(no subject)

Sep 22, 2010 22:43

Title: I WILL LOVE YOU (3/7)
Author: foreverfaith101
Rating: R
Characters: Luke Snyder & Dr. Reid Oliver + many more to come
Summary: Casey and Luke get in a car crash
Previous Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7

Reid was not allowed to do surgery on Luke. They were married, and that was quite clearly a conflict of interest. Reid felt so strongly about it, and he was willing to fight the hospital board on the issue, but they would not budge. The board informed Reid and Luke’s family that regardless of how Dr. Oliver felt, they needed to find another surgeon, someone capable if not as brilliant as Reid himself.

Reid continued telling them, “No matter who you find, they won’t be as successful as I know I would be.” Everyone looked at Reid, “I mean, I know I can do this!” The board informs them that that no matter how confident Reid thinks he is, their decision is final. “We are sorry Dr. Oliver, but you can’t operate on Luke Snyder.”

Reid was frustrated. He stormed out of the board room, Holden running after him. He touched Reid’s shoulder to get him to slow down and turn around. Reid jerked from Holden’s touch, but begrudgingly stopped and turned. Holden told him “I know you don’t agree with the Board’s decision, but it will undoubtedly be for the best.”

Reid responded to Holden, frustrated, “I can’t just sit around wondering what could happen, that’s not me.” Holden looked at Reid and asked him the only question he knew would stop Reid and get him to think, “What would Luke want you to do?” Reid was quiet for a moment, then replied “He...He would want me to wait for him...” tears started to fall from his eyes. Holden touched Reid’s arm and pulled him into an embrace.

Reid pulled away from Holden and muttered that he needed to go. He ran out of the hospital trying to hide how upset he was. Lily found Holden, wondering where exactly Reid was going. Meanwhile, it seemed as if the entire town was waiting to hear what had happened to Luke, word had spread fast. Chris saw Reid going across town but let him go - Chris was on his way to meet Katie.

When Reid arrived home, he noticed the apartment was just as they had left it a few days ago. He walked in and went for the vodka that he puts on a high self away from Luke’s line of sight. He drank it down thinking it might help with the pain, but he quickly found that he was wrong. He threw the bottle across the room smashing it on the door.

The small kitchen table had papers on it and he shoved them off sending them flying. He walked towards the bedroom and on the wall next to the kitchen and the bathroom was their wedding picture. He took it down and threw it across the room smashing the frame and glass. He walked around to where the picture was and stood over it, staring at it. He continued his path of destruction flipping over the coffee table and throwing himself on to the couch.

Holden thought getting the family together might be a good idea. He and Lily had decided the best place to meet would be at Lily’s place, so Holden sent a text out.

When everyone was gathered, Holden, Lily, Lucinda, Faith, Natalie, Ethan, Casey, Chris, Katie, and Jack were all there. Even Casey, who had gotten discharged from the hospital, was there. Ethan was too young to understand what was happening with his brother and Natalie only had a vague idea. Holden asked the kids to stay upstairs, and he began to explain about Luke.

Everyone wondered where Reid was, why wasn’t he at Lily’s with them? What they didn’t know was that after taking out his frustration on his and Luke’s apartment, he ended up in the bedroom, exhausted, where he fell asleep.

Holden explained to everyone about the accident, the extent of Luke’s injuries, and the surgery he was going to need. Casey got upset, blaming himself again. Lily reassuringly put her arms around Casey to comfort him.

Chris snuck out of Lily’s place to go find Reid - he had an idea of where he might be. When he got there, and he noticed the door was unlocked. Reid must have forgotten to lock it. He walked around surveying the damage that was done, calling out for Reid. Reid stumbled out of the bedroom, hung-over.

“Wow dude, you really redecorated the place”, said Chris trying to make Reid laugh a little. Reid replied with a sad, pained look on his face, “What do you want Doogie?”

“I just wanted to see how you...” Chris walked over to Reid and he could smell the alcohol all over him. “Dude, you need to shower...like now.” Chris demanded.

“Why, it’s not like I am going any place.” Reid said. Chris told him how important it was that Reid wait at the hospital for Luke. Reid really didn’t want to step foot in that place till Luke woke up.

