Episode Notes: due South "Chinatown"

Jan 07, 2007 15:32

Oh, God, I love this show!! I love this show in general and this episode in specific.


They were on a *date*!! Eeee!! Ray taking care of Fraser emotionally! ::swoons:: The closet!! ::squeal::

This episode was so focused on Fraser's senses, hearing and taste and smell, I was expecting the music from The Sentinel to play.

spikedluv has posted quotes from Chinatown over at her LJ so be sure and check them out. She got some of my *favorite* scenes!

I'm just...happy happy happy after this episode!

Notes on watching Chinatown (with a bunch of screencaps)

--Dief's wearing a collar? I guess that goes with the wolf license.

--Ray's showing Fraser the ropes of the really Chinese Chinese restaurants. Heee! I love retaurants like this, with deep fried sea cucumber and stewed jellyfish on the menu. (I never eat that strange stuff, but I love seeing it there. :) )

--Oh, poor Dief! Man, Ray's being all mean to him. After Ray offends Dief, Fraser says: "Well, there you go. Now you've done it. Satisfied?" Ray: "Strangely, yes." So is Ray maybe jealous of Fraser's wolf?

--OMG this is such a date, because look, Fraser's in his good suit (hee!) and all. Awesome!

--I almost feel bad for Ray here because he *so* wants to be giving Fraser something new here, and Fraser just takes over. ::hugs Ray:: It must be hard trying to impress the Most Competent Man In The Universe.

--Cute, smug looking Ray!

--Mmm!! The tongue thing!!

--Heee! I love Fraser ordering in Chinese though. "I just went with the specials."

--And now Ray's realizing what he's up against in trying to court Fraser. Daunting!

--I *love* that they're not giving subtitles for the Chinese here. They're just letting it be completely mysterious what any of them are saying.

--Oh, Fraser's telling Ray about his family!! That's so *awesome*! ::hugs Fraser:: They're so on a date. Though Ray appears to be a little rattled still.

--So Fraser's grandparents had a library in China before moving to Inuvik. Interesting. Always librarians.

--And this pic almost looks like Fraser realises something's not quite right with their date, and he looks sad about it.

--Fraser worrying about Dief is so cute. "He's a wild animal!"

--Mmm! That looks like a fantastic feast. I wonder if I can convince the hubby that we need Chinese for dinner.

--So nice Restaurant Kid's not being at all suspicious of dude in car that's observably fancy enough to have a lighter, asking him for a light? Poor kid!

--Yay! Good on him for kicking out the window though. That's a situation where you want to attract a *lot* of attention.

--Fraser immediately picking up on the broken glass as being a problematic noise (though honestly in a restaurant how uncommon is it really?). And Ray's just confused as Fraser's getting up.

--Ray: "Oh, no. Benny, not the window! I don't think they have doors in Canada."

--Good on Dief for saving the nice homeless guy who'd given him food! Yay! Dief!

--God I love the running in the red uniform. That's just *so* pretty!!

--Oh yeah!!

--Heck, while Fraser was listening like that I expected them to zoom in on his ears like they do in The Sentinel.

--Poor Ray, trying to get the Restaurant owner and the witnesses to speak English.

--Okay, while the credits are rolling may I just say, that was a *very* sweet scene. I mean before the kidnapping tangled things up they were on a date!! I *love* it!! ::does a happy slashy dance::

--Does Chicago really have this neat of a Chinatown? Though if it's really a *China*town, why is there a Pho restaurant. :)

--Oh, God, Huey and Louie. Meh!! Do they eventually learn to take Fraser's word on things or are they like the kids from Scooby Doo the entire series? (You know--always thinking that something supernatural's going on, but it's every single episode it's just Ed The Cranky Old Caretaker in a monster mask.)


--How much do I love that Ray's not even bothering to talk to Huey and Louie, he's just talking to Fraser? Happy happy!

--At least Ray doesn't seem to be letting their dismissal rankle him so much. "You guys going back to the donut shop so soon?"

--Or maybe he's just putting on a good front for Huey and Louie. Because once they're gone... Ray: "Okay, have you humiliated me enough for one night, or do we need to cruise the neighborhood so you can smell out a robbery?"


--Oh, man this Baby Bad Guy looks like he isn't legal to drive, yet.

