Episode Notes: due South "The Gift of the Wheel Man"

Feb 04, 2007 13:17

I remember this ep from when I was watching before. And I remember loving it. I hope my memory is good. ;)

I should warn up-front that I hate Christmas and, generally, I hate Christmas episodes of anything. On the other hand, I do trust due South not to go treacly on me.

After-watching notes: My trust was well placed, this wasn't treacly. This is quite a good episode. The music is even more spectacular than in most episodes. Fraser's damned hot in jeans throughout most of it. There are reindeer in the 2-7 and bank-robbing Santa Clauses.

It lends itself to extremely interesting speculation on the nature of the relationships Fraser and Ray had with their fathers, which is more than excellent.

And it's got possibly the slashiest moment in the series so far. (You'll have to read the comments to know what I think that is.)

spikedluv has posted Quotes from The Gift of the Wheel Man over at her LJ. Be sure and go check them out. The dialogue in this episode is especially tasty.

Notes on watching: The Gift of the Wheel Man

--Well, that's a nice little hint about the shape of the episode. "O. Henry's Gift Shop".

--How much do I love that Dief searches for his Christmas present but "this year he won't succeed".

--Heeee!! I love the bank robber Santas!! That's an awesome thing!!

--Oh, that's right--this is the episode with the amazing music. ("Henry Martin" by Figgy Duff, available through iTunes for those who don't know.) Sweet.

--I love Fraser disapproving of Ray getting his Christmas gifts by opening bank accounts. I love Ray knowing Fraser disapproves because of the way he's talking about it. "You can't see a tone, Ray." Nice!!

--I swear this show is singlehandedly giving me a uniform fetish. Because I've *never* had one before. Never once. But God the topcoat over the serge, with the boots and just the whole ensemble is just so *nice*. And Ray in his overcoat. Maybe I just like overcoats on guys.

--Ray'about to get shot by Santa. How bad do you have to have been for that? That's way beyond lumps of coal. :D

--God and he totally would have been shot if Santa's gun hadn't jammed.

--He recovers his wits way more quickly than I would have.

--I love the way he's moving his overcoat out of the way so he can get to his gun. Nice!

--So this kid is getting a shock of recognition when he sees BankRobber Santa. That can't be good. Do I remember right that this is his dad?

--Ooo! My first close-up pretty of Fraser. That's a nice thing.

--Good lord, is this really the fourth episode in a row with a kid in it? Though I don't remember this guy being annoying, and certainly the baby wasn't all that bad last week. I think I'm still traumatized by 16.

--Happy credits!! I adore how they cut together Fraser flipping Drake and then getting flipped over the van from the pilot. That's *nice*.

--Heeeee! They're grilling every Santa in town. Heee!! "No one can do fifty and live." Heee!! "He's a lying rat bastard."

--Oh, Fraser says Santa's gun wasn't loaded. And man Fraser's being awfully calm about Ray almost getting shot in the face.

--So choosing off the buffet of Christmas goodies, Ray appears to have gotten cookies and Fraser got an orange. I like that. Nice.

--Just a nice scene at Ray's desk. I like the way Fraser's uniform is lying. And the Statue of Liberty on Ray's desk. I've never noticed that before.

--What are these horrible ties that Huey and Louis are wearing. For guys who are, supposedly, all about looking good, those are pretty bad.

--Heee! Welsh talking to Fraser! Hee!

--Love Ray literally stepping into the middle of Fraser's digression on the North Pole. Heee!

--Their theory about the wheel man double crossing the bag man isn't actually incompatible with Gardino and Huey's theory about the men being dressed as Santa so they could blend into the Christmas landscape.

--Ray's pressing the kid to check the mug books again, but Fraser, ah, Fraser's twigging to the fact that there's something wrong. ::loves Fraser::

--I've lost the thread of which Santa was which. And I'm not sure of my vague memory that Dell saw his father. Though I think that's right. And Dell saw the bag man? The one who got double crossed? Or he saw the wheel man. Wait, he must have seen the wheel man, who tossed a gun to the bag man in exchange for the bag of loot. Got it. Sorry about the digression.)

--(Totally an aside here, I'm watching at the Starbucks and their overhead music just started playing "De Cara a La Pared" by Lhasa de Sela from "Strange Bedfellows". Nice!)

--Ray: "You put the finger on this guy and we can protect you. But if you don't..." Fraser: "We'll still protect you." Ray: "Maybe he will, but I won't and no other cop will either." Dell: "You really were touched by the spirit of Christmas."

--Does everyone in Chicago use the same wrapping paper? Because Dell's gift is wrapped in the exact same paper that Ray's two gifts, from two different banks, are wrapped in. Apparently only one wrapping paper pattern got shipped to Chicago that year.

