Episode Notes: Sentinel "Out of the Past"

Dec 07, 2006 22:30

After the *wonderfulness* of Flight, this episode is something of a disappointment. I mean seriously, there's no one who doesn't act like an idiot in this one (except Simon, he stays pretty with it). Angie Ferris is a dingbat, her kid Pam's a stealth-ninja child, Blair makes one very crucial stupid mistake, Weston (the bad guy) makes several.

And to top it all of this episode is basically the Big Sentinel Smackdown. Over and over again!

On the other hand, the guys look gorgeous. Simon shows his love of music. We get the the dials for controlling Jim's senses. And I rather like Angie's song.

Overall grade: B- I guess. Nah, make that a B for the pretty and the dials.

Notes on watching: Out of the Past

--I actually quite like this song that they give to the singer character, Angie.

--Okay, this escaped convict is a skeezer. Even before he blows up his friend, it was pretty obvious. (My first hint was that he stole the dead guard's cigarettes.)

--Boy he's got a major hate on for the singer doesn't he?

--Very quick to the first of the gratuitous pretty Blair pics this time. I mean look at that curl just over his cheekbone there. That's nice!

--Jim: "As far as I'm concerned the last group worth listening to was Santana." :)

--I love Simon's description of Angie's music!! Heee! He's trying to play cool, "My son listens to her", but no dice. :) Describing the rhythm. Hee! Jim looks incredulous and Blair looks amused. :)

--Blair: "I really dig it when the older generation gets into new stuff."

--So Ray Weston (I'm going to try and remember actual names this time and not call him Creepy Guy) is a "classic profile of a stalker" according to the marshall. I would have thought that the defacing of the pictures of Angie Ferris (Singer Lady) would take him outside those boundaries, but what do I know?

--I normally like Blair in blue, but that red Henley's prety damned nice.

--So I guess Weston can tell that Jim's a cop because he got into the building just by flashing a badge.

--Hee, you'd think they were walking down a narrow tunnel rather than a normal hall. :)

--Blair: "What do you think?" Jim: "She's no Aretha Franklin."

--Okay, so Blair's obviously enjoying this music, obviously. He's apparently got pretty eclectic musical taste--because this is nothing like the grunge he was listening to in Switchman.

--Okay, so Angie's kid, Pam, is not the brightest bulb in the chandelier. Jim told her he was a cop but she didn't ask for a badge. And apparently her mother'd told her not to do that.

--Blair's a consultant to the police department. :) That's nice.

--Why is Angie lying about not knowing Ray Weston? What precisely does she think it's going to gain her to deny any knowledge of the man?

--Jeeze, there's that devastating eyes-hair-mouth combo Blair!Effect! Woof!

--And what does she think she's gaining by refusing a police officer as protection? I've seen this episode before, but I don't remember her motivations here.

--You'd think that Jim would get Blair his own cell phone rather than continually handing Blair his and saying "Call for backup". :D

--I love Jim leaving Blair guarding Angie and Pam, that's just such...well he wouldn't do that if he didn't trust Blair to handle the situation. And specifically to handle the guy who just took out the ex-marine, black belt security guard. How he expects Blair to do that, I don't know though. :)

--So why is Weston waiting at the door in an ambush for Jim? How did he know Jim would be coming down after him?

--I really like intense Jim using his hearing to hear the gun cocking. Nice!

--Now, surely cops are trained in techniques for subduing suspects that don't give them the kind of opening Jim just gave Weston. Sigh!

--And how did this guy learn to fight like this? I mean this isn't prison brawling, this appears to my untutored eye to be disciplined fighting.

--Okay, so I'm a little boy--I like the visual effect of Jim going through the glass door.

--Don't ask me to explain why I like this shot of Jim crumpled on the ground. I really couldn't say.

--Okay, now having dispatched Jim and Andy the guard and stolen Jim's gun. (He really must have a locker full of identical guns at the station) why did Weston leave rather than plucking Angie's apartment like a ripe melon?

