(no subject)

Sep 26, 2010 22:42

Title: I WILL LOVE YOU (7/7)
Author: foreverfaith101
Rating: R
Characters: Luke Snyder & Dr. Reid Oliver + many more to come
Summary: Casey and Luke get in a car crash
Previous Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7

Days passed and nothing changed. Luke still felt like he was straight and didn't remember anyone or anything, but Reid has been noticing something really different about Luke. When everyone leaves Luke alone he seems to know where everything is, when Reid and Luke were walking around town - he seemed to know where Java was and where Al’s was. He knew where the apartment was without anyone’s help. He knew where his own clothes were in the dresser and closet.

Reid asked Luke if he could remember anything. Luke told him no, but Reid knew that if Luke knew where everything was in town, and even knew he was supposed to be working at a foundation and a shipping company, that it had to mean he was getting his memory back. He didn’t want to push Luke in fear it would set him back, or upset him.

For several days, Luke went on with life as he would normally, around town he would normally go. The only thing Luke couldn’t remember was who he was and what is going on around him. When Reid would ask him if he could remember, Luke would tell him “I don't remember, this just feels right.”

Later that night it was about three in the morning, and Luke woke up he was sleeping on the couch. He felt different. Something made him wake up. He got up and walked around the dark apartment. He sees Reid sleeping like an angel.

Reid turned around and Luke took a deep breath and decided to leave the apartment. He walked for a while through Old Town, and other parts of town, where he ended up at Snyder Pond. It was a cool summer night. No one was out, everyone was asleep, no cars - nothing. All he could hear was the soft breeze blowing. He sat on the bench table and looked at the stars.

“Why can’t I remember? I want to remember, I am going through the motions and everyone thinks I can remember but why can’t I remember who I am? Or who everyone else is?” he asked himself. He drifted off to sleep.

Reid awoke and got dressed and showered. He walks into the living room to see if Luke was up yet, but Luke wasn't there. Reid ran to town to see if he could find him, on the phone with everyone to see if Luke was with them. They told them they haven’t seen him. Reid decides to get in the car and drive around to see if Luke made his way to The Farm.

Reid is getting worried about Luke. He is driving to The Farm and as he gets close to where the crash happened he sees Luke standing there. Reid pulls over and runs to Luke. Reid looks at Luke, who was clearly upset. Reid asked Luke, “What is it, you ok?” Reid desperately wanted to touch Luke. Luke looked at Reid and tears fell from his face.

Reid wanted to hug Luke so badly, but he fears if he did Luke would freak out.

Luke hugged Reid out of the blue. Reid loved Luke so much; Reid rested his head on Luke shoulder. Luke whispered in Reid’s ear, “I remember.”

Reid broke from the hug and looked at Luke “You remember?”

Luke said in a tearful explanation “I remember everything.”

Reid and Luke are both tearing up now. “I remember my family, the crash, Oakdale, everything...I know who my parents are, the rest of my family, my friends Casey and Allison, and Noah, even Kevin!" he takes a deep breath and looked at Reid, "and you...I remember you Reid."

Reid and Luke hugged tighter than ever before. Reid, while hugging Luke, looked up to heaven and whispered, "Thank God." Reid got his Luke back. They had a deep, emotional kiss.

Reid told Luke, getting extremely emotional, "You don't know how happy I am that you remember everything, Luke! You had me scared for weeks!"

Luke responded "How could I forget the one I love?"

atwt, !author|artist: foreverfaith101, fan fiction

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