I love this episode! This one is so wonderfully slashy, such a wonderful look at Jim's past and how he dealt with coming home from Peru (badly). Blair's wearing that red Henley again (yay!). Simon's awesome, etc.
On the downside, the basic theme of the story, that Jim is being investigated by Internal Affairs and is suspected of being corrupt and possibly a murderer, is a particular squick of mine. So there are whole chunks of the episode that are *really* uncomfortable for me.
But I still love it!
The pretty is just overwhelming and there are really an awful lot of screencaps here--over 50--so enjoy!
Notes on watching Deep Water (with screencaps)
--That is definitely a sweet old car Pendergrast's driving.
--Okay, I don't really remember this episode in the details. If this is a legitimate police operation, what the Hell is Pendergrast doing out here in the middle of nowhere all by himself with a sack full of money? I remember there's something to do with a kidnapping...well I guess I'll find out.
--Jim was partered with Jack four years before the present of the episode, it says. And this was, apparently before Carolyn came into his life (because I don't see her having the slightest little bit of tolerance for the whole Village People look). Which means their meeting, courtship and marriage took place in something less than four years, probably a lot less, because I don't think I'm just hallucinating that they've been divorced for about a year when "Switchman" happens.
--Wow, Internal Affairs is getting involved in this one quick. And yes, it's yet another TS BOTW who wears short skirts and, almost certainly, doesn't want the men to look at her legs. Sigh!
--Simon: [thwaps Blair in the chest] "Cool it with the eyes, will ya?"
--they find the body of the kidnap victim in the back of Jack's car, and the IA Woman is all judgemental and closed minded, as IA always is in cop shows. Jim: "Sounds like you've already made up your mind."
--So why is Simon telling *Jim* to keep an open mind, when it doesn't appear as though IA woman is keeping an open mind at all? I suppose Simon has a modicum of control over Jim and basically none over IA Woman.
--I love how confident Jim is about his old partner. Even though we don't really know details yet. And he's wearing that miraculous terra cotta shirt from "Vow of Silence" again. Actually, no--same color, different shirt. Yay, he owns two of them! And Blair's just so cute and confused.
--Hey, it's a non-annoying exposition dump. There's a good reason for Simon to be explaining all of this to Blair. Yay, good writing! :)
--So according to Simon, that thing at the beginning was supposed to be a legitimate hostage exchange--so why was the procedure so slipshod? No radio contact. No backup. No *nothing*.
--And it's the first of the Village People flashbacks. And it's a seriously interesting look at Jim, who must have been having some sort of serious issues at the time. Not just because the 'stache and the soul patch make one of the prettiest men on earth look like ass, but because of the whole attitude.
--Simon: "Do you ever think about what you do?" Jim: "Normally, sir, I just do it." That's so not like the Jim we know in the series' present.
--On the other hand, Simon obviously gave up on getting Jim to drive better.
--He looks sad somehow, like manifesting this bad attitude is hurting him somehow.
--Jim was in Vice before Major Crimes. Okay.
--Wait, so IA Woman is still snotty with Jim because he spilled coffee on her *four years* ago?? Is this a police station or a high school?
--Pendergrast's worried about folks getting the wrong impression of Jim because of the earring. :D *snerk*
--So I wonder if, after thinking about that whole scene with getting assigned to work with Jack, Jim got the urge to go apologize to Simon for being a pain in the ass.
--Man, as soon as he saw that gun, Jim must have known he was heading into trouble.
--I really, really like Jim defending Jack. But Simon's getting right up my nose.
--Simon: "Look, if I am going to keep you on this case, you are going to need to maintain your objectivity." Jim: "Maintain my objectivity, eh, sir? Like you have?"
--Love, love, love Simon telling Blair to keep an eye on Jim. Love that. Eeee!! And then Blair running to catch up with Jim!
--Ooo, they're both so pretty in the truck! And I love how worried Blair looks about Jim!
--I also love Jim calling Blair on his "...concerned glances, like somebody's lost puppy dog." And Blair looks more than a little exasperated by that. ;)
--So apparently Blair's bought into Simon's explanation that Pendergrast's guilty. Or does it just seem like that to me?
--So the kid's own father thought the kidnapping was a hoax? Huh. (Wasn't that a plot in a CSI episode. :)
--So does the parent of a kidnapped child actually have to give permission for the FBI and the police to investigate? I mean the parents don't have to cooperate, though I imagine it looks awfully supsicious if they *don't*, but the police are going to investigate anyway, right?
--Pretty in the truck some more...
--Okay, so is Jim really expecting that Mrs. Brackley would be happy to see him? He failed to catch her step-son's kidnappers and to recover the boy four years ago.
--Jim is really at his most dangerous when his voice gets all mild and he gets that sort of a hint of a smile at the corners of his mouth.
