Hetalia Asylum - 02

Mar 25, 2010 14:06

In our last update, England was employed as a Fish Chummer and quickly promoted to Dolphin Tank Cleaner, a step closer to freedom. He celebrated by bringing someone home from work. Everyone else mostly danced.

Asylum rules can be found here.

England's friend seems shocked by France's lack of clothing. Get used to it, buddy. You'll be seeing a lot of those undies.

Meanwhile, the dishwasher has broken down, so after making him gain a mechanical skill point, I send England to fix it.

He fails.

France and Russia run to watch England fry. Italy however, is too distraught to watch.


And England loses his marbles. You can't see clearly through the plumbob, but France is totally mocking him.

"Blibble blibble."

And here comes the invisible doctor to make him better.

Shaking hands with invisible people? That, England, is why people think you're bonkers.


America joins in the happy fun times too. Yeah, you look fab.

England however, skips the festivities in favour of a nice, relaxing bubble bath.

Germany does not approve of America's attire.

China does though.

Japan has decided to express his feelings through art.

He's feeling a girl in a green dress.

"Halp halp, feed me. I'm so hungry, I'm fading into the furniture!"

The logical response to this? Go to sleep. Oh France, you are just brimming with sense.

Germany has taken to lurking outside the bathroom and congratulating people who walk past. I still don't know why. It's not like America's been promoted to dolphin maid.

Germany and America discuss eggs while Italy and China chill. Ahh. They're all so friendly. Which I gotta admit is kind of dull.

Poor America does not wish to see France naked.

Something smells. It's not the food.

"Could that smell be America-san?"
"Do not fret. He will not smell once he has become one with me."

With that happy thought in mind, Japan and Russia head outside for some fresh air.

No smell will stop America and France from getting their groove on.

It's so groovy, Japan just can't stay away. No matter how much it pains him.

Much better.

Italy stays a safe distance to do his funky dance.

But Germany has no time for such shenanigans. There's mess to clean!

"So, Amerique, tell us your thoughts on recycling."
"Well, they're kind of vague and unclear..."

D: Germany, WTF are you doing?! You're gonna make yourself sick!


Welcome home, England! And congratulations on your promotion to... uh...

Well, at least it's not head lice.

Dunno what Germany was watching. Hope it was interesting.

The isolation of the asylum starts to get to poor Italy.
"Why doesn't anyone love me?"

Yeah, I know everyone caps this, but look! It's Russia! In the bath! With his scarf on!

China is peckish.

"My goodness, it's a table!"

Russia is creepy. News at 11.

France is hungry, but not quite hungry enough to cannibalise Japan.

"Liiiiiiiiiiips, lip lip lips."
"So what you're saying is..."
"I love my lips!"

But in the absence of other lips to love, pat-a-cake is also fine.

England has low fun. And could do with more cleaning skills. So I send him outside to rake leaves.

And jump in them.


Italy, I know you want love, but watching people pee probably isn't the best way to get it.


My romance sims bond over phallic food. In their underwear. Somehow this seems entirely normal.

Poor Italy has been so busy fretting that he's forgotten to eat. Or wash. Which probably isn't helping his chances at lurve.

Despite there being another stereo downstairs, Russia decides he absolutely MUST bring sexy back while England is trying to sleep. England is not amused.

America thought it was an excellent idea though.
England: *raeg*

"Now fuck off, you pair of knobs, and let me sleep."
America: :D

Evicted by England, America decides to inflict loud noises on France instead.

France is also unamused.
America: :D

Now China is starting to worry. Poor China. Is lack of money getting you down?

Or is it the fact that Russia is just sitting there by the front door? Doing nothing. Just sitting. Gazing into space.

Lamenting the fact that no-one will become one with him.

And upstairs, France is beginning to crumble under the pressure. I wonder who will crack first?

Not America, I'll bet. The thought of Italy physically repulses him, but at least he's not sobbing like a baby.

Oh. So it was the smell of Italy making him sick, not the mere thought of him!

The house is very open-plan, which means America and England flee outside to escape naked Italy. However, there is a storm.

And lightning strikes!


So I shall leave you with England cheerfully burbling at nothing. Until next time!

Hetalia Asylum Archive
Part 01 | Part 02 | Part 03 | Part 04
Part 05 | Part 06 | Part 07 | Part 08 | Part 09
Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13

hetalia asylum, sims story, hetalia

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