Episode Notes: due South "The Wild Bunch"

Mar 11, 2007 17:04

There are two things I ought to be upfront about before I start watching this episode. One is that I've never seen it before. This is one that my hubby and I skipped when we were watching through DS a little more than a year ago. So I'm going to be a little bit more focused on sorting out the plot than I often am.

The other is that we skipped this episode because I've heard a little about it and heard that Fraser is in a position of having to shoot Diefenbaker in it and I just couldn't deal.

I still can't, but I'm being more disciplined and watching all of them. sassyinkpen reminds me that I *know* Dief doesn't die, because I've seen later episodes. And she assures me that I'll be okay watching it.

I trust Sassy, so here goes...

spikedluv has a fantastic collection of quotes from The Wild Bunch over at her LJ. Be sure and check them out. She got some wonderful dialogue.

Notes on watching The Wild Bunch

--Why is Fraser keeping Diefenbaker inside? Just the knocking over trash cans issue? Because Dief has some low associates? I don't know.

--This is not a good screencap, but it illustrates so *nicely* how wonderfully Fraser's overcoat fits him. That's just...mmmmm!

--I wonder what Willie is making of Fraser talking about having a conversation with Dief and getting him to open up a little. :D I suppose he's used to it at this point.


--Ray: "If you want a lift, let's get in the car." Willie: "I thought he blew it up." Fraser: "He did." Ray: "We're not talking about that, okay? We don't mention it. We don't discuss it." Heeee!!

--So cute!!

--Oh, Fraser's trying so hard, and so padly to comfort Ray about the loss of the Riv! ::hugs Fraser::

--Ray: "You took the Riv, you drove it all over the countryside, you gave it to a convicted felon, you ran it into a ditch, and you forced me to blow it up. You've done enough." Fraser: "Lives were saved, Ray." Ray: "And yours was spared." Heeee for the dialogue, but that's some seriously revisionist history there on Ray's part. Ray did the driving, Ray did the ditching, and if there was another way out besides blowing up the Riv Ray sure as hell wasn't thinking of it.

--Dief's grounded, and being a bad influence on Willie?? Why did Willie just let him go? What was he thinking? Ah, just a few seconds later, he's wondering that too.

--I love the two little flopsy looking yap-dogs running with Dief's pack. They seem so out of place with Dief and the Shepherds and the one that looks like maybe a Rhodesian Ridgeback or something.

--Oh, dear it's the animal control guy again.

--Why is Animal Control Guy corraling a dog with a collar?? Oh, wait, he's an evil Animal Control guy?? That's *so* not right, you can't steal someone's dog like that!

--Heee!! Willie facing the stampeding herd of dogs. Heee!!

--It's not very often that you see a herd of dogs chasing after Animal Control.

--That's one heck of a good flopsy dog going over those fences like that. :D

--Heee!! Animal Control guy is Officer Arnold Benedict, and I love watching Fraser decide *not* to say anything about that. :D Heee!!

--So why is this guy so determined to take in an animal that has an owner right there (and that hasn't hurt *anyone*)?? Officer Benedict...::grrr::....

--Dief just bit the guy?? Oh dear!! Oh dear!!

--Oh, and Dief's going into quarantine as a dangerous animal!! Fraser looks so *stricken*!!

--Fraser: "This just isn't like him. What could he possibly have been thinking?" Ray: "I don't know, Fraser. For some reason, wolves rarely share their innermost thoughts with me."

--Oh, I totally *love* that Fraser's absolutely positive that Diefenbaker has a reason for having bitten the Animal Control guy. I just adore that. Ray's writing it off to him being a wolf, but Fraser knows him better than that! So nice!

--Willie's suggesting they bribe the animal control officer and Ray's going along with it??? Surely neither of them is expecting Fraser to go along with it as well, right?

--Ray: "Our investigation? Look, I've got a full caseload with crimes involving humans. I think that takes precedence." So Ray's going to leave Fraser to investigate this on his own?? And Fraser agrees with him. Guilt attack or genuinely realizing Ray's too busy?? I think this is genuine, though Ray's reacting to it like it's a guilt attack.

--So pretty!!

--So Ray is helping after all?? He really is a nice guy, even when he's trying not to be. :D

--If Maggie's owner thinks her dog weighs 35 pounds she's going to be lucky if she ever sees her again.

--Okay, this hat on Ray is just *horribly* wrong. Perhaps it can be given to one of the dogs as a chew toy.

--So the only evidence she has against Dief is that her dog is missing?? That doesn't mean *anything*!

--Why would the collar, with no blood on it and obviously having been unbuckled not torn, be evidence against Dief?

--Pretty pic of Dief!

--My dad points out that wolves can't bark. So, hrm, perhaps this is why they later say that Dief is a half-wolf.

--So the nice old Animal Control guy doesn't know that Benedict is bringing in fake strays? What's he doing with them??

--So Maggie's not eating? Why not? I have this horrible fear that Benedict has drugged her.

--Oh, man, Willie's been the recipient of Fraser's verbal whammy. He knows how powerful it is. So why is he inciting Ray to be OMG so awful and basically like he's determined to get the wolf put down. ::wince::

--So the judge is asking if Dief's killed, and not listening to the fact that he killed a *wolverine*?? (And OMG that's wicked impressive that Dief killed a wolverine, those things can back down bears.)

--Oh, dear. Fraser's trying to figure out how to say that he doesn't consider that he has Dief in captivity.

