(no subject)

Sep 25, 2010 22:57

Title: I WILL LOVE YOU (6/7)
Author: foreverfaith101
Rating: R
Characters: Luke Snyder & Dr. Reid Oliver + many more to come
Summary: Casey and Luke get in a car crash
Previous Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7

It was a week later and Luke is fine, he doesn’t remember anyone or anything, but he is fine now. He is ready to leave the hospital, everyone gets together at Lily’s to talk about what should be the next step in helping Luke. The doctor gave him pills to help with the pain.

Chris, Katie, Faith, Natalie, Ethan and Casey all helped put the apartment back together.

Reid takes Luke home in hopes he can get his memory back. He lets Luke walk in first to see if he feels at home at all. Luke walks around the apartment like it was new to him. Luke sees the wedding picture of theirs. Luke asked Reid “Wait, are we married?” Reid from afar told him yes.

Luke looked confused and told him, “I can't be married to you!”

Reid asked, “Why not?”

Luke told him, “Because I am straight!” Reid was lost for words again.

Reid finally got the words to come out of his mouth. “Wait, you think you’re straight?!”

Luke answered back “Yeah! I am...I mean it is fine for you, but I’m not gay.” Reid didn’t know how to respond to his statement.

Reid got a call from Holden telling him to bring Luke by the house; Reid tried to put on a brave face. Reid told Holden they should be by soon. Luke and Reid walked though town, everyone was happy to see that Luke was up and moving around, he didn’t remember anyone. Reid, on the other hand, was more hurt now than before.

Once they made it to Lily’s house Holden talked to Reid outside for a while. Luke tried to talk to everyone but they kept on pushing him to remember which made Luke even more upset and just wanted to leave.

Holden asked Reid if anything changed when they went home and he said, “Nope.”

Holden know Reid was lying. Reid told Holden about what happened to Luke, and Holden was lost for words. “Wait, he thinks he is WHAT?!” Reid and Holden talked for a while and he told Holden about people who can't remember. “Many people don’t remember who they are or remember places they have been, but for Luke to think he is straight this is a new one,". Holden felt bad for Reid, who was trying to keep a brave face on this whole time.

After telling Holden everything Reid knew about memory loss and how it will take time for Luke to remember everything if he remember anything at all, the house got even louder. Reid and Holden walked in and looked at everyone fighting. Luke told them he was straight and that made everything worse. Luke looked at Reid and walked over to him and told him he wants to leave and he ran out.

Reid loudly shouted to get everyone to shut up and explained everything he could. Everyone asked Reid if he was ok with Luke being “straight.” But he just looked at them like they were idiots. Reid told them he would go and look for Luke.

Luke was wondering around town trying to remember but can’t. After a while he ended back at their apartment, but he didn’t have a key so he just sat on the floor waiting. He knew Reid would be there.

After a while Reid made his way back to the apartment, it was night now and Luke fell asleep waiting to be let in. Reid bent down and touches Luke on the shoulder to wake him up. Luke always looked peaceful to Reid when Luke was sleeping.

Luke awoke, still not knowing who Reid is. Reid asked Luke, “How did you know to come here?” Luke rubbed his eyes and stood up. Reid backed off to make Luke comfortable.

Luke told him that he “Just saw this building and felt like home.”

Reid let Luke in and Reid told him he was tired and that he needs some sleep. Luke said, "That's fine."

Luke made his way to the couch and just sat here for a moment, Reid walked to the bedroom and watch Luke lay back down and fall back to sleep.

Reid closed the door, and took off his clothes and climbed into bed alone. He put his head down on his pillow and held onto Luke’s. Reid closes his eyes and falls asleep.

atwt, !author|artist: foreverfaith101, fan fiction

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