Hookups and Emoticons [18]

Apr 11, 2010 15:57

Title: Hookups and Emoticons
Author: k_chan91
Disclaimer: Last Christmas I wished I could own Yunho...but I guess I was a naughty girl...T.T
Pairings: Yoosu (friends...?) Yunjae // Jaemin(one-sided), KiMin, HyukSu
Length: [18/?]
Genre: crack, romance, drama
Rating: PG/PG-13
Warnings: Some language, some mentions of smex, a tiny lil bit of angst, Chat world!
Junsu: 8D
Yoochun: >.>
Yunho: <3 JJ 4evah
Jaejoong: Omg~
Changmin: I pwnz

Making and breaking relationships has never been this instant~

1 - Storytelling and Chinese Accents  ||  2 - Corndogs and O's  || 3 - Money and Bambi ||    4 - Smexicles and Friend Gods  ||   5 - Pokemon and Bananas  ||    6 - Yougurt and Golden Sexy  ||    7 - Exercise and Holy Water  ||      8 - First Kisses and Bald Spots  ||   9 - Mario Kart and Grandpa's Condoms  ||   10 - PMSing and Yoochun's Saga  ||   11 - Petunias and Amazling Smiles  ||   12 - Muffins and Sinking Ships  ||   13 - Pencil Compatibility and Coming Out the Closest  ||   14 - Morning People and Junsu's Saga  || 15 - Lambs and Bleach  || 16 - Homowork and Shakespearean Torture  ||    17 - Nicknames and Evasive Maneuvers ||


Chapter 18: Quotation Marks and Kryptonite

November 22, Sunday, 11:42AM

***SUnny has signed in

SUnny: Cupid!Su ish going to work >D

***YumYunYum has signed in

YumYunYum: Hey, Su. What's up

SUnny: You! 8D

YumYunYum: Eh?

***Jaesicle has signed in

Jaesicle: I'm so smexyyyyyyyy and you all knowzzzz it!!! <3

SUnny: Jae! 8DD

YumYunYum: Omg. JUNSU, you said it was just gonna be us

SUnny: Yep. 8DDD Us and him. Say hello~

Jaesicle: Heeeey, Yunnie~<33

YumYunYum: Hi.

SUnny: o.o Yunho? Is that all you're going to say?

YumYunYum: You said to say hello. I did.

SUnny: First of all, I said to say HELLO. You said HI. D< HI ish lame.

Jaesicle: I kinda like 'hi' <3 <3

SUnny: Hi ish awesome! :3

YumYunYum: ...

SUnny: So, Yunho. >:D How has your life been today?

YumYunYum: Um, okay, I guess.

SUnny: Yep yep. And how has your life been with Jaejoong in it? >D

YumYunYum: Nice. Very very nice.

SUnny: o.o That's all you're going to say?

YumYunYum: I...I guess....

SUnny: D< Be specific, dork

YumYunYum: Umm.....

Jaesicle: I'm listening, Yunnie <3 <3

YumYunYum: Ummm....you looked nice at school on Friday.

Jaesicle: Why, thank you, baby~ But I do have to retouch my smexy blondness. Oh! Or do you think I should die it back to black? Wine red, perhaps?

YumYunYum: I think you'd look good bald

SUnny: o.o"

Jaesicle: Oh...really? That's not really my style, though...

YumYunYum: Oh. Oh! I know. Just..saying..

SUnny: D<

SUnny: YUNHO. DD< Why don't you tell us about all the VOLUNTEER WORK you've been doing lately. Ya know Jae likes to do stuff for the environment and stuff, too~

Jaesicle: I believe in recycling and clean air ;D

YumYunYum: Um, I helped the Science Club clean up the park today.

Jaesicle: Omg! How humane of you, baby~

SUnny: ....

SUnny: AND??? DDD< Inform JAEJOONG about your passion for recycling and shit D<

YumYunYum: Well, I'm class president. I was kind of obligated to help out.

