Episode Notes: Magnificent Seven "Safecracker"

Mar 13, 2007 08:39


I love this show!! I really do! Ezra was just *adorable* with Olivia, as was Josiah in his *totally* different way. And Chris was just mind-bendingly sexy (as always) and he wasn't willing to risk Vin's life in Purgatorio ::swoon:: and just, yeah!! So nice!!

There are fewer pictures than usual. It's not that the bloom is off the rose, just that a lot of the action was at night, so hard to screencap. And because I had a vicious headache when I was watching and screencapping. I think the notes get a little less coherent at the end for the same reason. Sorry!

Anyway, wonderful wonderful wonderful!! Squeee!

spikedluv has a fantastic collection of quotes from Safecracker over at her LJ so you should definitely go check them out.

Notes on watching Safecracker:

--Okay, so there's a tied up guy and dynamite. That's not good. And these five guys who just blew him up are obviously *seriously* bad news.

--Oh, that's pretty! I love Buck's big grey horse too. For some reason he seems to suit Buck pretty well, tall and a little lanky looking to me.

--Okay, so they're treating this prisoner like all *kinds* of bad news, the way they're guarding her. Don't the army people seem to be going a bit overboard there? On the other hand, with Buck as a guard, a beautiful woman prisoner could cause some problems for them. :D

--Why aren't the two guards being a bit more useful, like maybe warning Buck that there's someone else in that prison wagon?

--Heee!! Love the feisty little girl punching Buck. Mrs. Greer: "Now what do you say to these gentlemen?" Olivia: "You need to learn how to duck, Mister." Heee!

--God I love the credits!!

--Obviously Buck's ability to charm women doesn't extend to little girls. :D

--Oh, it's a treasury wagon with money for the bank. That makes sense. I thought it was the prisoner wagon again for a minute and that didn't make any sense at all.

--Mrs. Greer: "Problems are only opportunities with thorns, Mr. Wilmington."

--Ooh, all the Bad Guys are here hovering around the treasury truck. That's not a good sign.

--Olivia: "I see the way you look at my mama." Buck: "I was just being friendly." Olivia: "You gonna be my daddy?" Buck: "That's not my plan, no."

--Buck: "Six years old and she's already figuring to make some man miserable." Heee!!

--Okay, so this Mrs. Greer got transported all the way to Four Corners only to find that there really isn't a job, or a life for her here? That's a little bit rough. Why didn't they transport her somewhere where she could stay? It sounds like Mary's something of a sponsor though, so maybe that's why.

--Mary's sympathy for Mrs. Greer is in such stark contrast to her lack of sympathy for the working girls in the last episode. Is that because Mrs. Greer was a thief not a whore? Or because Mary really did have something like a change of heart after her experience with Wickes?

--This guy who wants to open an Emporium, is he one of the Bad Guys?? I'm so bad with faces sometimes. Buck and Nathan certainly seem more than a little suspicious of him. He's definitely setting off alarm bells.

--Oh, I don't like the way he's looking at Mrs. Greer, does he know her?

--I *thought* Olivia was stealing type from Mary, and she stole Buck's watch! Little snot!

--Obviously Buck and Nathan don't know much about taking care of a kid, they're not paying attention to her at all.

--God, how is it that Chris is so sexy when he walks??! Just...just... ::fans self::

--Apparently Morgan did know Mrs. Greer before.

--Morgan: "My powder-man went all to pieces on me." Oh, ouch, that's one hell of a good pun. :D Gotta tell the hubby about that one.

--So Morgan's threatening her to get her to cooperate. And threatening Olivia. ::shakes head::

--Does anyone know where I recognize this guy from? It's driving me nuts. Somebody please save my sanity.

--Pretty Ezra!

--Hey, cool!! I figured Ezra and Olivia might find kindred spirits on one another, but I was afraid she was going to call Ezra out for cheating not the other guy. Nice!

--Cheater: "Are you saying I cheated?" Ezra: "Oh, not at all. I'm saying you cheated badly." Hell, dude, you cheated badly enough you were caught by a six-year old girl.

