Title: Hookups and Emoticons
Author: k_chan91
Disclaimer: Last Christmas I wished I could own Yunho...but I guess I was a naughty girl...T.T
Pairings: Yoosu (friends...?) Yunjae // Jaemin(one-sided), KiMin, HyukSu
Length: [14/?]
Genre: crack, romance, drama
Rating: PG/PG-13
Warnings: Some language, some mentions of smex, a tiny lil bit of angst, Chat world!
Junsu: 8D
Yoochun: >.>
Yunho: <3 JJ 4evah
Jaejoong: Omg~
Changmin: I pwnz
Making and breaking relationships has never been this instant~
1 - Storytelling and Chinese Accents ||
2 - Corndogs and O's ||
3 - Money and Bambi ||
4 - Smexicles and Friend Gods ||
5 - Pokemon and Bananas ||
6 - Yougurt and Golden Sexy ||
7 - Exercise and Holy Water ||
8 - First Kisses and Bald Spots ||
9 - Mario Kart and Grandpa's Condoms ||
10 - PMSing and Yoochun's Saga ||
11 - Petunias and Amazling Smiles ||
12 - Muffins and Sinking Ships ||
13 - Pencil Compatibility and Coming Out the Closest ||
Chapter 14: Morning People and Junsu's Saga
November 12, Thursday, 8:45PM
***YumYunYum has signed in
***SUnny has signed in
SUnny: Yo!
YumYunYum: Hey, Su.
SUnny: GRRRRRRR! D8< Stupid maggot was on my laptop again!
YumYunYum: Was Changmin using it for school research or something? You shouldn't be so harsh on the kid
SUnny: Bleh! He was just chatting with that Kibum kid. >.> He practically lives with him. Ewwwwwwz! Why couldn't he be KIBUM'S brother??
YumYunYum: ...You seem tense, Su
SUnny: Ah, you know I'm always high strung~ :D
YumYunYum: I know. I was being ironic.
SUnny: =.=
YumYunYum: ...
YumYunYum: So, what was so super importantly top secretly awesome that you couldn't call or text me about it and demanded an online conference?
SUnny: Omg!
SUnny: You'll never guess what happened?!!?!
YumYunYum: Taecyeon got in a fight with Nichkhun. And then Yesung tried to break it up but Taecyeon accidentally nailed him in the face. And now Yesung can't see out of one eye. I'm sure the swelling will go down eventually. And none of the teachers were around because it was before school when all the teachers and administrators were in their lounges having coffee. And the fight just went on and on until someone thought it was weird that the two were seen going to school but never showed up to any of their classes. And then someone finally found them and still-unconscious-Yesung under that tree behind the social sciences wing. They were bloody and exhausted but they were still going at it. When a teacher finally pulled them apart, they were laughing. And now everyone thinks Taecyeon and Nichkhun are sleeping together. The end. Was that what happened?
SUnny: ...
SUnny: This is why I hate gossiping with you =.=
YumYunYum: Then why did you try? I'm class president. I know everything.
SUnny: Psh. Couldn't even figure out how to get your hands in Jaejoong's pants without my help. >:|
YumYunYum: That's different...And I did NOT ask you to put my hand anywhere near anyone's pants.
SUnny: Psssh. You should've. >.>
YumYunYum: *sigh* Why don't you just gossip to Yoochun? I'm sure he's way more responsive than me. Gossip doesn't even appeal to me. It's just stuff I happen to hear since I know everyone and have to talk to all kinds of different people at our school
SUnny: =_= Yoochun's horrible at listening to my stories
YumYunYum: Then why do you gossip to him all the time?
SUnny: Because YOU know everything already so it's no fun. And I never said that Chun doesn't listen. I just said he's HORRIBLE at listening.
YumYunYum: What? You don't have anyone else to gossip to?
SUnny: Ha! Half the time my gossip is ABOUT the people I could be gossiping to. I wouldn't walk up to CL and start blabbing about her yakuza family and yakuza Chick Named Minzy. She'd stab my face. Stab it!
SUnny: And I'm not gossiping to Changmin. =___= I'd sooner swallow my own foot.
YumYunYum: Then go to Yoochun if that's your only choice. Is he busy or something?
SUnny: ....You don't want to talk to me, so you're shoving me off to talk to other people!!?!??! D8
YumYunYum: You know I'm not, Su.
SUnny: *sniff sniff* T.T
YumYunYum: If you want to talk about other stuff, we can.
SUnny: I don't wanna talk about other stuff. ):<
YumYunYum: Okay, then. I'm getting offline now. I've still got homework to do
SUnny: NO! T.T I still wanna talkz...
