Episode Notes: due South "Free Willie"

Dec 03, 2006 22:35

This episode is a *great* follow-on to the absolutely exquisite pilot. This episode has several scenes that absolutely make me laugh out loud! And we get introduced to Elaine Besbris, Huey and Gardino, Beau Starr as Welsh. All so awesome!

I am starting to fall in love with Ray Vecchio; I love the way he talks. I love that he's so accepting of Fraser, but also still trying to hold onto himself.

I've now watched enough of this show to know that I love *both* Rays to pieces. (Just want that clear.)

I can see why our fannish fore-mothers slashed Fraser and Vecchio. There's *definitely* a connection there. (The time for discussing the arcs of these relationships is, alas, not yet, but it's coming eventually.)

As a companion piece, be sure and check out the Free Willie Quotes that spikedluv's put up over on her journal. Lots and lots of wonderful over there. Go read!

Notes on watching: Free Willie (with lots of screencaps)

--Chicago is actually quite a pretty city.

--On the other hand, masked bad guys don't do much to dress it up.

--Wow. This is obviously an inside job because the masked bad guys sure did know exactly what they were looking for didn't they? That one particular envelope and that was *it!* Didn't even have to look for it.

--I even love the theme music in this show. ;)

--The Riv!! Yay!!

--Okay, this is not as pretty a part of the city. But I love the way they do the transition from the pretty downtown area to the not-pretty skeezy neighborhood, following the Riv along progressively less lovely streets. :)

--Ray: "Fraser, you do not want to live in this neighborhood. Cops do not live in areas like this. Most people we bust wouldn't even live here."

--Ray: "Fraser, this is Chicago. The only reason to open the window is to get a better aim."

--Fraser looks so squeaky clean and totally out of place in this area. He's obviously seeing more to appreciate though.

--Ray's rant about this apartment is just *beautiful*! "The clever use of plumbing to create the waterfall effect."

--Ray: "A dog could easily throw off the delicately balanced ecosystem. DOn't worry, big fella. You'll have plenty to hunt in here."

--Fraser: "Is my lanyard straight?" Ray: "He's a slumlord."

--I also love the landlord and the terrace level. And Ray's "References are like a rap sheet." :)

--I *love* Fraser memorizing the names of his possible future neighbors from the mailboxes. Heee! I also really love that they're kind of freaked by it. :)

--God, what an armpit this place is!! Though I do rather like that Fraser has a bead curtain, even if it is ratty beyond words. ;) Pity he doesn't keep it.

--Landlord: "On a good day, you can see Canada just across the lake." Fraser: "Canada's 480 miles due north." Landlord: "Well, you have to really squint."

--I love that the slumlord's worried that Fraser's some kind of nut. :)

--Fraser's so gorgeous running across the roofs. (Did someone say that Paul Gross did most of his own stunts? Woof!) But poor Ray trying to keep up with Fraser. ;) And getting the construction guy to help with the ladder. The only one who looks like he's having an easy time is the wolf. :)

--Heee! Fraser's quiet little "Oh" as the pipe pulls away from the wall.

--Pretty Fraser.

--And he's doing a beautiful job of intimidating Willie, very gently and sweetly!! Swoon!! I mean, the kid's there with the gun on him and he mostly just looks disappointed. (And honestly, in the face of Disappointed!Fraser I'd have been handing over the purse and the gun with no further questions and a whole bunch of apologies.)

--I liked the fluffy coat on the Dief in the pilot, he looked more lupine to me. But this one does a nice intimidating "show teeth and growl". And the odd colored eyes are a nice touch. ;)

--Fraser noticing that the safety was on on the gun. Nice! And pretty!! I always love it when his apparent naivete is, in fact, grounded in something. :)

--I love that Fraser's already making friends in his new neighborhood and getting invited to dinner. Aparently the beautiful Fraser magic works on elderly ladies as well. :)

--Ray's so shocked about Fraser letting Willie go. Ray: "You just let him go?" Fraser: "Well, not without a stern warning."