--Oh, God!! ::wibble:: Fraser's *so* stricken at the thought of Dief being killed! ::hugs Fraser::

--Oh, Fraser! He had so much of his faith in the law and that he'd be able to get Dief back, and it's just let him down...

--Oh, God!! Fraser there in the quarantine room with Dief, trying to put a good face on things.

--Oh, oh!! I've always loved Fraser talking to Dief and the feeling that Dief's talking back, but this scene is just going to kill me. ::sniff::

--And he's asking if Dief really did want to come to Chicago and stay there. ::sniff:: And is reassured. Love that smile.

--Oh, I *love* that Fraser brought his bedroll so he could stay there with Dief in the quarantine/prison. Love that!!

--Pretty picture of Dief (thinking Fraser's sweet but nuts for wanting to stay).

--Benedict must be getting something out of taking these dogs...but what??

--Dief just attacked Fraser?!! Trying to get his attention about Maggie, I assume, but how did he think that was going to work.

--Oh, dear, Ray trying to talk to some judges and get Dief sprung. That's so *wrong* and vaguely horrible!

--Ooooo!!! Yummy!

--Oh, Ray's trying so hard to convince Fraser that he can save Dief, but he doesn't even seem to really believe it himself.

--Oh, interesting, Ray didn't notice the bandage on Fraser's wrist, and Fraser just covered it up. Did no one notice that Dief bit him?

--Oh, wait, the Old Animal Guy knows about Dief biting Fraser. Well that's going to get him on the fast track to execution. Oh, but I love him bringing Dief some treats. "The condemned man deserves more than a bowl of kibble and a chew-stick." Nice!!

--Okay, so Benedict is selling people's pets to lowlife?? Oook!

--Benedict must be new at this, because even I know that you don't deal with slimeballs on anything except a cash on delivery basis.

--Oooo!! Beauty shot of Dief!!

--I love Willie talking to Dief just like Fraser does...

--Oh, please tell me that Dief doesn't bite Willie!! Wibble!! ::whew!!::

--So interesting that they're paralleling Ray's loss of the Riv with Fraser's loss of Dief. There are some similarities, except that Dief is an actual living thing with his own motivations and needs and such.

--It's very good that Fraser spent the whole evening with Ray at the station so no one can accuse him of busting Dief out.


--OMG Fraser with a rifle. That's really seriously hotter than it ought to be. And he handles it so incredibly confidently. Yumm! That little flip where he unwraps it is just....

--Oh, man, he sent Ray to pick up rifle cartridges while he got his rifle. ::whimper::

--Oh, and then he doesn't want to take them. (And his voice, so sad and deep and a little broken sounding...so ... well hot, for one thing, but also...so heartbreaking. "Could you hold them until I ask you for them?"

--Ray: "Why don't you let me do this for you?" Fraser: "No, he's my wolf."

--So Willie's hitching a ride for the both of them all the way to Canada? That's so sweet!

--So pretty!

--Oh, and I love that Ray doesn't believe that Willie's in danger from Dief until Fraser shows him the bite on his arm.

--So what's Dief so agitated about now in the truck? Surely he didn't see the truck with the stolen dogs on it, that would be *way* too much of a coincidence.

--I *so* love Ray realizing that there is a difference between Fraser losing, shooting, Dief and him blowing up the Riv. Recognizing that there's a person in there in the wolf. Has he never had pets or something?

--Where's Dief going? And where'd the snow come from? Willie's right that it sure seems like Dief has a plan, but what is it??

--Oh they are going to where the skeezers are keepign the stolen dogs. Yay Dief!! (Though it really is a *huge* coincidence!)

--So Dief's just interested in rescuing Maggie not the other dogs?

--Okay, my heart is breaking and I'm still here thinking *muh*. There must be something wrong with me.

--And now Benedict realizes he's in trouble. Because Fraser's recognized the dog.

--Shooting the rifle out of Benedict's hands. So nice!!

--Fraser: "That's my wolf." Yummy!!!

--Maggie's pregnant?? Oh, those are going to be the cutest puppies *ever*! (However, I'm not going to raise the question of how an obviously castrated animal is fathering puppies...unless wolves keep their testicles inside, which they might, lots of wild animals, especially in cold climates, do. Don't have the time or the inclination for the research though.)

--See I was right about the cuteness of the pups.

--Obviously this tag is *much* later, because not only has Maggie dropped her litter, those pups are eight weeks old I'd wager. Maybe more. But Fraser's still looking hot as blazes in those jeans and that sweater. So nice!

--And OMG Fraser's so gay, he doesn't have any idea what to make of this woman inviting him over for dinner!! HEee!!

--Yay! They found a new 71 Riv, for sale even. Nice!!

--I suppose I'm not supposed to ask how they wound out lifting the order to destroy Dief. Of course most of the evidence against him was Benedict's testimony, now highly questionable, but I don't see the city authorities being all that enthused about keeping around a wolf that only attacks people when it's mate is in danger.

All screencaps are my own. Feel free to use them however you like. Unless you like to use screencaps by hotlinking. That's not nice, so please don't do that.

due South Episode Notes

Free Willie
Diefenbaker's Day Off
They Eat Horses, Don't They?
Pizza and Promises
Chicago Holiday, part 1
Chicago Holiday, part 2
A Cop, A Mountie and A Baby
The Gift of the Wheel Man
You Must Remember This
Hawk & Handsaw
An Eye for An Eye
The Man Who Knew Too Little

due south, screencaps, episode notes

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