--Pretty, surprised looking Fraser. Though I think he's more reacting to the reindeer walking through the station than to Elaine giving them the name of the bag man and his associates.

--Eeee! Love this look!

--So why, oh why, did the Wheel Man double cross these guys who are known for being *bad* to people who double cross them. Surely he could have found less dangerous associates to double cross?

--Ah, Dell was just thinking that his dad wasn't going to hurt him, so he didn't need to worry about being in danger from the bad guy who saw him. But he forgot that his dad was working with *someone*. Poor kid.

--(And in this show, Dell's way too young to be having prurient thoughts about ::smacks unruly brain::, but he'd be old enough for them now and he's got the potential to be quite hot. :D Anyone know who this actor is and if he's been in anything else?)

--Yay for Dell picking up a sense of menace from this guy he presumably knows fairly well. Nice!

--As a non-professional writer myself, I really love that Fraser recognizes his father as quite a writer because he was such a dedicated journal-keeper.

--And he's pretty!

--Fraser: "I've always thought it was the bravest thing a man could do, writing down his innermost feelings so that any stranger could read them."

--Okay, I adore the cranky midget elf whacking Louis with his cane.

--I'm loving the line of Fraser's neck here.

--Ray does not look like he's loving this line of thought. Is it because he thinks Fraser's wrong about Dell's father, because he doesn't like the father apparently ditching the kid like that, what?

--Nice! Fraser's looking so *pretty* while he's raising the good questions here. Why would Dell's father (I'm gonna call him Dad, since I missed his name and the Wheel Man is too long) suddenly abandon his kid who he's worked so hard to care for properly?

--Ray: "I brought the wiretap request over in person, sir, but his honor had consumed a great deal of Christmas cheer and started cursing at me in Norwegian. ... I wasn't aware that he spoke it either, sir." I love the way Ray talks. :)

--Oh, I love them talking in the car!!

--Ray: "I learned two things from my father. One: Timing. Mostly when to duck. And two, you never hit a kid, because it doesn't teach them anything." ::hugs Ray::

--I love Dief following Ray and keeping him from being alone. Nice!

--Before I get into the Dead!Bob squee--OMG Fraser's pretty!! How can this screencap be this gorgeous??

--And Fraser sees Dead!Bob! :D

--I love the ghost story aspects of due South. And really Dead!Bob is just about perfect as ghosts go.

--Bob: "Never be ashamed to ask a stupid question, son." Heee!

--Gorgeous, and so skeptical! This is the episode when my hubby stopped liking due South. He couldn't deal with Fraser's apparent insanity--because Abner prefered to think that Fraser's nuts than that he's actually talking to his dead father. But I quite like the ghost explanation, and I think it's the explanation the series gives us quite the most evidence for, on the whole.

--Fraser goes so quickly from not believing that he's seeing his father to just, straightforwardly talking to him about the case he's working on. Why does he accept that he's talking to his dead father's ghost so easily?

--Okay, I take it back. "Is there any insanity in our family?" Heee!

--Bob: "There was your Uncle Tiberius who died wrapped in cabbage leaves. But we assume that was a freak accident." Heeee!

--Obviously, I'm finding ThinksHe'sGoingNuts!Fraser extremely appealing today. Sorry about the long run of basically identical screencaps.

--This Donnelly guy is damned scary. In his apparently very polite and warm way.

--Oh, man, Dead!Bob's just...heaping insults (saying Fraser's floundering) with guilt (I failed you as a father). If I were Fraser I'd be wishing the ghost would go away.

--Fraser's talking to his dad (about the imaginary gun!! Hee!) with Ray right there and Ray's not noticing??

--Bob: "What you need son is a good solid plan. Or you could just throw a rock."

--Ray: "Is there an entire conversation going on here that I'm just unaware of?" Fraser: "Yes."

--OhGod!! ::melts into a puddle of unmentionable fluids::

--On the other hand, this is a skosh disappointing, because this is the best shot so far of Fraser in his jeans and leather coat and, despite my budding uniform fetish, that's one of the happiest things *ever*. :)

--Okay, so Ray's completely positive that Dell's father left him hanging. Which says a lot about his relationship with his father. Standards of child abuse were different when Ray was a kid than they are now, so I'm not going to say he was an abused child, but obviously his relationship with his father was not at all close or happy. But, oddly, neither was Fraser's, but he's still got faith in the family relationship, faith in his dad, faith in Dell's dad.

--Eeee!! The line of busted Elvises!! "I said 'elves' you morons!" Heee!


--Fraser seems surprised about Ray letting the kid go!