--Medieval Latin. :) Heee!

--This enterprising hukster polishing Fraser's boots while he's on statue duty is a hoot. :) That's a nice little bit. Protecting Canada from marauding cleanser salesmen.

--So Ray's there talking to Fraser while he's on guard duty, which is nice. And I love that Fraser's doing his required impassive statue imitation, until Ray says "the kid shot somebody". And Fraser reacts--by blinking twice. :) Eeee!

--I imagine I'm not supposed to ask who's guarding the consulate from cleanser salemen when Fraser goes off duty. I mean a lot of places that have ceremonial guards like that also have a ceremonial changing of the guard. And don't just let the guard walk away because his shift ended. I mean all the marauders would need to do is wait until end of shift, then the consulate's like an open smorgasbord, right? I'm probably not supposed to be mentioning it. And I actually do love that Fraser holds discipline until his shift is over.

--So Willie's as tall as 5'3" or 5'4". He didn't look that tall to me.

--Pretty Fraser.

--How did Ray get Willie's juvie arrest record?

--I love Ray and Fraser being bad cop/unbelievably honorable and good cop.

--Huey and Louis. :) Such jerks. All this pissing match between the various cops is fun, but I would find it a very hard environment to work in.

--And then Ray's *so* upset about Fraser not standing in the way of Huey and Louis taking his arrest. I'm not clear what he expected Fraser to do, though. It's not like Fraser has any standing here, right?

--Ray: "You know what your problem is? You think that if you're nice to people, people are going to be nice to you." Well, yes, Ray. And it *works* for him. You might try it sometimes. :)

--Love Fraser knowing the name of the sandwich guy. And love the sandwich guy giving him a salmon sandwich. Thus proving that what Ray thinks of as Fraser's "problem" is really a strength.

--Okay, the fact that Fraser has obviously made some sort of personal connection with the sandwich guy means that he's obviously been spending a *lot* of time around the station between the Pilot and this episode. Which is nice! (Because we are *not* slashing Fraser and the sandwich guy, despite Hugo bringing Fraser a special little gift of a salmon sandwich. I might acknowledge a little flirting on Hugo's part...but that's it!)

--And what sandwich-machine company carries salmon sandwiches?

--Ray's pretty when he's mad.

--"The kid says he'll only talk to the guy in the hat." And then Ray instantly claiming his place as "with the guy in the hat". Nice! :) God Fraser's interrogation technique is gentle, and still relentless. That's nice.

--I also kind of like that he's almost getting annoyed with Ray as he's kibbitzing and making snide remarks to Willie. :)

--I really love Ray here. He obviously doesn't like Huey and Louis, so he's arguing against them, defending Fraser and his position, despite the fact that when they're alone he doesn't agree with Fraser.

--Fraser: "I'm afraid I'm not all that well liked up there, sir." Welsh: "By up there you mean..." Fraser: "Pretty much all of Canada, sir." ::pets Fraser:: (And I want to pop Huey and Louis for laughing at Fraser's situation.)

--Ray: "It's a Mountie thing, sir. Two more points and he gets to go camping." :)

--Oooh! I'm not sure how much I like Welsh making *Vecchio*'s shield dependent on Fraser keeping the kid. For one thing, Fraser said he'd take the kid on *his* personal responsibility. Ray doesn't look very happy about it either.

--Man, Ray's more than a little pissy about Elaine flirting with Fraser. So is he still ticked about Fraser sort of coopting his case, is he Jealous about Elaine (she is damned pretty), is he jealous of Fraser? :)

--And her determination to get Fraser's number is pretty funny! Poor Fraser!

--Fraser was making rather nice eyes at her, until he figured out that she's flirting. Then he gets all uncomfortable. :)

--He really seems *quite* flabbergasted by all the women at the police station coming onto him. :)

--Nice shot of them going after Willie.