--Jim's looking pretty damned abused, already, and the smackdown's just begun. Poor thing. Blair will just have to give him nice hot baths and maybe a bag of frozen peas.

--Angie is dumb as a box of *bricks*!! Where does she think she's going? Why doesn't she think Weston's going to come back for her?

--Okay, I seriously admire Jim's restraint here for not taking her by the shoulders and shaking her until her teeth rattle.

--Jim's obviously not thrilled about being stuck on guard duty when he shoudl be out looking for the bad guy...sorry, Weston. (The epithets are more fun. :D)

--Love Blair helping Pam with her homework. So pretty! And apparently he's talking with Pam about going up the Amazon, so we know he's been to Brazil. And the glasses!! I love his glasses!

--Okay, the Blair!Effect with his glasses on the top of his head is really very effective as well. :)

--Pam has a pager. :)

--They're actually doing Jim's bruises fairly realistically. Because when he was talking to Simon immediately after his fight with Weston they weren't really showing yet, and now they're purpling up.

--Jim: "I don't know too much about kids, but it seems to me that if you protect them too much they won't be prepared for the way things really are." That seems to be saying *volumes* about how Jim was raised!

--Oook! Weston is such a skeezer!

--Why are you asking Angie what Weston said, Jim? You could hear every word of it.

--Jim, you're breaking your promise to the terrified woman that you'd be the one watching over her. Oook! I don't much like that!

--So how did Weston get all of that booby trap rigged up at the hotel room with only a couple of minutes?

--Jeeze, I can see the temptation for Blair of Angie asking him to help pick a track for her new album, but dude, you're on the job. At least have your *eyes* open!! On the other hand, I"m not really going to object to the pretty here. :)

--Jim's obviously a pretty reasonably tempered guy, despite what much fanfic tells us, because he's *not* ripping strips out of Blair here. Just giving him a very disappointed face.

--Blair: "Wait a minute, I don't know if it means anything, but I saw the red light for the phone on." Jim: "So somebody was making a call." Blair: "Pam was asleep. It had to be Angie." Jim: "I'll make a cop out of you yet." So even now Jim's trying to make a cop out of Blair. ;) And Blair's *not* objecting.

--Eeee!! Love Blair guiding Jim in reading the impressions off the pad of scratch paper!! That's nice!!

--So now Jim and Blair are driving in their bloody obvious (and probably by now known by Weston) truck to the address on the pad. So if Weston didn't know where Angie and Pam'd gone, he could figure it out. Good, good. *sigh*

--Jim: "If you see anything call me." Blair: "On what" Jim: "Just call me." Blair: "Oh, right, right, right." Eeee!! Usually Blair knows more about Jim's senses and what they're capable of than Jim does, but not this time.

--Pretty Jim!!

--Love the zooming-in sight effect on the deer! :)

--So the Stupid Twit shot him?? Sigh!! Yeah, she's real qualified to take care of herself and her daughter.

--Yay!! Jim in the muscle shirt with his *arms*! Though I want to shove Angie the Twit out of the way and let Blair be the one tending to the gunshot wound on his arm. I bet Blair wishes he could do that...

--Blair's edifying the child with happy stories about Indian women eating the placenta after they give birth. Nice! That's real age appropriate for a 10 year old. :D

--Pam: "Is he lying to me?" Jim: "I, I don't think so. Usually if Blair says something it's true." So this is *good* countervailing evidence for the Blair is a chronic stretcher of the truth thing (which, admittedly is also canonically based. I just don't like it. :) ) I also love the way he looked to Blair while answering that question.

--Heee! Jim's face when Blair asks if there's something going on between him and Angie! :)

--Why is Angie trying to keep Pam in the dark? I guess she knows how Pam's going to react to knowing who's after them.

--Oooh, I like the lighting on Jim in this scene, even if he is showing the effects of the smackdown. And it's not over yet...

--Jim (to Angie): "I think we need to have a talk and this time I need the truth."

--Okay, so Angie wasn't giving the cops the information they needed to protect her and *her child* because she didn't want to maybe get busted for being an accessory to a convenience store robbery? Jesus!