--Yay!! It's his wrist gun again! And a good view of the mechanism. :D

--Eeee!! I love that Vin and JD and Nathan are all right there on top of the situation before the cheater can even react.

--God this scene is just a million pretty pictures of Ezra.

--Cheater: "Tell me, ah, how'd you know?" Ezra: "Lessons'll cost you extra." Heee!

--So Olivia was going to steal the abandoned cigar?? Girl's not very discriminating is she?

--Wait, they're taking Buck away in the middle of the town? In the middle of the day? That's not very subtle.

--Love Buck warning JD away with just a head-shake and JD getting it!! He really is shaping up quite nicely! :D

--I have to admit that I don't quite get the mechanics of putting someone on a horse and expecting him to ride away with you to be killed at your convenience. I guess there's the whole threat of being shot thing to provide motivation not to ride in a different direction, or induce the horse to buck and throw you, or slide off or something.

--Oh, that's light's so nice on Buck!

--So Buck's *very* friendly attitude with her has Morgan and his guys thinking that they have more of a relationship than they do. Oops! Obviously they haven't observed that that's how buck is with *all* women. :D

--She's presenting Buck as a powder-man (since theirs went to pieces :D). That'll be interesting!

--Oh, wait, they're crossing the border already!?? So their town is practically sitting right on top of the border? Oh! (Mentally moves location of town even further south on Arizona map.)

--Ah, love any of the guys on horseback!

--Vin: "How's your Spanish?" Chris: "No bueno. Yours?" Vin: "What's 'no bueno' mean?"

--Ezra: "Olivia, how is it you knew the gentleman in the saloon was cheating?" Olivia: "Learned to spot a double deal in prison." Ezra: "Well, there must be a way to put a God-given talent like that to use."

--Love Ezra offering to play Go Fish with Olivia and she asks for "Five card stud, deuces are wild." Ezra: "What a delightful child." Josiah: "Bet you she wins." Heee!!

--Chris and Vin are just *so* pretty together. And that light. And just ::swoon::!!

--Purgatorio is a quite inauspicious name for a town, isn't it? (Though the scene with them on the rise looking down at it through the spy-glass is definitely shades of "Mos Eisely spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be careful." So which one's Obi-Wan and which one's Luke?? o.O Never mind, even as a joke my brain can't wrap around that question. :D )


--Okay, I'm totally in love with Chris, because he's like the big bad gunslinger, thinks Purgatorio sounds like a "fun" place, but he's obviously *itching* to do something about the guy who just got shot in the back. Then he makes a joke about the corpse-hauling away guys, but it seriously looked like he wanted to do something.

--This is clearly not a good place for Vin to be. He's taken a lot of these people in, and I bet at least one person in this forsaken town knows that there's a bounty on his head.

--Eeee!! ::flail:: Chris: "You stick around here, you're gonna be deader'n a beaver hat." Vin: "I'll take that chance." Chris: "I won't." ::collapses in a faint:: Loveslovesloves!!

--Oh, God, then Chris sends him back to town!! Squee!! ::collapses in a faint again::

--Eeee!! That's more than just a handshake! ::swoons again::

--Ooo! Pretty!

--Did Buck just see Chris pull up?

--Oh, interesting, Morgan used to be a lawman?? He arrested Mrs. Greer and...I'd bet, offered to drop the charges if she helped him rob banks.

--Now Buck's spotted Chris. Good! He knows he's got backup.

--Mrs. Greer (I refuse to call her Terry, for one thing that sounds like *such* a modern name) obviously has a complicated backstory. Her father died in prison. Her daughter was raised in prison. Her husband died of the fever, was he also a criminal?

--Chris is putting on his gunslinging gloves. That's not a good sign for *somebody*.

--God he's good looking though!

--Heeee!! Love love love Chris jumping in to keep them from killing Buck!!

--Damn, poor Buck, though, Chris's doing a pretty good job of beating on him here.