--Yay for Diefenbaker for getting the kid back!

--Ray: "This kid is making me very angry."

--I love this old lady petting Diefenbaker. :) And Fraser being so nice and introducing them. Ray's trying to be all tough and "give me the bag" and Fraser intercedes. I assume that Ray wasn't on their "community based policing" committee at the station.

--Celeste: "Why this money is blue?" Fraser: "It's Canadian." Celeste: "I am not."

--Okay, so the lady thief, presumably the short one from the heist, *knows* that what she and her cronies stole was phony bearer bonds. Huh.

--Ah, Fraser taking the kid home is nice. "Can you make a bed?" Willie: "You mean out of twigs?" And I love that he put Willie to work when they got back to his apartment, throwing out the junk and making the place...spartan is not an adequate word for the apartment, but at least it's now habitable. And then paying him. That's nice!

--Love the smile!

--I love Fraser sleeping on a bedroll on the floor. :)

--Willie: "Fraser, do you know that even crack dealers are afraid to come into this neighborhood?"

--Good job on Elaine getting a defnite make on a suspect from Willie's description of her. Yay! And her wanting to talk to Fraser instead of Ray. Hee!

--Very effective of them to leave Dief to watch over
Willie in the car.

--Hee! Fraser helping people with the doors again. "Do all Canadians grow up longing to be doormen?"

--Fraser's got a very good point in wondering about why they had the robbery at 5:00 pm at the busiest time of the day. Of course, we learn later that there's a perfect explanation for it. But still. Nice!

--What is up with Fraser's hair here??

--Okay, so the wormy bank guy is making me *very* suspicious. I'm not sure why. All I'm sure of is that I'm suspicious. (Obviously I'm more like Ray with hunches.)

--Ray: "He is in on it. Don't ask me how I know, but I know. How do you know?" Fraser: "The same way you do." Ray: "I guessed." Fraser: "Oh." (And really seriously on the hair! The spiked sticky-up look is just so wrong on Fraser.)

--Okay, so actually tearing myself away from the dialog and the pretty here. I'm glad that Fraser and Ray are doing this little scene in the elevator where they talk out the case. Because I've gotten a mite distracted from it. I mean come on, just look at the pretty...

--Okay, so they've got the question down to how the wormy guy got the bonds out of the office. So, those of you who, on your first watching, thought that the broken air vent in the vault would have something to do with this, raise your hands. ::hand up:: Yeah. Though that doesn't really solve wormy guy's problem, it just delays it for a bit. Still, I was just *sure* that vent would have something to do with it!

--Poor Willie getting threatened by the bad guys. And Dief switches from "Don't let the kid leave the car" to "Don't let the bad guys take the kid" very quickly. Good wolf!

--Hee, okay, using the horse carriage to chase after Willie and the Bad Guys is pretty silly, but rather fun. I love that Ray seems to be really enjoying himself. :)

--I suppose handling a team of dogs isn't all that different from handling a horse and carriage.

--Okay, so the Bad Guys are going after Willie because he can identify the girl. Fair enough. But doesn't it occur to them that making this much of a fuss and a...spectacle of themselves is only going to make things worse.

--So why didn't Dief go after Willie when he ran away?

--Ray: "No one is more chagrinned than myself, sir." I love the way Ray talks!!

--So Welsh is being a jerk here. If he listened to the report that Ray and Fraser gave him, he would know that they heard the kid being attacked in the car *before* they got to anywhere they could have made a report from. And then immediately they were in pursuit. I suppose when you're the boss you don't *have* to be reasonable. But still!

--Fraser's telling stories about his father again. And getting them mixed up again. :) "It was something about tying your wallet to your underwear. I was very young at the time."

--So wait, the courier was able to walk out with the bonds?? Oh...but of course they weren't in an envelope that said "Stolen Bonds", it probably said "Krupshak Account" or something (if it said anything at all) and the courier accepted it as just another package.

