Episode Notes: due South "Diefenbaker's Day Off"

Dec 17, 2006 15:44

This episode isn't *nearly* as slashy as "Manhunt" (hell, Ray's barely in half of it), though it's hardly fair to expect any episode to be as slashy as "Manhunt". To it's credit, it's almost overwhelming with the Hot!Fraser, though, so it kind of evens out anyway. I think I might have brain damage from collapsing in a faint from the pretty so many times.

The story itself is nice. I don't generally like kids on TV, they tend to be saccharine, but Lucy's pretty cool and I love her relationship with her dad. And I *adore* Ray coming through with the wolf license for Fraser!

I'll be watching this one again and again and again just for the scene of Fraser in the bath and getting dressed (and polishing his boots ::dies::).

And Hugo the Vending Machine Guy is back!! With more little love gifties for Fraser!

spikedluv has a heap of *awesome* quotes from the episode, right over here. Be sure and go check them out, she's caught a lot of wonderful stuff!

Notes on Watching: Diefenbaker's Day Off (with the usual lots of screencaps)

--Hey, Fraser's apartment is getting some decoration--he's got a clock in the shape of a sun.

--Oooh, a nice beauty shot of Dief. Is this the same dog as in "Free Willie"?

--And it's amazing how quickly the pretty starts this episode (it's the ohsoGUH brown uniform).

--I *love* Fraser's conversation with Dief here!! "No, no! You can't take that attitude. These are hard working civic employees." Watching him get dressed is just the icing on the cake. (I refuse to admit how ... appealing I found watching him thread the strap of his Sam Browne through his epaulettes to be.)

--Okay, apparently I'm in a lupine mood this morning, because so far I have as many nice pics of Dief as Fraser.

--I really love this conversation with Dief. Fraser: "So it's agreed?" Dief: whiny whuff Fraser (surprised): "Good. I'll see you after work."

--Smart Dief waiting until Fraser's actually walking away before he leaves through the window.

--And the neighbors are still slamming their doors in Fraser's faces. Except the one who accepted his help, that's cool.

--So I take it the elevator in this place is mostly decorative? (I'm guessing that that cage type thing in the stairwell is an elevator shaft.) Of course, I doubt I'd trust my life to an elevator in that building.

--This is going to sound really strange, but I love the fact that not everyone on this show is pretty. In so much television even the store clerks and background folks are pretty. This little kid, a major guest star if I remember right, is just a kid. Cute enough, but not a shining little cherub or anything. I love that.

--I love her little ritual with her dad.

--I love Fraser knowing her name. And her immediately knowing that it's because her name is on her lunch box. She really is a cool little kid.

--Hee, Fraser's answer to the question of whether or not he's a policeman!! Hee!! Lucy: "Are you a policeman?" Fraser: "Well, yes, I am. But in Canada. And at the consulate, where I work. But outside the consulate, I'm not. Unless I'm in Canada. That's not very clear. Umm...do you know what a liaison officer is? No, of course you don't..."

--And she cuts right to the chase with "Policemen help people right?"

--Fraser's such a sweetie--though one wonders how his bosses at the consulate deal with him being late and stuff. I mean, I bet he's forever coming in late because he stopped to help a neighbor with her groceries or to stop a purse snatcher, or whatever.

--Man, Dief's been making friends with folks in the neighborhood, just like Fraser has. Hee!

--So how many people here would love to be tackled to the ground by Fraser?? ::raises hand, jumps, and makes "oo oo" noises::

--Oh, I love it when the pretty freebies fall in my lap. :)

--So Lucy's dad's obviously not all that smart if he didn't even wait until Fraser was out of earshot before getting himself hit again. How hard would it have been for him to wait fifteen minutes or something?

--I wonder who Azura Bates plays in this episode because that's such an *awesome* name!

--Oh, yeah, that's a great way to cary an injured man. Poor guy. If he wasn't hurt before, he must be now. :)

--Oh, yeah, I really like Fraser leaning up against the wall there and fidgeting with his hat.