--The Tong? That's not good.

--Fraser: "If you give them what they want, they'll take it and they'll still betray you."

--What the hell is this thing with the fragrant date??

--Fraser: "That's a cultural stereotype, Ray." Ray: "Yeah, look who's talking." Heeee!! And look how close they're walking.

--Heee! I love that the next thing we see is them talking to Mr. Lee at the station!!

--I like that olive green on Ray, though I'm not quite sure about the shirt underneath it.

--Fraser: "Perhaps we should all step out?"

--The FBI are taking over the case?? Why??

--Ray just loves seeing Louie get shown up, even if it's someone else doing it!

--Poor Mr. Lee. He just wants the nice Chinese-speaking Mountie to help him and he's winding up with a pissing match right in front of him.

--Ray defending his case!! Why would Huey and Louie even *think* it was theirs. Vecchio called them in for *backup*, not to take it over. (And honestly when a detective calls for backup, would dispatch roll out other detectives instead of a patrol unit?)

--God I love the brown uniform! And I love Fraser trying to be the voice of reason and calm!

--FBI guy 1: "Who's he?" Welsh: "He's a Mountie." FBI 1: "What's he doing here?" Welsh: "I'm never entirely sure." Heee!

--"There are some fishermen on the East Coast with a remarkably whimsical accident." Heee! Newfies!

--So Fraser's talking about cooperation and FBI 1 is saying he knows nothing about police work? Sigh!! Probably not an entirely innacurate statement about American interjurisdictional cooperation. But still. Sigh!

--Fraser thanking Welsh for his time! :)

--Oh, man. Poor Mr. Lee! FBI 1's not coming off as a total incompetent here, though I don't think his approach is going to *work*!!

--Fraser: "Put your trust in the law."

--Since Fraser isn't officially off the case (on account of never having been officially on it) why can't he investigate on his own. With Ray along, of course, because they like each other's company.

--Ray: "The kid is done for. The FBI guys couldn't find Waldo if they took the book home for the weekend." Hee!

--Eee! They're going into the closet together! Heee!

--And then letting in Dief!! Hee! And how delighted am I by the fact that Ray was cool with the idea of him and Fraser in the closet, but three in a closet is where he draws the line. Hee


--Ray: "I'm sitting in a dark closet with a mountie being licked by a deaf wolf. That was the wolf wasn't it?" Heee!

--Ray obviously thinks Fraser's nuts, but he's going along with it! I *love* that!

--Heee! Busted in the closet together! :)

--It's amazing that Elaine still wants Fraser after this--on account of her thinking he's gay nuts and all. :)

--Ray: "Is it strictly necessary to humiliate me every step of the way? I mean, is it necessary." Fraser: "Ray, Ray, please. I can't have the both of you sulking." Heee!! Gotta love Fraser's people skills here. ;)

--Fraser: "You know, you let a wolf save your life and they make you pay and pay and pay." Heeee!!

--And then Ray's response: "That's why I don't own a wolf." :)

--Huey: "Louis, try to grasp this concept. A Mountie and a badly dressed Italian are solving more cases than we are." Heeee!! Okay, so Huey's planning something unscrupulous and Gardino's objecting. Huh!! That's not what I anticipated.

--Fraser's not fastening his seatbelt?

--So the FBI guys are the ones who want the bug on Fraser and Ray? Why? They think Fraser doesn't know the first thing about police work. grrrr!!

--Love this pic for some reason!

--Why does Ray feel more and more like Dale Evans?? :)

--Ray: "Spend a lot of time alone as a kid, Fraser?" Fraser: "Yes." So matter of fact about it! Poor Fraser!

--Why isn't he wearing his hat??

--Ah! Nice!

--I *love* that Fraser's succeeding in tracking the Town Car through the streets of Chicago. ::hugs Fraser::

--Fraser: "What does this smell like?" Ray: "Mud."

--Ray actually winds out seeming impressed with Fraser here. I like that!

--So they bugged *Elaine* instead of Vecchio? What the hell for?!

--Okay, so FBI 1 and FBI 2 are now going to go and mess up things at the laundry?? Do they even care about recovering this kid alive?

--Love this picture too! Love that Ray's finally hearing what Fraser heard. :)

--Wait, the FBI are shooting the place the *fuck* up without a single word of warning or *anything*! What the hell *was* that!? Besides a massive clusterfuck.

