Hetalia Asylum - 11

Apr 10, 2011 20:22

So! Last time, America tried to beat up Italy for (not) cheating on him with China. He failed. Everyone ignored the fact that China was totally to blame for that mess. The TV broke again, as did the bath, England got promoted, and Russia discovered that it's a really, really bad idea to wear a scarf to bed in summer.

Oh, and you guys broke my Photobucket. So I had to delay this for a few days.

So, what happened this time?

Italy suffers a case of mistaken identity. I have no idea why that woman thinks he's Linda. Unless maybe she thinks he's a member of that weird Doctor spotting club?

Why did I mention that? That episode was awful and I've been trying to forget it ever happened.

Russia: I hear you have been becoming close to my boyfriend. On a completely different subject, do you think it would hurt if I hit you with a spanner while you were wearing a hard hat? Perhaps we could try it? Like Mythbusters? For science?
Italy: I didn't DO ANYTHING!
We know, Italy. We know.

Germany: Oh hey, it's that guy. That reminds me. I HATE ITALY SO MUCH, THAT CHEATING BASTARD!
You enormous hypocrite, Germany.

Aware of the rising tension in the house, England escapes into a world of art.
If he paints that girl in the green dress, I will scream.

New uniform. This one has a snazzy hat. Sushi like.

Urgh, roaches! Remember that neighbour that kicked over the bin? Looks like she came back. :( I hope she gets eaten by a cowplant, grumble grumble.

After coming down with heatstroke, Russia finds a way to shun the scarf. I break the rules and send him to the mirror to fix it because Russia cannot be scarf-less.

America weeps about the roaches, but the sight of Germany reminds him that their boyfriend was totally innocent of any wrong-doi-I mean, totally cheating on them both.

Germany sensibly clears up the rubbish. Sure, it won't get rid of the roaches, but it'll stop more of them appearing.

I wonder if they'll start appearing in the bathroom soon?

Talking fish!

England's best friends are a unicorn and a flying green bunny. Sorry, fishy, he ain't falling for your shenanigans.

China has flu? I can't even remember if he recovered.

France: Out!
America: But roaches. :(

Judging from that puddle, I think France missed.

America cheers himself up by leaping into Japan's arms.

And then China's presence reminds him of that time Italy did nothing wrong.

Russia has company.

France and Japan wander over to the very, very edge of the lot. Why? I don't know.

Oh. That's why.

Poor Germany is sick with flu.

As is Japan.

Oh wow, that's one creepy cat. I almost expected it to climb out of the TV and EAT RUSSIA'S SOUL.

As soon as England arrives home, I make him clean that revolting toilet.

After dealing with sea lice, roaches do not scare England in the slightest. Especially not when he's armed with a can of death.

Bye, roaches!

Germany comes outside to randomly rage against Italy.

As does America. Poor Italy.

Voodoo rage means Italy is suddenly overcome with a coughing fit.

And yet he still cares enough to congratulate America.

America: Whatever, dude. I still haven't forgiven you.

Italy does not give up and attempts to win over America with an amusing skiing anecdote. America appears unimpressed.

Poor Italy. The only person willing to interact with him is a dog.
Also France, Japan and uncontrolled England. Although I'm seriously thinking of breaking the rules and making England give him a hug because everyone is being so MEAN to him.

When this is all over, I am going to set that bathtub on fire. ON FIRE, I SAY.

Go Germany!

England's made a new friend, yay. :D


Oh oh oh check out those little green BFF symbols there!
But ugh, more flu.

Italy: Do you like pearl necklaces? I like pearl necklaces.
England: Oh yeah, I think one would look great with the heels I won from Poland.

England: And of course, some nice lippy.
Germany: *decapitates*

England escapes to the pool.

America: You may have worked things out with your other, other boyfriend, but my feelings for you are like ice. Ice, baby.

America: ...You're hot. I'm thawing.

But despite being BFF's again, America just CANNOT LET GO OF HIS RAGE.

Germany seems to have gotten over it all though.

Lured by England's trunks, Japan joins him at the pool. And even manages to jump off the diving board first time. Go Japan!

And then he dies.

Ah, nope, false alarm. I always panic when I see them floating.

China recovers from flu, yay!

Such a momentous occasion must be recorded in his diary!


...No, really China, it's OK, he's not looking.

Germany: Mmm, that was fun. Which reminds me, I'm furious with Italy still.

America: Oh yeah, me too.

Bloody flu!

Japan relaxes with a nice book.

And a nice fantasy.

And England has been promoted! Yay! That's all for now, folks!

Hetalia Asylum Archive
Part 01 | Part 02 | Part 03 | Part 04
Part 05 | Part 06 | Part 07 | Part 08 | Part 09
Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13

hetalia asylum, sims story, hetalia

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