Hetalia Asylum - 09

Mar 05, 2011 23:26

So! Last time, Germany fell in hate with the woman England brought home from work, England was promoted to Whale Tracker, and Italy set fire to the kitchen. Although it was quickly sorted, the pan of food sat there for days, preventing everyone from using the oven. What will happen this time?

The household seems very fond of grilled cheese sandwiches. It's getting to be all they ever cook.

China mops the floor.

And Japan indulges in his new hobby - random sobbing all over the place. :(

Mind sync - activate.

Seems like China and Japan aren't the only ones thinking of Italy.
America: "Hug teim nao!"

THAT SMEGGING BATHTUB! I could swear England fixed it like ten minutes ago!

Germany still hates that woman.

Russia tries to play catch. Butterflies attack!

And then dogs!

France and Germany really know how to pick a romantic spot to show their affection.

Anyway, to progress any further in his career, England is going to have to make friends. It will be difficult, because he is England and his social skills suck. But anyway, I send him out.

I decide to send him ice skating because he wanted to. But now I am all jealous of his spins. :(

Kiss kiss dahling! England's only eaten here once, he must be a good tipper.

Considering his line of work, it would not surprise me if he'd blown that lobster up himself with his own fair hands.

Hey hey hey, who's this I see?! Make friends, Y/Y?

England: *brags* "Yeah, I work in the Oceanography field. Got my own boat and everything."

On hearing this, Poland challenges England to a friendly game of poker in hopes of winning that boat from him.

I just kind of love the poker animations, hee.

England: "No, I will not accept shoes as part of my winnings."
Poland: "Not even Prada?!"

England fails at a Lady Gaga impression as we can in fact read his Poker Face.

Money money money. :D

Anyway, although he and Poland have bonded over cards, England still needs another friend, so I send him off to chat up all the make-up girls.

Believe it or not, this is not actually Seychelles.
England: "What's the difference between an African elephant and an Indian elephant? About 3000 miles!"
NotSeychelles: "You're not funny."

Moving along!

Girl number two congratulates him on making friends and England tells number three all about his boat.

Girl number four is treated to a tale about his skiing trip.

But she appears unimpressed. Let's rotate the camera, shall we?

Oh yeah. Very unimpressed.

But number five is very interested in hearing about his recent promotion.

But alas, a day working with fish does not make for a pleasant smelling England. Here is the room full of people who think you stink. So, back home for a bath.

Now at home, America is giving the diving board another try.

Or not. Which is probably a good thing as he'd probably land on Germany's head.

But a hero never gives up!

That's because you spend all your time in BED having SEX!.

Or sobbing by the fridge.

Anyway, after his bath, England repairs it. Again.

America checks out France. Right there. While Germany's got his tongue in his mouth.

Japan: "Good heavens! It's a naked America!"

Too many cooks spoil the broth, or so I'm told. In this case, the cooks are kind of saving the broth by not letting England get near the ingredients.

England had some spare time, and I thought his mood could do with upping, so he filled a want by birdwatching.
England: "Don't you dare make a tits joke."
I wouldn't dream of such a thing. Anyway, he's obviously spotted a cock.

Although he's not at work, he just can't resist the fish.

I don't even know.

Oh hey, Germany and Italy are in bed.

Wait a second. Aren't they seeing other people?

Not any more!


America: "Hey, someone's taken a picture of a rock shaped like the virgin Mary! Look!"
England: "Shut up and let me read my book in peace."

Oh, TV's broken now. Dammit.

I suddenly hear angry noises and head upstairs to find this!

That's right - China just came on to Italy!

But it seems he didn't leap out of bed fast enough to escape Germany's wrath. Not that Germany's really in a position to be making judgements, seeing as he was cheating on France with Italy in the first place!

Germany: "Mmm, all that emotional upset has made me hungry for cheese. Mmmm, cheese."
Italy: "♥"

Oh shit, news travels fast in this house!

A broken-hearted America follows Italy out of the house to slap the other side of his face but is thwarted by cheese sandwiches.

Oh hey, America! The secret chef's come to visit you!

Italy channels his bro for a moment.
Italy: "I hate that potato bastard!"

Once again, everyone - including some random chef who just wandered in off the street - gangs together to keep England from cooking.

Germany: "He tried to steal me away from you. Like a thief. I didn't want any of it!"
Oh come on, Germany, you don't really think France will fall for that, do you?


England: "All that salt air when I'm sailing plays havoc with my skin, so I use lip balm to keep my lips soft."
Japan: *crushes*

Before England can fix the TV, he has to move it out of the way.

Upstairs, China and Japan chat.

Italy: "I may not be able to juggle boyfriends, but just watch me juggle these cups!"

America suddenly randomly hates Russia.

England: "Just thought I'd call everyone I know to let them know that my lips are awesome."
Sadly this does not include the make-up girls, who turned out to be ex-directory.

The garden needs weeding. England has a day off work, so I send him off to tackle the mess. Japan follows. And crushes.

Random dog.

Seems like all that birdwatching, fishing and weeding has attracted the attention of the local Nature club leader. Congratulations England! And at 76 images, I think I'll leave it there for now. Until next time!

Hetalia Asylum Archive
Part 01 | Part 02 | Part 03 | Part 04
Part 05 | Part 06 | Part 07 | Part 08 | Part 09
Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13

hetalia asylum, sims story, hetalia

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