Chris pushed Reid toward the bathroom to take a shower and change, he wasn’t going to let Reid just stay here alone. Reid finally agreed and went to his room and took off his clothes. Chris sat on the couch, with his back to the bedroom, when he suddenly saw Reid out of the corner of his eye, stumbling around naked. He crashed into the bathroom door.

Chris turned and just looked at Reid, “You alright?” Reid yelled out “I’m FINE!” Chris smiled a little.

Reid climbed into the shower and fell, knocking over the bottles in the shower. Chris could hear them crash to the floor but knew Reid was fine. Then water stopped running, and Reid stumbled out of the bathroom with a towel on. Chris turned to look at him; Reid said “Bottles fell. Sorry,” with puppy dog eyes.

“Just go get dressed, Reid”, Chris told him.

Reid stumbled back into the bedroom and pulled off the towel without warning. Chris immediately blushed - he wasn’t expecting that. He went back to the couch and sat until Reid was done, then he decided he needed to get something for them to eat and drink.

Meanwhile, Reid was having more than a difficult time getting dressed. He had already put his boxers on backwards, put on Luke’s jeans which were too small for him, and paired it with a black sparkly shirt he had worn to Babylon.

Chris walked out of the kitchen and looked Reid up and down, “Ummm Reid...you can’t wear that!”

Reid looked at himself, “What’s wrong with what I have on” he asked, almost falling over.

Chris looked at him incredulously, “Well, the jeans don’t fit you and the shirt is all wrong, but other than that, you’re fine!”

Chris pushed Reid back into the bedroom to help him out. Reid sat on the bed, took off his jeans and threw them in Chris’s face. He looked at them as he folded them up to put them back in the dresser. He noticed they had an “L” on them on the back tag.

“Dude, these are Luke’s! No wonder they didn’t fit you!” Chris handed Reid jeans that had an “R” on the tag. Reid fought to take off his shirt; he even got stuck in it. Chris was looking for a shirt that would be more appropriate for him to wear, and turned to see Reid stuck.

“This was pathetic,” Chris just rolled his eyes and helped Reid get out of the shirt he was wearing and into the one that he had picked out for him. He threw it on the floor where other shirts where lying.

Reid started mumbling something about “Have to go to pee,” got up and crashed into the bedroom door. Chris didn’t know what to do anymore.

Reid went to the bathroom where he finally realized he had put on his boxers backwards. He tried to fix that and found himself crashing into the shower door, making a loud crash causing Chris to knock on the door to check on Reid.

“You okay?” Chris asked. Reid just yelled back, “Yeah, fine! My boxers were just on backwards!” Once again, Chris rolled his eyes in response.

Reid came out and sat in the chair, where Chris made sure he had something to eat and drink. Reid tried to tell Chris he wasn’t hungry but he made Reid eat it anyways! After a while, time and food and water had gotten Reid sober enough he could be around people without making a complete ass of himself.

Holden, Lily, Lucinda, Casey, Katie, were at the hospital. Chris explained to them that in the wake of the entire trauma, Reid had gotten drunk. He put Reid in a chair where he continued to stare off into space. While Luke was in surgery Reid and the others sat waiting in the waiting room. Reid fell asleep thinking of what Luke and Reid has been through...

Luke brought Reid to Oakdale to fix Noah, but he ended up falling in love with Luke. Reid promised himself he was not going to fall for Luke but he couldn’t deny his feelings anymore. Luke found love in Reid’s arms. Reid started to soften his harsh side. Reid taught Luke how to play chess. Luke finally beat him at it. Reid went to Luke’s fathers’ non-wedding. Reid and Luke spent time fishing with Ethan and Holden. Reid wasn’t that good at it. Luke and Reid went on dates. They got married. They got stuck in the rain. Luke took Reid sledding down Snyder Hill. They celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas and birthdays together. They spent long nights in bed in each other arms. Reid took care of many people at the hospital. Luke got his foundation and Grimaldi shipping to be one of the biggest companies in the world. Reid asked Luke if he ever wanted kids. Reid and Luke went to one of Noah’s films in LA. Reid helped Ethan with girl problems at school. Reid loved Luke forever and nothing is going to change that, just like Luke loved Reid nothing was going to change that.

Luke flat lined...


atwt, !author|artist: foreverfaith101, fan fiction

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