(no subject)

Jul 24, 2010 02:53

Title: I WILL LOVE YOU (2/7)
Author: foreverfaith101
Rating: R
Characters: Luke Snyder & Dr. Reid Oliver + many more to come
Summary: Casey and Luke get in a car crash
Previous Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7

Reid ran down to the ER and found Casey being brought in. Reid ran around to see what was going on. Reid yelled to get Casey in Room 1 to get looked at. Casey was not that bad, he was just had a broken arm, and he smacked his head which is why they wanted Reid to look at him, he felt Casey’s head and asked him a lot of questions, he finally told Reid about Luke, which made Reid freak out. Reid yelled at the other doctors and nurses to get Casey up to X-Ray so Reid could see if there was any internal damage, Casey was talking normally so Reid decided he just hit it without damage but just wanted to make sure.

Reid ran outside into the main hall to find Luke but couldn’t find him. He asked the nurse, “Where is Luke?”

The nurse didn’t know. Reid knew Luke was with Casey, he even tried to call his cell just to see if maybe they were not together in the crash, but again Luke didn’t answer. Finally the nurse told Reid, “The ambulance is stuck in traffic!”

Reid got angry, “HOW THE FUCK DOES IT GET STUCK IN TRAFFIC!!” he screamed out.

Reid went in circles; he even paged Chris to come down. Once Chris came down he was able to calm down Reid a little. He told him to breathe, and just as Reid started to get calmer the ambulance finally came, they brought Luke in, all covered in blood. Reid started to work on Luke they brought him into a room, Reid asked what happened, and they told him, Reid was with the head ER doctor, who wanted Reid to leave, Reid was getting really emotional. Finally after about 10 mins of fighting with the ER doctor he told Reid to “Leave Now!” and Chris came in who was watching outside the doors and pulled Reid away. Reid didn’t come so easy!

Chris was talking down Reid when he saw Casey walking around. Reid ran over to Casey, who only had minor injuries, yelled at him and even pushed him up against the wall, asking him, “How could he do this to Luke, how could you hurt him?”

Casey started to tear up and replied that “I didn’t mean to I-I looked down….” Reid pushed him harder this time to get in his face. “If Luke doesn’t wake up, it is your fault.”

Casey was upset. Reid had tears down his face; Chris tried to get Reid off Casey. Just as Reid let go of Casey he told him “I wish you had died.” He broke from Chris’s arms and walked to the room that Luke was in who they were still working on, and watched though the doors worried. Chris asked Casey how he was. Casey said, “All I got was a sprained hand a hurt leg, and a bump on the head. Everything else is fine!” Casey asked Chris how Luke was, watching Reid down the hall. Chris explained that Luke came in really bad, and they don’t know if he will wake up. Casey started to get upset at the news and even blamed himself.

Chris asked Casey “What did you hit?”

Casey replied, “A cow.” Chris started to laugh a little, but then stopped because it wasn’t funny. Just sounds funny - not every day someone hits a cow!

Luke got pulled out of the ER room to be taken upstairs once they finally got Luke stable enough. Luke almost died two times while in the room. Reid took Luke’s hand and held onto it while talking to the ER doctor about Luke. The ER doctor explained even though Reid is married to Luke, he is the best of the best brain surgeon and knew Luke was going to need an operation, as they found the cause of the problem. Luke’s brain is bleeding and Reid is the only doctor good enough to do it.

Reid freaked about having to operate on Luke. The other things that happened to Luke are and the doctor ran down the list for Reid. “A broken leg, a smashed hand, sprained pelvis, along with many cuts all over his body from the glass.”

They got Luke up to the X-Ray room to look at Luke’s brain so Reid knew where it all was and how he could go in with little trauma.

All the tests came back on Luke and they all say the same thing - his body absorbed a lot of trauma and Reid needs to be the one who needs to work on Luke’s brain or Luke will die.

rating: pg-13, luke/reid, !author|artist: foreverfaith101, fan fiction

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