--Okay, this is obviously something they're faking and Chris didn't just shoot Buck in the chest....::meep::

--Surely Chris doesn't routinely carry around a gun loaded with blanks though, does he? I mean what a strange thing for him to do...But when would he have had a chance to load them in? Never mind, lalala, I'm not asking that.

--He just cut himself on his gun? What's sharp there to cut on, the sight? Ouch!! Good thinking though. Very good thinking.

--And then he's letting the body men take Buck's stuff and drag him out of town. Sucks to be Buck, though it beats being dead.

--Chris: "I'm in the habit of doing anything I want." I wonder how much of Chris is coming through in this character he's playing for Morgan's benefit...

--JD's taking Olivia a doll?? Obviously he hasn't spent much time with her, she'd probably prefer a deck of cards of her very own.

--Oh, this is one of the things I love best about guys in Westerns. They're relaxed, hanging out, playing cards with Olivia, and then as soon as theyre's someone at the door, they're all action...*love* that! (And Ezra's quicker than Josiah, though he's also in a better position.)

--That poor coffin-maker!! That's got to have been a shock. Though I have this horrible feeling he's going to talk about how Buck's not really dead and queer Chris's deal.

--How much has Chris actually had to drink? He bought a shot before "killing" Buck, though I don't know he drank that. After that he ordered one, took a sip of it, but left most of it on the bar. And here he has an empty one. So he might be doing a very good job of making it look like he's drinking more than he really is.

--He looks so...tortured in this picture, but ... mmmm....

--Oh, and I love that Chris knows they need to hurry, because the fact that Buck's not dead is going to come to light soon. So he needs to keep things moving along...but not too obviously. Nice!

--Like that shot a *lot*!

--This one too!

--Does Mrs. Greer know who Chris is?? I don't think so, I don't think they met in town at all. So all she knows is that Chris shot Buck.

--OMG!! Just OMG!

--Poor Buck's having to reclaim all of his stuff from where it's gotten taken by the residents of the town. Walking around this filthy nasty town in his sock feet. ::hugs Buck::

--Love Josiah teaching Olivia about the Hindus!

--Josiah, you're supposed to be guarding the girl, not falling asleep!

--Where's Vin, BTW? Chris sent him back to town ages ago? Shouldn't he be back by now?

--Where's Olivia going?? Why's she going? ::Shakes head::

--Oh, yay!! There's Vin!

--OMG JD just got a knife thrown into his chest!!

--Oh, and Yay for JD!! He's got the presence of mind to go and find the others and let them know the bad guys got Olivia. Our little puppy's growing up! Though why didn't one of them stay on the bad guys while the others got JD to Nathan?

--Okay, so Chris is here robbing the bank in his own *town*, where people know he's a peacekeeper. No wonder he's keeping to the alleys and shadows.

--So with a cracksman like Mrs. Greer, why do they need a powder-man? She seems quite capable of getting into the safe without blowing it at all.

--Yay for Buck and Ezra rescuing the girl!! Eeee!! Love Ezra kicking back at the guy on the floor behind them!!

--Did she also have Ezra's Derringer in her box there too?? Heee! Though how'd she get it without him noticing. She must have someone else's Derringer in her box.

--Yay, and Chris immediately sees Olivia in the window with Ez!! Yay!

--JD!! Eeee!!!

--Vin with the rope! When'd he learn to do that? Was he a cowboy for a while in addition to all his other former jobs?

--Oh, God and then Chris just walking down the street toward Morgan, firing shots and facing the bullets without flinching. Like getting shot is something that only happens to other people. So incredibly hot! ::swoons::

--So did Olivia not steal anything from Josiah? I think he might be the only one. :D (Well and Chris or Vin, but she never spent any time with either of them.)

--Oh, I *love* Vin's smile! And his thigh holster.

All screencaps are my own, so feel free to use them however you like. Unless you like to use screencaps by hotlinking. That's not nice, so please don't do that.

Magnificent Seven Episode Notes

Pilot, or Ghosts of the Confederacy
One Day Out West
Working Girls

screencaps, episode notes, magnificent seven

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