Jaesicle: Oh...you didn't do it for the good of the environment...?

YumYunYum: No, no!

YumYunYum: I mean yes!

YumYunYum: I mean....the world is awesome. And we should work to keep it that way~

Jaesicle: Awww~ <3

YumYunYum: But the class secretary was sick today so I had to give up my lunch time to help out

SUnny: You gave up your lunch again? T.T

Jaesicle: So you didn't do it for the good of nature....

YumYunYum: NO!

YumYunYum: YES!

YumYunYum: I don't know....I don't remember what I did today anymore

SUnny: o.o You just said you starved yourself today to help the Science Club

YumYunYum: Just forget I said anything

SUnny: D< STOP being such a loser!

SUnny: Okay, next topic. :D

SUnny: Hey, Jae~ Did you know Yunho is a world class athlete? ;DD

Jaesicle: Oooooh. Is that where you get your well-defined arm muscles, Yunnie?

YumYunYum: Probably. Maybe.

SUnny: ....

SUnny: Do I have to come to your house and CHOKE the words out of you, Yunho?!!? D< What's WRONG with you??? Is THAT all you're going to say???

YumYunYum: What's wrong with what I said....or typed...or whatever....?

SUnny: Ahem. Let me give you a little advice, ahem. :D


SUnny: Jaejoong~ Why don't you try communicating with Yunho? :D

Jaesicle: Lololol, my Susu! xD Okayz, I will.

Jaesicle: Yunnie~<3

YumYunYum: ...

Jaesicle: Why don't you tell me about your oh so exciting athleticism, Yunnie-poo~

YumYunYum: I like soccer.

Jaesicle: Omo! That's such a fun sport~

YumYunYum: Yeah.

SUnny: Loser D<

SUnny: What OTHER sports do you like, Yunho????

YumYunYum: I like sports.

SUnny: =.= We covered that. What. OTHER. SPORTS??? *chomps your face*

YumYunYum: Field hockey is cool. Good. Very good.

Jaesicle: Reallyz?! I've never played that game before but it's fun to watch other people during gym.

YumYunYum: Uh-huh

Jaesicle: I bet you're EXCELLENT at field hockey, Yunnie~

YumYunYum: No. Not really. No.

Jaesicle: Why don't you let me watch you play sometime, Yunnie? It'll be soooo much fun

YumYunYum: No. Not really. No.

Jaesicle: o.o You don't want me to watch you play? Why not?

YumYunYum: Um, it'd be boring.

Jaesicle: Baby, I wouldn't mind watching you and a few of your friends play around for a bit. I promise I wouldn't be bored with you~<3

SUnny: I AM! ]<

YumYunYum: No, really, Jaejoong. You shouldn't.

Jaesicle: Awww~ T.T But...I want to.

YumYunYum: I...I'm sorry. I really don't want you to be..... I'm sorry. It's just better if you don't.

Jaesicle: Well...okay, then, baby. Is there anything else you'd rather we do? Together? Just the two of us? I like ice cream~<3

YumYunYum: God forbid. No.

SUnny: O.O What kind of reaction was that????

Jaesicle: Oh my....

SUnny: Hey, Jae! :D Would you mind logging off for a moment? I'd like to chat with meh dear buddy, Yunho for a while. I'll send you a text when we're ready. Kay? <3

Jaesicle: *sigh* Okay, Susu...

***Jaesicle has signed out

SUnny: He's gone now. :D

SUnny: lhjkadfgfgjkldfgskaefgljkhlfgfjklddfgkldfhhbjdfhjlffbhwjkdfjbkfad


YumYunYum: Whoa. What????

SUnny: I thought you LIKED Jaejoong!!! ]8<

YumYunYum: I do!

SUnny: I thought you wanted to have his babies!!! ]]8<

YumYunYum: I do!

YumYunYum: Wait....I can't.....