--I love the way Fraser and Ray are finishing each other's sentences here in the Riv. ;) Nice!!

--I actually admire the ingenuity of the wormy guy here. Send the Krupshak Account paperwork to a fictious address. Allow it to bounce back to the depot. Then appear with an ID showing him to be the original sender, all apologies for the mistake. Will repost the package.

--So how do the Bad Guys know where to find wormy guy? Maybe they went through the same logic that Fraser and Ray did.

--So wormy guy's trying to escape with the bonds through the back of the post-office? Dumb!!

--Fraser: "I'm here in an unofficial capacity. Do you mind if I...?"

--So this is what happened to those dishes my mother sent to me. They were in one of these stacks of boxes that got kicked over, sat on, etc. :)

--Eeee! I love this whole sequence, from the Bad Woman pulling her gun on Ray all the way through to the tag!!

--Ray has a bling-y pinkie ring!! Cool!! Unfortunately it doesn't bling in the screencap.

--Fraser: "You alright, Ray?" Ray: "I'm well, Fraser, and you?" While he's got a gun pointed to his neck. :)

--Heee!! And the whole thing with the Woman and Fraser about his gun!! Eeee! I also love that they establish here that Fraser's a sharpshooter. So that if we ever do see him with a gun (I haven't seen MOTB yet but I know it's coming) we already know he can handle one. :) Nice!

--Woman: "Show me the gun!!" Fraser: "Well, we'd have to go back to my office."

--Ray: "That's good, Benny, threaten her with your camping utensils."

--I love Fraser trying to talk her out of having him pick up the bonds. ;) Hee!! "So you see, the problem is that now that I have the bonds in my hands, I'm honor-bound not to give them to you." Both the woman and Ray are horrified. :)

--Ray cuffing the woman is rather nice though. He's definitely got his own sort of hotness.

--Fraser: "She shot my hat, Ray." Poor Fraser. He seems, quite reasonably, more than a little out of it at this moment. Of course, she shot him in the *hat* which means she was just a whisker from shooting him in the head. So he's a entitled. And Ray is going along with his concern about his hat, because of the whole almost shot thing.

--I love their conversation afterwards about trust as well. Fraser: "Eventually, I'd draw her fire and you'd get your shot. And I knew you'd trust me." Ray: "But I didn't." Fraser: "Yes, you did." (I'm not going to quote the whole scene, though it's just delightful. You'll have to watch it for yourself. ETA: As moon_brain has pointed out this whole scene is available here on you-tube.)

--Fraser: "You're my friend. You're my best friend I'd have to say." Ray: "I am? Hey, exactly how many best friends have you had?" And Ray looks so cute at that.

--Ray's spinning such a line with Elaine and totally leaving out that Fraser did in fact save him from the guy on the conveyor belt. And then when Fraser appears, he tells her about the pinning his wallet to his underwear thing. Hee! Jealous Ray!

--I *love* Willie showing up at the police station at the end! And Ray's smile when Welsh tells him good work! That's *nice*!!

--He's got *such* a nice smile!!

--Okay, Fraser in uniform is hothothot, but the civvies just make me go GUH! I guess it's because we don't see them that often.

--I *love* Ray just handing his wallet over to Fraser!! "Fine, here, take the wallet. Just give me an allowance."

--And one more pretty pic of Fraser. :)

--So why doesn't Ray want Fraser trying to rescue people around the city? I mean I get that Fraser can't save everyone. But Hell, Fraser gets that too. But if he wants to make the big city smaller by adopting a neighborhood and making it better, why's it a problem for Ray? Well, except that Fraser's using his money for it. :)

All screencaps are my own. Feel free to use them however you like. I'm not sure what hotlinking is but I gather it's bad, so maybe it'd be nicer if you didn't.

My other due South Episode Notes


due south, screencaps, episode notes

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