--Jim is a good sympathetic listener.

--No, that wasn't her issue. 'Cause she's immune from prosecution in the convenience store robbery and jewelry store robbery. Her issue was...what then???

--Why isn't she proud of what she did?? She turned in a criminal. That's something to be proud of. She turned in a criminal she *loved* that takes a lot of guts!

--Pretty, slightly mussed, just fucked out of bed, Blair!

--Yay!! It's the dials scene!!

--Blair: "Your body just becomes an open receptor for whatever stimuli comes your way..." out of context that's almost erotic. And Blair seems to be coming to such a realization--like he just figured out what he could do with that. Of course, in context, he's just figuring out why Jim's flesh wound hurts so much.

--Blair: "You've got to be able to control the intensity, turn it up and down at will." Eeee!!

--Blair: "Now, let's remember our breathing." Which gets him *such* a look from Jim. :D

--Blair: "You've got the attention span of a gerbil." Heee!!

--Blair: "Let's journey to that part of the brain where your senses converge." Jim: "What is this, Fantastic Voyage?" Blair: "Jim if you don't want to cooperate..." Jim: "Alright, alright, I'm converging."

--Geeze, Pretty Blair again!!

--Poor abused Jim is still pretty, and it's so nice watching him let Blair guide him into some moderately poofy stuff here. :)

--Jim: "Wow. Yeah!" And he looks so impressed and pleased at Blair. :)

--Okay, so Jim's feeling all relaxed and the pain that was keeping him awake is gone. Yeah, good idea for him to send Blair back to bed. Lord, everyone in this episode acts like a dip!

--Man, Weston's such a skeezer! Lying to an innocent kid. And playing on her emotions like that. Damn!

--Okay, so did Jim dial down *all* of his senses when he turned down the pain, maybe? Actually, that hypothesis makes more sense than that Pam's a little Ninja-child in pink, who can sneak up to Jim the former Green Beret and take something that he's in physical contact with, without him even *noticing*. They obviously haven't perfected the dials thing yet, so it's possible he kind of *cross* dialled. Maybe. I mean, hell, that's a thunderous storm, and he's sleeping pretty soundly.

--Yuck, Jim, stop making nice with the dim-witted singer lady and go find your guide. (Though, slash glasses, off, it's rather a nice scene and I like that shirt she gave Jim.)

--Why do TPTB on this show want us to think that Jim goes after shallow relationships with a series of women who move in and out of his life? This is common to a lot of episodic TV and I *never* get it.

--Pretty Jim!

--Now Blair's getting the smackdown. This is a tough episode for our boys.

--So is Ray still using Jim's gun that he stole from him?

--And Jim realizes he was out-maneuvered by a 10 year old girl. Well, at least he's pretty! :)

--And then Blair bounces up from being dropped long enough to deflect one shot and get dropped again. Poor Blair!!

--Why doesn't Jim have a backup weapon? Or does he?

--Why isn't Angie staying with her kid rather than standing and helping *no one* by just watching Jim get smacked down by Weston again.

--Angie's lying through her *teeth*. And Weston is with it enough to realize it. He's crazy, but not that crazy.

--So do you suppose that Jim realized that the scaffolding was electrically charged when he basically shoved Weston into it?? Was he trying to kill the guy or not?

--Lamer tag--though I love Blair's enthusiasm about getting the recording of Angie's new album. And Jim's tolerant smile. But why do I want to see Jim with Angie at the end of an ep??

--Eeee! And then Simon begging a chance to listen to it too. "I knew we'd find some common ground, Simon." :)

--And the culmination of the smackdown--Jim needs a few days off so that Blair can take care of him. Though Blair's looking a little battered too so maybe they're taking care of each other.

All screencaps are my own. Feel free to use them however you like. But don't hotlink, that's not nice. Also, mucho thanks to dragonladyk for teaching me a better and faster way to add the pictures to the post.

Sentinel Episode Notes

The Debt
Night Train
Love and Guns
Vow of Silence

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