(no subject)

Jul 19, 2010 02:08

Title: I WILL LOVE YOU (1/7)
Author: foreverfaith101
Rating: R
Characters: Luke Snyder & Dr. Reid Oliver + many more to come
Summary: Casey and Luke get in a car crash
Previous Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7

Luke and Casey were going to hang out for the day. Reid had to work at the hospital all day. Luke and Reid kissed goodbye, they were in a real good place as of late, it seemed like everything was going amazingly for them. There were no problems at the office, and the hospital was running good.

Luke called Casey to see when he wanted to hang out; as he knew Casey had the day off from work. Casey met Luke at Al’s for breakfast. They talked for a while there, and then they walked around some. Casey was feeling a little lonely since Alison had left town for good. Casey was putting his life back on track as of late, even started to go back to College at Oakdale U.

Luke wanted to go to the farm to get something that was there. It was a good warm summer day. Casey said he would go along, so they got in Casey’s car. He went on the highway to get to Snyder Farm as they were talked about college and how Casey was getting nervous for fall because he hasn’t been in school for a long time. He didn’t want to mess it up this time around, being that everyone in the Hughes family was excited for him. Casey took his eyes off the road for one second and Luke yelled at Casey and out of nowhere they hit a cow standing in the road.

Casey swerved to not hit the cow but he swerved and he smashed the cow on Luke’s side. The cow was lying in the road, all smashed up, as was Casey’s car. Casey was lucky he had On-Star so when they got hit it sent a signal to the emergency services to come get them. Casey and Luke were both unconscious. To top it all off no one knew they were going to Snyder Farm; the only thing anyone knew was that Luke was going to hang out with Casey. And the only person that knew that was Reid.

On a break that Reid had he called Luke to see what he was doing with Casey. But Luke didn’t answer. After a few rings it went straight to voice mail. Reid didn’t think much of it and he just left a message saying, “I am thinking about you, I love you,” and that was it - he got a drink of water and went on with his work. He saw a few people, and had to work on one person with Chris because it involved a baby.

Chris and Reid have been on good terms for a while now, they like to pick on each other but both respected each other. Reid was working on some papers for the baby when Reid got an odd feeling rush over him; Chris came in and asked him about what steps they should take on the baby. Chris asked Reid if he was okay, Reid told him he was fine just got an odd feeling. Reid just brushed it off, like it was no big deal, he even told Chris, “It has to be something I ate!”

Casey and Luke laid still in the smashed car, until one the EMTs came. Casey started to wake up, and he yelled for Luke but no reply. The workers were able to get Casey out safe because his side was not as damaged. Luke’s side, on the other hand, was worse, they couldn’t get his door open enough to pull him out, and they had to get the “jaws of life” to free him. Casey was put in one ambulance watching them try and get Luke out. Casey was a little out if it but kept asking where Luke was, and they kept explaining that they were trying to free him. Casey started to get upset but EMTs were trying to calm him down, as if Casey get upset, he could go into shock more then he already was.

They were able to free Luke finally after about 20 minutes of working on the car. They put Luke on a stretcher so they could get him to the ambulance. The cops worked on the scene while the ambulances took Casey and Luke to the hospital.

Reid was actually having a good day, it was an easy one too, the people Reid had to deal with were small, except for the baby but both Chris and Reid knew about her for a long time now, Chris was taking care of her but needed Reid’s help since it was more about her brain and Reid was good at dealing with the brain. Reid hated taking care of kids. He always felt worse, because he always felt kids shouldn’t be going through the things that this kid was dealing with, which is why he never specialized in being a pediatrician. Reid worked on paper work to get things all done, so when he gets home to see Luke tonight, they can enjoy their peaceful night together with no work. It was Reid’s turn to get or make dinner, it was such a good day he even thought about what he wanted to make, and yes, Reid Oliver makes dinner. Not that much because he has zero time, but when he does he makes the best food. Reid thought about it and even asked Chris about it, and he wanted to make Alfredo for dinner!

Chris was telling Reid about Katie and Jacob and that Jacob was walking and talking, Reid told Chris someday they wished to adopted kids. Chris thought that Reid and Luke would make great parents because they are both caring even if Reid has a hard time showing affection and caring for others, since Luke came into Reid’s life not that long ago, Reid has done a complete flip.

Suddenly Reid got a beep to go to the ER because a car crash victim has come in that needs help.

luke/reid, rating: r, !author|artist: foreverfaith101, fan fiction

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