SUnny: And just WHY THE HELL NOT???? Me and Yoochun took time out of OUR WONDERFUL LIVES to help you hook up with Kim Jaejoong and you're being a complete jackass pussy now!!!??!?! RAWR!! What the fuck do you mean 'I CAN'T?????'

YumYunYum: I can't have his babies...I'm a guy...

SUnny: o.o"

SUnny: That's the besides the point!! DD<

SUnny: What the AL;DFJ;ALSFJ;AKLJ ish wrong with you?????

YumYunYum: I....I don't know....

SUnny: Yes you do! You're YUNHO. You ALWAYS know!

YumYunYum: Junsu.....I'm sorry I got you into this but....I thought I could handle it. But I can't, okay?

SUnny: O___O

SUnny: This is so going in my blog. O_____O" Today on November 22, Yunho admits defeat....Whoa~

YumYunYum: Shut up, man. I just can't. I didn't realize it til recently that this is just too much for me. So....we can just drop it now.

SUnny: O.O JAEJOONG is too much for you???? JAEJOONG??? He's just a human being!

YumYunYum: Not to me. He's so much more.....

SUnny: Then RAPE him >D

YumYunYum: I can't!

SUnny: Rape ish not something you can give up so easily~ Tiz a fun activity~ ;D

SUnny: You get to do stuff like....


YumYunYum: NO!

SUnny: O.O

YumYunYum: I'd never be able to do something like that without making a complete idiot of myself.

SUnny: O.o"

YumYunYum: Have you ever listened to a conversation between us?? It's a disaster, man. It never fails. Every time I see him, I choke up and all I say is the wrong thing. And then even if I relax for a brief moment, I get distracted by just how damn amazing Jaejoong is and something way too too honest slips out of my pathetic mouth and I ruin it all.

YumYunYum: Do you KNOW how much I treasured the phone calls he makes at night right before I go to bed????? Man, last time he called, I dreamed I was THE Burger King, okay? THE Burger King. I had a cane and everything. It was amazing.

SUnny: O.O What does the cane have to do with anything?

YumYunYum: Canes are awesome

SUnny: O.O" You have problems >.>

YumYunYum: Exactly. Which is why I've been avoiding his nightly calls. I don't deserve his silky smooth voice pouring rivulets of Jaejoong's soul into my unworthy eardrums

SUnny: o.o ....I didn't know you were that poetic...

YumYunYum: It's because of Jaejoong...he does things to you....

SUnny: ....Both you and Yoochun should stop listening to music lyrics so closely

YumYunYum: It's not the music in my iPod. It's the music in Jaejoong's eyes~

SUnny: ...

YumYunYum: *sigh*

SUnny: =.= You're hopeless

YumYunYum: Exactly! It'll never work out between us. I'll just ruin it. With my stupid mouth.

SUnny: Your mouth isn't stupid. You're class president! :D You're the most eloquent person I know~

SUnny: It's your brain that's stupid >.>

YumYunYum: Do I have to compare our IQs again?

SUnny: No! *sobs* T.T I mean the romance part of your brain! It's broken

YumYunYum: So what? You suggesting I get a lobotomy or something?

SUnny: Yes! >:D

YumYunYum: ...

SUnny: But that's expensive, so we're gonna do this the Junsu Way. >D

YumYunYum: I'm afraid....

SUnny: You want a date with the Jae, right? D<

YumYunYum: ...

SUnny: DO. YOU. WANT. DAT??? ]<

SUnny: **A. DATE. o.o"

YumYunYum: Huh?

SUnny: DO. YOU. WANT. A. DATE??? >.> I type too fast....don't pick on meh typos!! TT.TT

YumYunYum: Well, if you'd fricking calm down every few minutes, you could control yourself enough to have better command over your fingers.


YumYunYum: ...

SUnny: Well?!? You want a Jae!date or what???

YumYunYum: But...I can't say anything to him. I'll screw everything up.