--Fraser and Ray better not get in any trouble for that!

--They're interrogating the Baby Bad Guy!?

--Oh, Poor Fraser. Mr. Lee blaming him for the kid's death is just about going to kill him. And I love it when he's just swallowing down his reaction, keeping his emotions inside. Ray's trying to comfort him by shifting the onus to Mr. Lee ("This is what you get for trying to help someone?"), but Fraser's keeping the blame on himself. This is so...::hugs both of them::

--Worried Ray!!

--::swoons and flails:: God, god, god!! Fraser's dying inside because the kid's going to get killed so Ray's going to Welsh, to Welsh, and *fighting* for this case. "I need this one, sir." But he needs it for *Fraser*!! ::collapses with love:: And then when Welsh doesn't give it to him (because, really, his hands *are* tied) he just storms out and slams the door!! ::swoons again::

--And now Ray's taking them into the bathroom rather than the closet. Oh, I get it. How did Ray ever figure out that he could hear what was going on in the interrogation rooms from that particular bathroom? And what is that pipe *supposed* to be carrying? I guess it's an air vent.

--Fraser: "Isn't this eavesdropping?" Ray: "I'll make sure they take away your merit badge later." Heee!

--Oh, man, FBI 1 is really trying to get both Mr. Lee and the kid killed! What a *moron*!! I know it's legal for cops to lie during interrogations, they have a lot more lattitude than one thinks they might have, but that was just fucking *stupid*!!

--So Fraser's collecting the nail clippings? Why?

--Ray: "Oh, oh, oh. Don't do that!" Fraser: "Just close your eyes. It won't bother you."

--Ray: "Do you do this a lot? Try to solve cases by gnawing on ammunition?" Fraser: "Well, I admit, it is a calculated risk, Ray, but I am a professional. This is not for amateurs." Heee!

--Dief's still in a snit. "...pay and pay and pay."

--Oh, I love that Mrs. Lee is coming to Fraser and Ray to get help for her husband and her son! That's *nice*!! I wonder if Mr. Lee knows she's there.

--How does Fraser know there they're going?

--I love Fraser quoting Chicago law at Ray!

--And I love them using Elaine to get misinformation to the Feds. And Huey and Louie.

--So is Dief going to wind out being there with them?

--Oh, Mr. Lee just rocks my socks!! He's going along with the Baby Bad Guy's demands for humiliation and submission, but hiding a gun in the box!! Such a great guy!

--And Fraser and Ray, knowing the Riv is bugged (and when did that happen) are staying quiet now!!

--Love the music, love the way they're paralleling everything, love this show! Wonderful!!

--Love the *lighting*!

--Goon: "You're a cop. You won't shoot me." Ray: "I'm not that good a cop." ::swoons::

--So the bad guys are shooting in a fireworks factory?

--Eeee!! ActionHero!Fraser! God!!

--And Hero!Ray!! Ray not be able to box worth a damn, but he's a good fighter!

--Love love love Fraser checking to make sure Ray's okay before going after the running guy!! ::wibble::

--Where's the kid?

--Yay!! Dief to the rescue!!

--God, Ray!! ::fans self::

--Oh, I love the reunion scene with Mr. Lee and the kid!! And the later one with Mrs. Lee checking to make sure he's okay!!

--Heeee!! The FBI outside the empty building, and then shooting up the fireworks factory because they really are morons--and Huey and Louis are right there with them. :)

--Ray: "Well, you have to admire their timing." :)

--Eeee! Love them looking to each other so satisfied and happy at the end!!

--Oh, God!! Then it ends with them resuming their interrupted date!! And Fraser's going to fix the sights on Ray's gun!! Eeee!!

--Elaine's totally figuring out that Fraser's gay her attraction to Fraser is hopeless! And bemoaning her fate to Diefenbaker. :) I was so expecting her to end her rant about Fraser with "and then you find him in a supply closet with another man." Hee!

--And one last pretty because I can.

All screencaps are my own. Feel free to use them however you like.

due South Episode Notes

Free Willie
Diefenbaker's Day Off
They Eat Horses, Don't They?
Pizza and Promises

due south, screencaps, episode notes

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