--Fraser: "We're going to use him as bait?" Ray: "It's something we like to do every Christmas."

--Oh, Fraser is *not* happy about the bait idea. Not happy at all. (And there's that reindeer again. Hee! )

--He's talking to his dead father and seeing reindeer! Whether or not Fraser's actually going nuts, he clearly thinks he is. :)

--(They're playing "De Cara a la Pared" again! It's been less than an hour. :) )

--Heee! I love Fraser telling Ray to drive, quickly. And I really love him telling Ray about the fact that he's seeing his father. That's actually quite a lot of trust there. This is, without a doubt, the slashiest moment so far this episode, possibly the slashiest moment since he pulled Ray out of the lake in "Pizza and Promises". I mean, he's seeing and hearing things, having *conversations* with the voices in his head and he trusts Ray enough to tell him about it. eeeee! I love this!

--Who's driving that car that Dell's getting into?

--Dead!Bob's obviously not used to city car chases. :)

--Oh, man. It looks like Ray's driving like a maniac, but he's actually doing marvellously, and concentrating hard. (And just *gorgeous*!)

--Love Fraser thinking about saying something to him, then deciding not to. :D Ray does not need a distraction at this moment.

--Okay, this is a different song, not "Figgy Duff" and I like this one too. I'll have to check what this one is too.

--Oh, god!! Pretty!

--Okay, it's Dad who picked Dell up. Cool! Ray's thinking of it as cheeky, but really it makes a ton of sense--because the Donnelly brothers were less likely to threaten the kid there. If Dad'd let Dell get away from the station he might have gotten snatched by them.

--Love the jeans!!

--Wonder what Fraser's up to though. He's not going to jump off the overpass is he? I guess he is. (I keep not being able to tell--are his jeans tucked into his boots, or are they just darker at the bottom?)

--Oh, I feel for both Dell and Dad here. I really do. Because Dell feels betrayed, and rightly so. And I really feel like Dad's had to do something *very* distateful to himself to try and take care of, provide for, his kid.

--Why don't the jeans look as good now as they did earlier? Or am I just getting fussy. :D (It looks like he's ::koff:: hanging wrong or something. What!? Like you're not looking there too!)

--Oh, that's nice! I really like that!

--Fraser's at a diner with his dad. Poor Fraser. And he's talking to his (nonexistent) father. Everyone's going to think he's nuts, whether or not he actually is.

--Attractively nuts though. :)

--So Fraser's having Christmas dinner at a *diner* while Ray's off feasting at Casa Vecchio. ::pets Fraser:: Why didn't Ray invite him over?

--Heee! I love Fraser realising he's figured out something that his father missed! And I love Dead!Bob realizing it too. :)

--Oh, so Ray's having to work on Christmas too? Poor Ray.

--Ray's seeing his own dad?? Do we see much of Ray's Dad? It explains why he was so calm about Fraser seeing his though. (Because obviously this isn't the first time he's talked with his father's ghost.)


--This whole montage over the song "Henry Martin" is just so freaking gorgeous!!

--So are Fraser and Ray.

--So Dad sent Dell a letter with the location of the money?? Hand delivered by an urchin. (I didn't realize that Chicago had urchins. I thought only Victorian London had urchins.)

--Oooh! His jeans are tucked into his boots!! That's happy!


--"One doesn't ordinarly equate crime with self-sacrifice."

--Fraser: "You know, William. I think there's only one thing that a father needs to leave his son. And that's a good example of how a man should live his life. Anything else, the son can learn for himself."

--Hasn't it been longer than the two minutes Ray said he was going to give Fraser?

--Ray is just so sexy with a gun in his hands!

--Did Ray get doused with gasoline too? Yeah apparently he did. Poor Ray. I guess Fraser was the only one lucky enough to be standing clear of the barrels of gas.

--"It's your decision, William. Do you leave something for your son, or do you steal from him."

--Ray's starting to drop his gun too. "Not you, you moron." Heee!!

--That's a nice pen that Dell got his father. Pretty and it looks well balanced.

--Nice scene with Dell and his Dad.

--Hey! Fraser's actually using the bed!! And he seems rather disappointed that Dead!Bob isn't there for him to talk to now.

--Nice ending image of Fraser being watched over by Dead!Bob!

All screen caps are my own; feel free to use them however you like. Unless you like to use screencaps by hotlinking. That's not nice, so please don't do that.

due South Episode Notes

Free Willie
Diefenbaker's Day Off
They Eat Horses, Don't They?
Pizza and Promises
Chicago Holiday, part 1
Chicago Holiday, part 2
A Cop, A Mountie and A Baby

due south, screencaps, episode notes

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