SUnny: You're the only man I know with such a huge, dangling pussy D<

YumYunYum: WHAT??

SUnny: Just do what I say! DD< I'm texting Jae back into the chat room. Freak!!

YumYunYum: Wait, no! I'm not ready yet! At least let me do some breathing exercises

***Jaesicle has signed in

Jaesicle: Hey, boys<3 Are you ready for meh yet?

SUnny: Yes! :D

SUnny: ...

SUnny: Yunho, say yes

YumYunYum: Yes.

SUnny: >.>

SUnny: Now say, "I am totally ready for you, Jae. You and the music in your eyes."

YumYunYum: I am totally ready for you, Jae. You and the music in your eyes.

Jaesicle: AWWWWWWWWW!! <3 <3

SUnny: "You're awesome."

YumYunYum: You're awesome.

SUnny: "Junsu ish awesome :3"

YumYunYum: Junsu ish awesome :3

SUnny: >D

YumYunYum: Wait.....ah, Su! Don't do that.

SUnny: Mwaha!

Jaesicle: Omona~ You two are so funny ;D

SUnny: Yunho, say, "I know. I was born with awesome jeans."

YumYunYum: I know. I was born with awesome jeans.

YumYunYum: ...Don't you mean, "awesome genes??"

SUnny: o.o I dunno. You said it. >D

Jaesicle: Lolololol~ So, Yunnie, tell me about your responsibilities as class president. I know you're always so busyyyyy with school activities

SUnny: Yunho, say, "I....o.o Dude, what are your responsibilities??"

YumYunYum: I....o.o Dude what are your responsibilities??

SUnny: =_= Not that, IDIOT! Just tell me so I can tell you how to say it!

YumYunYum: =_= Not that, IDIOT! Just tell me so I can tell you how to say it!

SUnny: That wasn't even in quotation marks! Repeat what I type in "quotation marks!"

YumYunYum: quotation marks!

SUnny: O.O You're just fucking with me, aren't you? =.=

SUnny: Wait, don't repeat that! >.< Okay, just say this, "I'm like Super Man, baby. I can do anything and you're my smexay Kryptonite ;D"

YumYunYum: ...Are you sure?

SUnny: DO IT! Grrrrrrr

YumYunYum: ...

YumYunYum: I'm like Super Man, baby. I can do anything and you're my smexay Kryptonite ;D

YumYunYum: That's semi-creepy, Su...

Jaesicle: Omona~ You're just so cute!

YumYunYum: Keep giving me lines, Su.

SUnny: o.o

SUnny: Ha! >D Okay, stay with meh, Yun, this one's gonna blow you both away

SUnny: Okay, say, "Hey, Jae baby~ You wanna know what feels better than morning sunlight, jaccuzzi bubbles and sex on the beach combined?"

YumYunYum: Hey, Jae baby~ You wanna know what feels better than morning sunlight, jaccuzzi bubbles and sex on the beach combined?

Jaesicle: *gigglez* I dunno, baby. What? <3 <3

SUnny: "The sound of your silky smooth voice pouring rivulets of your soul into my unworthy eardrums ;D"

YumYunYum: The sound of your silky smooth voice pouring rivulets of your soul into my unworthy eardrums ;D

Jaesicle; *squeals* Omg! That gives me shivers up and down my spine~

SUnny: "Oh, baby, your smile gives me shivers up, down, around and sideways in ways neither of us could evah understand~"

YumYunYum: Oh, baby, your smile gives me shivers up, down, around and sideways in ways neither of us could evah understand~

Jaesicle: Oh, ish my smile that delicious? ;DDD

SUnny: "More delicious than the taste of your name on my lips~"

YumYunYum: More delicious than the taste of your name on my lips~

Jaesicle: Omona! <3 <3 <3

SUnny: "Jaejoong~"

YumYunYum: Jaejoong~

Jaesicle: Oh, I told you, babe, you can call me Jaejoongie~

SUnny: "Jaejoongie~"

YumYunYum: Taepoongie~

SUnny: O.O

YumYunYum: Oh. Oh crap. I'm so sorry! That's my dog's name

Jaesicle: You just called me by your...dog's name?