--Why is the doctor sharing any medical information with Fraser at all?

--Doctor: "Where did you study?" Fraser: "The Inuvik Public Library. My grandparents were librarians." Heee!!

--I really do like that the guy who hit Lucy's dad is coming to the clinic looking for him. Though I'm now wondering if he's part of the scheme. (I've seen this ep before, but it's been a while, so I'm not sure about a lot of the details.)

--God that shirt Ray's wearing is horrendous!! I normally like his colorful silk shirts (you should see some of the plaids my hubby wears) but that...that looks like somene barfed up a Mai Tai on a racing flag.

--I love Fraser calling Ray for help with Dief's license. (And *of course* he's having trouble getting a license if he's advertising that Dief's a wolf. If he just tried for a dog license he'd be fine. But that's not Fraser, I guess.)

--Lady's changing clothes in a *convertible* in a parking lot. I've changed clothes in a car before, but never in a convertible.

--Heee!! Love Fraser's reaction when he comes up on her taking her shirt off!

--Can a reporter (I am right that this woman's a reporter right?) really make a living by not listening to people? I mean she asks questions but doesn't listen for the answers.


--Hee, Diefenbaker playing on the slide with the kids!! And I love Fraser thinking he'd smelled Dief, but deciding not.

--Okay, so this reporter is not *entirely* an idiot--I mean she's figuring out that there's something fishy with the "deaths" of these people in car accidents. But how she got to Fraser being involved I have no idea.

--Editor: "You're bringing me a crooked Mountie?"

--This woman strikes me as being *shockingly* shallow. I mean her idea of Hell is three months of suspension, living in her apartment with her cat. God! ::smacks her::

--McKenzie: "Tonight. Eight o'clock. His little Canadian butt is mine." Heeee! Even if she is being an unreasonable bitch!

--Dief knows Fraser's schedule well, obviously, as he gets in position to look like he's had a long boring day just as Fraser's walking in the door.

--Why is Fraser describing McKenzie as a "very nice woman"? He didn't talk to her long enough to know that, and he certainly has no reason to think so.

--God, and I love him discussing this date with Dief. "No, it's not what you're thinking? It isn't...And you know something...I, I, I don't appreciate your attitude. You're very judgemental. Just because you were right once, does not make you infallable. I am perfectly capable of handling myself in any situation. I am. I am a Mountie." As he's putting the milk in the cupboard and god knows what in the fridge. :)

--Wait, his fridge obviously works (or he wouldn't have been buying milk) so he must have the electric connected. He must just *prefer* the kerosene lamps to electric lights.

--The juxtaposition of their preparations for going out is quite amusing, even if it does look like Fraser's making more of this date than he's really turning out to make. :) (And I want all y'all to be impressed that I can use words like "juxtaposition" while the other side of my computer screen had *this* on it...)

--OMG the suspenders and the undershirt ::collapses::

--Aaaaa! And the tub!! ::emerges from the collapse only to swoon again::


--I can well imagine that Fraser's bath time is something that would draw all the women of the building out into the hall. :)

--So does his building really only have one communal bath??

--Fraser's considering his dress uniform a "good suit".

--God, I'd just recovered from the bath thing and now this.

--Does anyone else find Fraser polishing his boots to be *amazingly* sexy?? (Alas, it's unscreencappable apparently. I watched it several times just to be sure that I couldn't get a good cap of it. Devotion to duty, that is.)

--Fraser experimenting with his hair is pretty funny (and it does explain how he occasionally winds up with missteps like that spiky deal he had going in "Free Willie").

--::dies again::

--So he was putting flowers in the fridge. That's so *sweet*! He's so charmingly old-worldly.

--And then she's the late one. Hrmph!!

--Okay, I love the look on Fraser's face when the guy tips him after he opens the door. Because...there seems to be a lot there.