--So why does Mrs. Brackley keep this big oaf around?
--Mrs. Brackley: "You haven't changed a bit, have you, Detective? Still just plowing over anything that gets in the way of your objective?" Since his objective then was to find her stepson and his objective now is to find that stepson's murderer I don't quite get what her beef is.
--Pretty together!
--Okay, much as I adore the shoulder holster, I love the gun in the small of Jim's back. That makes me happy.
--I kind of like the washed out color on these flashbacks, like old film. Nice! Even if Jim does look like hell.
--I rather like Emily having the guts to tell Jack that he can't move in and that she just wants to get on with her life. She's pretty cool actually.
--Okay, so *she* came on to Jim way back then. Interesting.
--So how long were Jim and Pendergrast partnered. Obviously long enough that he became friends with his partner's girlfriend...the timing is all completely improbable here.
--Cute saying Hi to the baby.
--Emily: "I hope you find what you're looking for." Jim: "It looks like you already have." There seems to be more than one layer in that conversation.
--Hey, I love Blair immediately twigging to the fact that there was something between Jim and Emily. Nice! Good observer! I also *love* the way he's leaning over Jim here and the smile on his face. :) (And the bit of his chest that shows in the v-neck of his T-shirt. And so on.
--And Jim's trying to totally *ignore* Blair's innuendo, and the fact that he's *that* close. :)
--Why didn't Jim hear someone put the board up against the door?
--Smart to use the engine as a battering ram!
--I love to watch the scene of them getting out of this burning warehouse, even though it doesn't screencap worth a damn.
--Okay, I really *especially* hate storylines that have people being falsely accused. I mean *really*. It's truly amazing that I love this episode because it more or less hits a specific squick of mine.
--Jim looks pretty though as IA Woman is grilling him.
--So how is IA Woman getting from Jim almost dying in a fire to accusing him of setting it. Okay, I seriously *hate* this woman!!
--May I please be exused from watching any more scenes with this IA bitch? *gag* (As it turns out there aren't any more except her sucking up at the end. Whew!!)
--Poor Simon's totally stuck in the middle here. He's having to pull Jim off the case and I really don't think he wants to, though he's a little iffy on the whole Pendergrast thing himself.
--Poor Jim's watching everything unravel in a pack of innuendoes and lies and untruths.
--So now we see why Jim and Blair had the exchange earlier about most murderers being convicted on the basis of circumstantial evidence--because that really is all they have against him and it keeps the audience from losing their suspension of disbelief. :)
--Why wouldn't there be a record of the money the Army paid him for his time in Peru? It's not like his time there, or his rescue, were a secret. I mean he was in a magazine, right? His mission might have been classified, probably was, but his presence there is public as all hell. Why not make the payment of his back pay also public? What does the Army gain by the mystification? (I know what the plot gains by it...but it's lame.)
--I *love* Simon making is possible for them to get into the garage to examine Jack's car. :) Simon: Simon: "The only way you'd be able to get in there is with this card, and there's no way I can give you this card. [drops card on desk] I'm going out for a while. Be back in half an hour." Yay, Simon!!
--Eeeeee!! It's the oh so very slashy garage scene!! Love this scene!!
--Hand porn!!
--Oooh, pretty Jim!!
--Aaaah, Jim holding Blair's hand on the car! Even better hand porn!!
--Jim: "What do you feel?" Blair: "A car."
--I love that Jim can feel the little irregularities in the surface of the car from the shotgun pellets hitting the inside of the door, and that he can feel the void. (I'm just not going to ask why the pellets didn't do more damage to the inside of the door than they did. Lalala, I'm not thinking that question.)
--Yay!! Serena!! I love Serena! I wish she were in more episodes.
--More pretty Blair.
--Nice of all three of them together. And I'm cursing Jim's baggy pants because I keep getting these tantalizing hints of his package, but obscured by the damned pants. (Yeah, I'm staring, wanna make something of it? :) )
--Oh, now that's pretty!
--Now why is Simon asking Blair to wait outside the office? Oh, he must have heard from IA and they're recommending an investigation and suspending him. I love how sorry Simon is about it. And how sad is it seeing Jim's shield and his gun left behind?
--Heee! I love Blair patting Jim's shoulder and reassuring him here at this restaurant.
--So Jim is putting up with all of this IA crap because he doesn't want to admit he was banging Pendergrasts' ex-girlfriend? Isn't that taking not kissing and telling to an extreme? I mean, Hell, Emily's an *alibi* for him! (And surely her husband knows that she had boyfriends before him, and if he doesn't it's time he learned.)
--Love how well Blair knows him. "Come on, Jim. It's not like you to sit at home with the answering machine on and not pick up."
--Oooo, now that's pretty!