YumYunYum: No! I mean, well yes, but...that's not what I meant! Typo!

SUnny: Just do what I tell you to do D<

Jaesicle: No, wait, Susu.

SUnny: o.o

Jaesicle: You two are cute together and everything, but I'd rather Yunho speak to me with his own mind, ya know? <3

SUnny: Psh! I thought you wanted my help. DD< He's pure hopelessness!

YumYunYum: What do you mean by "help?"

SUnny: o.o"

SUnny:Nothing >.>

Jaesicle: Aigoo...I don't think this is working, Su. But thanks for trying, baby. You knowz I love you down to the floor~

SUnny: 8D Thanks!

YumYunYum: Wait...what's not working?

Jaesicle: I'll see you at school tomorrow, Su, love <3

SUnny: Yeah! 8'D

Jaesicle: And Yunnie....

YumYunYum: ...

Jaesicle: I'll...see you later. Kay?

YumYunYum: ...Okay...

Jaesicle: And Yunho....?

YumYunYum: Yeah?

Jaesicle: ...Never mind. Bye.

***Jaesicle has signed out

SUnny: *throws Cheerios at chu* DDDDDD<

YumYunYum: I told you.

SUnny: WHY, Yunho???? WHY?!?!?!?

SUnny: What happened to MY Yunho that never gives up?? After all the years I've known you, you've never just GIVEN UP like that. NEVAH! 3:< What's wrong with you?????

YumYunYum: That's what I'm trying to figure out....

SUnny: Gah! >.< I was feeding him to you on fucking golden platter (Not silver! GOLDEN! D8) and you screwed it up sky high!

YumYunYum: I know...

SUnny: How do you expect to succeed in life? =.=

YumYunYum: I will succeed in life. I have confidence in life. Jaejoong in that life is a different story...

SUnny: Shut up! Don't talk like that! I'm helping you with your sad, disastrous, STINKY love life and it WILL work!

SUnny: You're just ROYALLY SCREWING UP because you're just not used to this kind of situation

YumYunYum: What do you mean? Like a situation where I can easily make a complete and total fool of myself?

SUnny: Yes. :D Somewhat.

YumYunYum: Pfft. I'm not afraid of that. I'm always aware of the possibilities of bad consequences when I'm making decisions in leadership positions. But it doesn't phase me. I just...do what I've got to do. It's different from screwing up with Jaejoong.... It's...I dunno.

SUnny: It's cuz he's a fine piece of ass >;D

YumYunYum: Junsu, don't talk about him like that, I'm warning you.

SUnny: O.O"

SUnny: OMG, see??? 8D You've just gotta be like that around him!

YumYunYum: Huh? What, protective??

SUnny: I dunno. Maybe. If it works. *shrugs*

SUnny: Or maybe you should just find your niche with Jaejoong. >D Find out your JAE-DENITY~

YumYunYum: My what??

SUnny: :D Jae-denity~ Jaejoong-identity. Like, you know how to act around the student council and around teachers and around your mom and around me (You're a bit more rude with me than you are with other groups mentioned, but I can deal with it..... >.>) You should just find out what identity to use around the love of your life~

YumYunYum: It wouldn't work. Even if I turned myself into a motorcycle-riding bad boy if that's what Jae is into, I'd still just be a motorcycle-riding bad boy who stutters when he talks and unintentionally encourages his potential, almost-boyfriend to shave his head bald and have grocery sex with him

SUnny: O__O GROCERY SEX?????

YumYunYum: *sigh* I'd rather not explain....

SUnny: fg;k;fakgelkggldfsg;;raeltijegjeio;

SUnny: You need professional help >.>

YumYunYum: Yeah. But you're all I've got.