--One of the many things I love about Fraser is that he's so layered. On the surface he's just very sweet, good, naive, law abiding, etc. And that's all nice. But there are so many depths there. And somehow I feel like I'm seeing them here. (Humor me, I'm still recovering from my Fraser-getting-dressed induced collapse.)

--McKenzie: "Were you waiting long?" Fraser: "Actually, yes. But I, I seem to have profited by it."

--She's so surprised about him bringing her a corsage. And obviously she's realizing that whatever her plans were for the night, she's not going to be getting what she expected.

--Okay, she's thinking crooked Mountie and he's giving her corsages, he's in *uniform*, and he looking at her all earnest and intent. If I were her I'd be rethinking my basic hypothesis.

--So who is McKenzie King that Fraser's recognizing the name and asking if she's related? I know dS does this with a lot of people's names...

--Is she actually eating anything or is she just watching Fraser take apart the lobster with his pocket knife?

--Heeee!! I absolutely *adore* that Fraser figured out that she wasn't what she appeared to be right from the beginning and went to the dinner not expecting a date but expecting to find out information that he could use to help Charlie!! Eeee!! ::hugs Fraser:: Didn't like him acting all goochy, but I love him not having been a gooch after all!! Eeeee!! (This is one of the scenes that spikedluv got, so go and read the wonderful dialogue here.)

--And I love that he's just completely floored when she suggests that he might have been expecting *sex* from the date.

--Oh, I understand that Charlie's in a bad spot and it's hard to turn to someone, especially a stranger, for help. But...how can he resist this?

--Does Ray actually appear in this episode--I mean aside from the one scene in the tropical train wreck of a shirt?

--Poor little Lucy! But man, man, she's good with the guilt. "It's okay. You can't help everyone."


--Oh, hey, finally, there's Ray!! And he's wearing a better shirt! eeee!!

--Fraser: "I've given my word to a girl." Ray: "Fraser, you do not have to marry every girl you meet." Hee!

--Ah, Ray!

--OMG! It's Hugo again!! I totally need to post my story about Hugo! :D Eee

--Ray: "I can see you're making those minor adjustments to really bring out the flavor, Hugo." Eeee!! Ray's not being nice, but at least he's remembering the guy's name now.

--And Hugo's bringing Fraser chamomile tea!! Eeeee!! He's still flirting with Fraser!! ::bounces::

--And Ray's so certain that if Lucy's dad's doing something illegal they just need to bust him. "But then I'd be breaking my word to the little girl." Eeee! My *God* he's good looking. I just *adore* those suspenders on him!

--Fraser's turning himself in for withholding evidence. Heee!!

--Fraser: "You have to arrest me." Ray: "For what?" Fraser: "I can't tell you that." Ray: "Then I'm not going to arrest you." Fraser: "But you have to." Heee!!

--I wonder what Hugo's making of this conversation. :)

--Heeeee!! Ray: "Maybe if we can get the bigger fish, we can let the little girl's dad slide on this one." Fraser: "Would that be legal?" Ray: "Would I be offering it to you if it wasn't? [look from Fraser] It's legal, all right?"

--"On my word as a transvestite?" Huh?? But hee!

--Heeeee! I *love* Ray!! "You couldn't have said that in the first place? You had to go through the hairless wrists and the fractured mandibles?"

--However, he has a point. Why did Fraser go for the complicated explanation rather than the easy one for why they were at that particular gym? Surely it would have been easier for him just to say "He was wearing a shirt from this gym". Was he showing off. I guess he's trying to impress Ray, maybe. :D

--So Dief has made friends with a lot of people in the neighborhood. Apparently he also knows and is known by the Animal Control guy.

