas, it's unscreencappable but I love the little twist of their heads as they turn in unison and walk away together.

--I actually *totally* believe that a tough mafia boss would make the neighborhood he lived in dead safe. He'd keep it ruthlessly clear of petty street crime and all of his own business would be *elsewhere*. I can even see that a tough mafia boss would be very charming and gentle with his family.

--Oooo!! That's a nice shot of Ray!!

--So why is Ray so resistant to working on this case? Zuko's making some good points--it is important to have a safe community and Ray and his family do live there. I get the impression that if Zuko told him to be sure and eat, Ray'd go on a hunger strike just because.

--Wow! Fraser's starting the verbal whammy on Zuko early. Fraser: "It's been my experience that some people go through their lives thinking they're respected only to find that they've been merely feared. And fears can be overcome."

--Oh, poor Ray. That story about Marco Matroni...such an awful thing to have seen, or even known about happening, and to have felt unable to stop.

--Bullies in Tuktoyaktuk swing otters?? What the hell do they do with them?

--Ray's fixating on his shoe related elf stories (though really, he's got the gist of it there--poor old shoemaker can't feed his wife and elves make shoes for him) while Fraser's trying to figure out where the shoemaker went. :D

--Oh, poor Fraser in the naughty lingerie store!! Eee! So cute!! (And so much like my husband would be in one of those places.) Fraser: "Ray, maybe you should conduct this interview." Heee!!

--Fraser: "We would like to ask you a question that is unrelated to either underwear or breasts." Heeee!! OMG so GAY!!

--Eeee!! And then studying the stitching on the lady's leather bustier without ever looking at her!! OMG so GAY!

--What the heck is Frannie buying there? Surely she's figured out that Fraser's never going to be attracted to *trashy* by now? Maybe trashy is all she knows.

--Lady: "You want to see my shoes?" Fraser: "Why yes, ma'am, if you wouldn't mind." Lady: "Why should I mind? It's the best offer I've had in years."

--"I'll see myself out." Heee!!

--God Elaine's cute!! :D

--Hmm. Okay, Mr. Paducci is describing the extortion--neighborhood association dues. It sounds like Frankie's not very good at his job, because part of the delicate art of extortion is not demanding so much that folks go out of business. If he'd set Mr. Paducci's "fee" at, say $40 a week and kept it there, he would have had a steady source of income (small, but multiply it by every business on the street and it becomes pretty substantial) and Paducci could have stayed in business. Putting Paducci out of business wound out costing Zuko money, which is totally not the goal here.

--And Ray's asking about whether or not Paducci was threatened...I wonder if the *threat* is an essential part of this being criminal extortion. So when Paducci said "no" that was, really, the wrong answer as far as being able to prosecute. And Fraser knows it.

--Oooo!! So pretty!

--Frannie: "Forgive me Father for what I am about to do?" Priest: "This isn't about the Mountie again is it?" Frannie: "I know, I know, but this time, I'm gonna do it." Priest: "Francesca, I can't keep forgiving you in advance for something that never happens." Heee!!

--Oh, hey, Fraser's walking down the hall of his building (now *much* cleaner and nicer than when he moved in) greeting Mr. Mustafi and Mr. Campbell, and they're not slamming their doors in his face. Nice!

--So Zuko really *expects* that Fraser's going to keep all of this (horribly overblown) furniture?? (He'd have done better to go with Shaker or Arts&Crafts style rather than this awful pseudo-European stuff, for one thing). I mean, Fraser's not dumb, and I wouldn't have guessed that Zuko was either.

--So Zuko cheats?? What a skeezer. Not that I'm surprised...but still...skeezer.

--Eeee!! Love love that Fraser *knows* that sinking that basket was a *total* challenge to Zuko! Love that!

--So yummy!! Basketball is about my least favorite sport to watch, but Fraser in the suspenders and jodphurs playing...so much yum!

--I love Fraser whammying Zuko again. Keeping up the very polite and cordial front, while making it *very* clear that he can't accept Zuko's "gift" and that he knows *exactly* how Zuko used the police to find a man he was looking for. So nice!!

--I'm managing to tear my mind away from the lovely visual of Fraser getting dressed (::mmmmmmmm!!::) to love "I see logic isn't one of your hobbies." Eeee!!

--So Fraser's totally thrown down a gauntlet here, and it appears he knows it. What's his plan for dealing with it?

--Oh, cool! Ray's there with Paducci keeping him safe so that he can get out of town.

--I *love* Ray calling in a favor so that he can get Paducci out safe! Love it!!

--Oooo! I love this music! Nice!!

--Hate that the guy that Vecchio called betrayed them to Zuko.

--Why does Zuko want Paducci dead this bad? The man's got nothing more to give and it's not like he's going to testify or anything.

--Why do so many of the OMG So hot fights in this show happen at night when they're hard to screencap?? So unfair!

--Love Fraser smashing through the glass door!

--Fraser, so brave and stoic recognizing what's about to happen to him. ::hugs Fraser::

--Oook! Poor Fraser. Lovely editing cutting between Fraser and Ray.