SUnny: Right! :D So do what I say and you'll be fine and in between Jaejoongie's legs in no time~

YumYunYum: Junsu......

SUnny: Alright, alright! >.> I'll stop talking about Jaejoong's smexy, lucious anatomy >D

YumYunYum: ....

SUnny: :D

YumYunYum: *sigh*

SUnny: Oh, shoot! o.o Hello, Baby ish coming on. :3 Gotta go, Yun. Meh TV calls meh~

YumYunYum: Okay

***Maximini has signed in

SUnny: Think about what personas you want to try on Jaejoong while I wrestle the remote control away from Changmin and watch TV >D

Maximini: o.o Just for that, I'm hiding the remote. In a place you'd never acquire the brain power to bother to look



Maximini: Nope. Dad's not coming back from Incheon til late tonight, so his laptop is all mine. I'll annoy you on the internet as long as I want

SUnny: *grabs you by your hair and sticks you back inside Mom's womb*

Maximini: Ew

SUnny: It's where you belong >8|

YumYunYum: Umm....

Maximini: You.

YumYunYum: Me?

Maximini: You.

SUnny: Yunho? O.o

Maximini: So, Jung. Tell me. How are your shins?

SUnny: o.O"

YumYunYum: Um.....okay, I guess...

Maximini: Oh. Really? That's too bad.

SUnny: O_O

Maximini: Well, I just wanted to apologize for always tripping you in the hallways at school. Gosh darnit! I guess I'm just growing so fast I don't know what to do with all these elongating limbs. My bad.

Maximini: Any bad bruises?

YumYunYum: Um...one, I think. The bleeding from my kneecap stopped recently...

Maximini: Ha!

Maxmini: Sorry, man. Won't happen again. I swear by the angelic glow in Jaejoong's skin.

Maximini: So, Yunho.....any interesting news from the principal? Anything....strange?

YumYunYum: What do you mean?

Maximini: Um, I dunno. Just some things I might have...heard. So, no weird emails from the principals or teachers or student council....say.....accusing you of something?

YumYunYum: .....No.

Maximini: Oh. Well good.

SUnny: >.>

Maximini: Well, I wish you good luck and prosperity in the future.

Maximini: Perhaps specifically for tomorrow when you go to school...I think you'll need it.

YumYunYum: Thanks......?

Maximini: You're welcome, Jaejoong.

SUnny: o.o Jaejoong isn't even here....

Maximini: I know. There's no reason I can't appreciate him in any way I want, whenever I want, right? I just care that much about him. He's such a good person.

Maximini: And I'm sure he has no tolerance for lewd, obnoxious perverts, Yunho.

YumYunYum: Excuse me??

Maximini: Nothing. Nothing.....

Maximini: I'll beat you to the TV, Junsu

Maximini: Bye, YUNHO.

***Maximini has signed out

YumYunYum: ...

SUnny: o.O

YumYunYum: That was weird.

SUnny: You say that, but you don't have to live with the freak >.>

SUnny: Aw, crap, that loser is gonna make me miss my show! >.<

SUnny: See you tomorrow, Yunho! 8D

SUnny: Omg, I'd better hurry if want to beat Changmin to the TV. O.O He's on Dad's laptop, downstairs, so he's closer to it. Noooooooooooo!

YumYunYum: Um, have fun with that?


***SUnny has signed out

YumYunYum: ...

YumYunYum: Jaejoong, Jaejoong, Jaejoong, Jaejoongie....

YumYunYum: <3

***YumYunYum has signed out

Chapter 19
I know, guys. It's been a while. I was stuck for quite some time. Yunho was just....so much fail. x'D But it's here! I hope the next chapter will be faster~

Vote for your favorite fic here in the contest at dbkrackweens :D Voting isn't restricted to members only. Yay! ♥

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title: hookups and emoticons, genre: drama, pairing: jaemin, genre: romance, rating: pg-13, pairing: yoosu, genre: comedy, pairing: yunjae

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