--Okay, I know a lot of people don't like Ray's clothes. I can get that, his look wouldn't work on just anyone. (And that shirt earlier was, truly, horrible.) But I'm going to go on record as saying that I like the way Vecchio dresses, by and large. The t-shirts (probably muscle shirts from the neckline) under the open silk shirts is a good look on him. And I love the way his crucifix nestles in his chest hair. That's hot! sassyinkpen can I count on you to back me up on this?? Please??

--On the other hand, Ray in the ring is pretty embarrassing. ::wince::

--Fraser's in the suspenders over the undershirt again and I'm just going to go die now, because that's one to many collapses from the GUH in too short a time...carry on amongst yourselves.

--Fraser: "Ah, now I believe that was my fault." heeeee!! Heee!!

--Just, just....damn!

--Fraser learned to box from a book! Heee!

--I love watching a man tie his tie.

--Poor Ray!! (Where did he get those clothes he was boxing in anyway?)

--Apparently Fraser left not entirely dressed--he's still buckling up the Sam Browne? Eeee!

--Fraser: "He's in on it" Ray: "Who?" Fraser: "The trainer." Ray: "How do you know?" Fraser: "You'll get upset." Heeee!

--"This is what they do in the Yukon? Arrest everyone who doesn't drool?"

--Heeee!! I love them watching the conversation in the gym from a neighboring roof!

--McKenzie: "I had a change of heart. Decided to see you again." Ray: "They're following you around town now?" Heee!

--"That was a stop sign, Ray. ... That was another stop sign." Heee!! What a backseat driver!

--So how's Dief doing with animal control?

--Heeee! I love Fraser asking permission before climbing the crane-thingy! And I guess for borrowing the gloves!

--Oooh! Pretty!

--"Follow me!" And Ray's there wondering *how*!

--So apparently *everyone*'s in on these crash schemes--drivers, doctors and victim? All of them?

--So I suppose Fraser threw Charlie through a plate glass window to save him from the truck, which is all good! But ouch!!

--OMG I so love the lighting on Fraser here while he's talking to this doctor!

--Hey! It's a Fraser-story!! I like this one about the wounded caribou and it being too scared to accept help. I bet he uses that one on a lot of people. ;) And OMG how can *anyone* resist him??

--Okay, I like Charlie. "All I got in my life is the way that she looks at me. That is all that I got. That is all that I need." So *sweet*!

--Fraser just *backhanding* the guy at the door and taking the gun out of his hand, like he didn't even have to *try*. "You're not going to be needing this." And then dumping the bullets of it. Without even breaking *stride*! God!! Alpha!Fraser is just so...woof!! ::smelling salts, I need smelling salts.::

--Fraser just knocked the guy out the window! Wow!

--Ray just ran the Riv into a parked car??

--The Bad Guy's stealing the Animal Control truck!!

--OMG!! Did Charlie just get smished?? Yay, no!! Whew! But I love the way he *threw* Lucy up to Fraser on the roof and that he trusted Fraser to catch her!! Eeee!!

--And Fraser's smile when they're reunited is so sweet!

--Dief looks so upset when Fraser calls him a dog. :D

--Love, love, love Ray coming through with the wolf license!! EEE!!

--Fraser: "You got it!? I only asked you once and you got it?!" Ray: "Of course I got it, you asked me for it." Eeeee! That's incredibly sweet, though. Ray's so in love!

--And then despite the fact that Ray just copied a dog license and put in the word wolf, Fraser accepts it. :) He's a complicated man, is our Fraser. Because he was prepared to be arrested rather than break his promise to Lucy, but he's prepared to accept a fake wolf license. Huh.

--A few closing caps of Fraser just because he's in the brown uniform and his collar's unbuttoned and his tie's a little loose and my resistance is completely worn down by the wonderful gorgeousness of this whole episode!

--This one in particular is just...Mmmmmm! That expression, that *mouth*! God!

--Do we ever see McKenzie again? (I'm hoping that's a no.)

All screencaps are my own, feel free to use them however you like. Except by hotlinking, please don't do that, it's not nice.

due South Episode Notes

Free Willie

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