YumYunYum: And you can't talkz to Yoochun, why?
SUnny: .....
YumYunYum: '.....' doesn't tell me anything, Su.
SUnny: .....
YumYunYum: *sigh*
SUnny: ......
SUnny: He was being weird today.
YumYunYum: What did you do to him?
SUnny: Why do you assume it's something I did??? D8<
YumYunYum: Mmmmmmm....
SUnny: aldf;askdfl;akdfljk STOP IT with the 'Mmmmmmmm!!!' 3:<
YumYunYum: Well, when did you notice that his behavior started to change?
SUnny: Hmmmmmm, shall I take you on a trip through my day~?
YumYunYum: I suppose I have no other choice.
SUnny: Okay! :D
SUnny: Well, first, I woke up~
SUnny: Then I brushed my teeth~
YumYunYum: Skip the stupid parts, please
SUnny: *gasp* My life isn't stupid! D':
YumYunYum: Okay. I'll just go do my homework now
SUnny: NOOZ! D< Fine!
SUnny: I saw Yoochun first thing in the morning before school started. He was kinda grumpy then. But he's always grumpy in the morning.
SUnny: He's the opposite of a morning person.
SUnny: Like me! ^__^
SUnny: I'm a morning person!
SUnny: Sunny, sunny, sunny~
YumYunYum: ...
SUnny: Okay, okay. >.> No need to '...' at me
SUnny: So, I talked to Yoochun in the hallway like I usually do. Actually, I talked to a lot of people. There's a lot people in the halls right before school starts, so of course I had to speak to everyone~ Because I'm sunny SUnny! :D
SUnny: I think Yoochun only half listens in the morning, anyway. =.= He's still halfway dreaming.
SUnny: Anyway, I multitasked talking to Yoochun and other people. Heh...getting more gossip and stuff. Heh. >D
SUnny: And then our first class started.
SUnny: Nothing happened.
YumYunYum: 'Kay...
SUnny: Yoochun fell asleep. He always does that right after he copies my homework. It's a ritual that has been repeated since the beginning of time~
YumYunYum: Keep going.
SUnny: Okay! D<
SUnny: And then we went to our next class.
YumYunYum: And?
SUnny: Yoochun fell asleep.
YumYunYum: ...
SUnny: And then we went to our next class
YumYunYum: And Yoochun fell asleep...?
SUnny: o.o No. I dunno. We don't have that class together. I don't know what Yoochun did.
SUnny: And then we had our next class
YumYunYum: Junsu, please get to the point. It's after 9o'clock.
SUnny: =.= So, sleep is more important than me, huh?
YumYunYum: No, no. It's just....a necessity.
SUnny: And I'm not?!?! D'8
YumYunYum: Of course you are...
SUnny: =.=
YumYunYum: Uh...continue...
SUnny: Whatever >:|
SUnny: And then we went to lunch.
YumYunYum: Oh, what did they serve? I couldn't make it. I had a meeting
SUnny: They have student council meetings during lunch???? T.T
YumYunYum: Well, yeah, but I ate after school
SUnny: You poor soul. Giving up your freedom for the sake of the school. *sniff*
YumYunYum: Ah, not really. It was just giving up cafeteria food
SUnny: ....Yeah, well... I couldn't really enjoy my food....=_____= The Infection stole all my food.
YumYunYum: Omg. You're sick???
SUnny: NO! The Infection is Changmin!
YumYunYum: Oh.
SUnny: TT.TT He keeps stealing my food. He says it's 70% but I don't believe him. I bet it's more.
YumYunYum: Hey...does Changmin strike you as...clumsy....?
SUnny: Not really. =.= Why?
YumYunYum: Well.....I've been seeing him frequently in the hallways now. And...sometimes when we're passing each other...suddenly his foot comes out of nowhere and I almost kill myself either tripping over him or trying to avoid tripping over him. I just thought it was weird.
SUnny: CHANGMIN is weird D<
YumYunYum: ...Okay. Anyway. Your story?
SUnny: Oh yeah! :D
SUnny: Well I only had 2% of my food left plus what Yoochun secretly bought me with his lunch money like we agreed last night. But it wasn't nearly as good as my original lunch. I had tuna. T.T So I left lunch early. =.=
YumYunYum: Um, mathematically, you would have 30% left to enjoy after Changmin got done with your food
YumYunYum: Alright, alright....
YumYunYum: And how was Yoochun then?
SUnny: Awesome! :D He perks up 100% at lunch. Then he's happy awesome bright Chunnie~<3
SUnny: ...Then usually he crashes again after a carb overdose and he returns to zombie!Chun....
YumYunYum: Mmhm....