--So why is Blair surprised when Jim admits he was with Emily? He figured out that there was something between them from seeing them together for about 2 minutes.
--Simon: "What about Jack's call? I mean, didn't you hear any part of the message at all? Anything?" Umm, well, no, Simon. He was having sex, which means he was pretty much *not* paying attention to irrelevant background noise.
--You know, Jim and Emily seem like they were probably way more suited to each other than Jim and Carolyn. I bet this whole thing with fucking while Jack was disappearing killed their nascent relationship (well and the whole "You're my partner's girlfriend" probably didn't do it any good either). I think it could have been really good, and when they were talking at Emily's door it was obvious that there was still a pull there.
--And to ease the seriousness of the scene...more *pretty* Blair! Look at those lips!
--Jim's been carrying around a load of guilt about Pendergrast's death and disappearance for years. I love how sympathetic about it Simon is, and how he tries to get Jim to let go of the guilt!
--*Love* Blair making food for Jim. (Because he didn't eat any of that pizza--I'm not sure any of them did.) Healthy food, even. Sweet!
--Jim: "Something bugs me about this case." Blair: "What? There's just one thing?"
--Jim: "What's this?" Blair: "It's food, Jim. Remember that?" Eeeee!! Love the care!
--Okay, I'm obviously a little slow, because I'm just figuring out now that this is the same fabulous red Henley that Blair was wearing in "Out of the Past". Mmmm!! So yummy!!
--I love that Blair's right about Jim being able to reprocess his old sensory input, to apply his heightened senses to his *memories*, but I have no explanation for why it works. Because at that time Jim's senses were so repressed he had no memory of them at all. Of course, as mentioned above, he was clearly somewhat traumatized and not really with it.
--And I love how readily Jim goes along with Blair's suggestion! And even better, I love the fact that this is something obviously well rehearsed. Blair's clearly guided Jim into meditative states a *lot*... "You know the drill..." Sweet!
--Also really *love* Blair perching on the arm of the sofa (and Jim, who fanon tells us is all kinds of anal, not minding at all).
--Oh, yeah!
--So is it possible that Jim's so staunch in his defense of Pendergrast because of his guilt about fucking Emily?
--I love that Blair's watching so intently...he doesn't know what Jim's remembering, so he's watching for the tiniest little facial expressions. I love the caring!
--Love Jim holding the door open for Blair!!
--Does everyone in Cascade have an Asian maid?
--So why, when Dent discovers that his breaks are bad, doesn't he drive off into the grass and run into a tree, rather than heading for the steep hilly road with the dangerous turns? *smacks Dent*
--No words for how much I love Jim' holding Blair back from running toward the burning car with the dead guy in it. No words for how I like Blair *holding* his arm!! ::swoon!!::
--And just look at Jim's hand, he's not just resting it here, he's *gripping* Blair's chest!! Eeeeee!! And look, there's the slashy happy place again!! :)
--So wait, if Jim's been taken off the case what is he doing there? And why is he even *touching* the evidence?? There goes their case.
--So Mrs. Brackley had her own step-son kidnapped and then killed him with her own little hands? Man, what a bitch.
--Oh, yeah, that's a pretty smile--but it doesn't really bode very much good for the recipient of it. :)
--Monique is seriously trying to bribe Jim here? And there's that dangerous smile again. :D
--Damn, that man's pretty!
--Do they really "hang people in this state for that?" That being cop killing. Does Washington have a death penalty?
--So Mrs. Brackley's trying to push everything off on her big bruiser? What a cow!
--"Keep an eye on her and call for backup?" Heee!! And instead of handing Blair the phone this time, he gives him the handcuffs. Sweet!
--This must be Jim's backup gun from the ankle holster, since he gave Simon the primary gun. Surely Simon knows aobut this one too, so why didn't he take it as well?
--And there goes Jim's gun.
--Hey, the bruiser stole Jim's terra cotta shirt! Give that back!
--Hey, the bruiser's winding out gunless as well, his just jammed. Sweet!
--Rather like the fight coreography here, Jim gets to be all graceful (unlike last week when he looked like a gooch).
--Okay, and I'm glad that Pendergrast is getting a good, honorable burial like he deserves, that's sweet!
--The bitch IA Woman's tyring to make nice?? Too little too late, doll!
--I love the bagpipes.
--I like that they both think about how things might have been if Jack were still alive.
--Simon paying his respects to Pendergrast is sweet! (And I wonder if he ever apologized to Jim for doubting so adamantly.)
--Okay, no pretty piccies from the tag, but I have spare pretties of Jim and Blair from earlier to end with!
All screencaps are my own, feel free to use them as you like. But please don't hotlink, that ain't nice.
Sentinel Episode Notes
Switchman Siege Killers The Debt Cypher Night Train Rogue Love and Guns Attraction Vow of Silence Flight Out of the Past