--So wait!! Zuko's message was to have Fraser beaten up and then shot?? That doesn't make any sense? Why beat him up and then kill him. A beating is a message for the person being beaten. Killing someone can be a message for those who find and/or care for him (killing Fraser would certainly be a message to Ray). Beating doesn't add to the killing message, it's just cruel. Vicious bastard!

--Yay for Fraser messing up the guy's shot, even as badly hurt as he is. And Yay for Ray arriving in just the nick of time!

--Poor Fraser!! (And Oh to be Elaine!) Elaine: "How many were there?" Fraser: "More than were necessary."

--Ummm Elaine, much as I understand the incredible temptation here, you're tending his *wounds* not flirting or seducing. Back off!!

--I'm not quite sure how to read Fraser's reaction to Elaine here. I *adore* Elaine usually, but she was taking advantage there. Though, in her defense, I don't think she was precisely *intending* to. I think it just *happened*.

--Welsh is once again in the position of having to give unpalatable facts to Ray. And Ray's in the position of having to accept them. I feel for both of them.

--Oh, oh, I just *love* Ray trying to care for Fraser here, offering him coffee, tea, hot chocolate. He just wants to give *care* and Fraser's either not wanting it or not getting that's what Ray's offering.

--Love this shot!!

--Just gorgeous!! Poor Ray still torn up over what happened to Marco Matroni. It's almost like he can't talk about it. ::pets Ray:: I think this has been haunting him for 20 years. ::hugs Ray:: And Fraser's not offering any absolution, why? Maybe he has none to give.

--Oh, oh, love Ray walking into the gym and immediately showing Frankie and his goons that he doesn't have a gun.

--Okay, just expect a zillion screencaps of Ray here because OMG so hot!! I love the confidence (even if he's less confident than he seems) and the alpha-ness and just ::woof::!!

--So Zuko's sending his goons away?? Oh, interesting. Why? What does he gain from that? Does that mean he's worried that he's going to lose (at whatever contest of wills is happening here) and doesn't want his goons to see? Or what?

--Omg!! I *love* Ray locking the door to the gym!! And that look on his face!! ::swoons:: Sorry the cap isn't better, sometimes the program jumps ahead when I click.

--OMG I love Ray calling Zuko a coward! And his reaction when Zuko calls him one back. OMG!! Love love love!

--Oh oh oh!! SO hot!! Love the pristine white shirt and the cross!

--And the blood on his fist!

--"You're going one on one with a guy you got twenty pounds on, but you got no one to hold me down. All you got is your guts, which means you got nothing."

--Oooo!! And then threatening Zuko with telling the story to *everyone* and it getting around. (Though how Zuko intends to get out of that gym without his goons, God, and everyone seeing that he's had the shit beaten out of him, I don't know.)

--Then offering the deal, silence in exchange for the life of the shoemaker. But he doesn't mention Fraser...huh. Interesting. I thought he did. Bad memory, I guess.

--Boy when Zuko's can't see Ray looks all kinds of rattled, doesn't he?

--Man he almost looks disappointed when Zuko takes the deal doesn't he? I think he'd *rather* see him disgraced.

--Zuko: "I didn't say nothing about you being safe." Ray: "I didn't ask for that."

--And then Zuko realizes that one of his goons was watching the whole time. Zuko: "What are you looking at?" Goon: "Nothin'." So do we hear more about Zuko? Because if he's losing face among his employees he's got *serious* problems.

--I love that Fraser was out there waiting for Ray when he came out. ::hugs them both::

--Love this shot!

--So it's very, very reasonable for Ray to be all paranoid and keep his gun close but it's a hell of a way to live. Oh, oh, oh, but I *love* that he's still locking it up with the clip out. Just like he always does.

--Oooo! Pretty shirtless Fraser in his long johns.

--I love what he was reading from Bob's journal. Nice!! And deciding not to put the lock on his door after all. So wonderful!!

--Oh, man, he looks so *sore*!!

--What the hell is Frannie doing there? I'm not sure it's possible for someone to have more spectacularly bad timing than she does. I mean, OMG, he's just been beaten all to shit, right? (Though it can't be all one big busy day, can it. I suppose it could if Zuko does most of his business at that gym and was there in the middle of the night.)

--This is like the last thing Fraser needs to deal with after a spectacularly difficult day.

--Anyone think anything actually happens between Fraser and Frannie?? I don't, though I'm not sure how he extricated himself politely (and, without, apparently, squashing her hopes. Though Frannie's hopes are, obviously, tough as nails).

All screencaps are my own. Feel free to use them however you like. Unless you like to use screencaps by hotlinking. That's not nice, so please don't do that.

due South Episode Notes

Free Willie
Diefenbaker's Day Off
They Eat Horses, Don't They?
Pizza and Promises
Chicago Holiday, part 1
Chicago Holiday, part 2
A Cop, A Mountie and A Baby
The Gift of the Wheel Man
You Must Remember This
Hawk & Handsaw
An Eye for An Eye
The Man Who Knew Too Little
The Wild Bunch
The Blue Line

due south, screencaps, episode notes

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