SUnny: So, after I finished my PITIFUL, EMPTY, SAD/NOT MINE lunch (D'8), I found Hyukjae and we started wandering around the hallways
YumYunYum: ...You know you're not supposed to do that. There are students who have a different lunch time that are still in class. You'll distract them from their academics...
SUnny: Yeah, yeah, class president. =.= LISTEN TO MEH! Anyway~
SUnny: We made out~
SUnny: And then we exchanged blowjobs in the guy's bathroom
SUnny: And then we made out again in the hallway
SUnny: And then we found out the music room was unused during lunch.
SUnny: And so we went in there and started getting busy on the piano.
SUnny: It was nice~
YumYunYum: So blatant about your delinquency... You know PDA isn't allowed... Neither is sex..................
SUnny: Yeah, yeah. So ANYWAY D<
SUnny: While Hyukjae was about to prepare me with his tongue (Oooooh! He gives me shivers when he does that~ >.<) ....Yoochun kinda walked in then walked out.
YumYunYum: Oh. Kinda...rather...almost....maybe.....a little......EXTREMELY awkward... What did you say???
SUnny: Ah, nothing. Hyukjae was talking dirty again, so I had to focus on him. He's always so creative~ And plus, my back was making lots of noises on the piano keys and it would've been hard to hear anything Yoochun said back anyway.
YumYunYum: So, you looked at Yoochun while you had no pants on and Hyukjae's...tongue all over you...and you didn't say a word?
SUnny: What would I have said??? D< "Excuse us, Chunnie, we're having awesome incredible piano sex here. Do you mind??" D< RUDE!!!
YumYunYum: Did he see you look at him?
SUnny: Of course. He was standing right there. He didn't say anything either
SUnny: And what would HE say?? "Excuse me, Su, I know you're busy but I need to borrow your English homework for a second." Pssh. I'm not even taking English. xD
YumYunYum: Mmhm... What else happened?
SUnny: Well, later, I was ready to greet him and be all happy and my awesome smiley self when I bump into him like I usually do before my last class. But then, I LITERALLY bumped into him. Like LITERALLY.
YumYunYum: I know what literally means....
SUnny: And hard. >.< It was more like HE bumped into me. And then he walked off really fast. I dunno. I don't think he saw me. He was looking at the ground really hard. He must have been grumpy because he has science right before the last class of the day and he HATES his science teacher. x'D He won't let Chun sleep.
YumYunYum: Are you sure he didn't see you when he bumped into you in the hall?
SUnny: I'm pretty sure. Cuz why would he just rudely bump into meh and not say hi? We always say hi. :D
YumYunYum: ...Kay...
SUnny: Kay! And then after school ended, I went to my locker like I usually do and put my stuff away like I usually do and....Chun never showed up.
YumYunYum: Does he usually wait for you at your locker?
SUnny: Yeah. >:| He could've at least texted me if he wasn't going to show up. Then I would've known not to wait til the halls completely cleared. >.<
SUnny: I saw him in the parking lot, though. And that's when I KNEW he was acting weird. Cuz when school is over, usually he suddenly gets this burst of energy he never has while he's in class. xD But yesterday after school, he didn't. T.T
SUnny: I waved to him in the parking lot. And then he GLARED at me. Like....GLARED. At. Me.
SUnny: It's November, right? Well, suddenly, I felt really, really hot. That's how hard he GLARED at me. o.o
YumYunYum: Really? Then what?
SUnny: He walked off. TT.TT We usually walk home together but he just walked off without meh~ And then I felt really, really cold inside, Yunho. Really cold. TT.TT
YumYunYum: I see...
SUnny: Don't 'I see' me!! D8 Yoochun's being weird! What if his mind was abducted by aliens?!??!?!?
YumYunYum: ...
YumYunYum: Please tell me I don't have to honestly explain to you why that is a stupid idea...again...
SUnny: Of course not...>.> I was joking.
YumYunYum: Just checking...
SUnny: Whatever. D< I just went home with Donghae. Hyukjae went, too. We had fun~ >D
YumYunYum: Really, Junsu? You're gonna talk about that right now???
SUnny: >D It cheers meh up~
YumYunYum: I hate when you talk about sex. Do I REALLY have to know??
SUnny: YES!
SUnny: And Donghae and Hyukjae are an AMAZING combination~<3
YumYunYum: *sigh* So, Hyukjae allowed a threesome this time?
SUnny: >DD Haha! You're a good guesser for some someone so sexually reluctant~
SUnny: Virgin xP
YumYunYum: At least I don't drop my pants every chance I get.
SUnny: T.T
YumYunYum: Sorry, Su. But...it can't be healthy. All the guys you've been with... And it's all the time. What does your family think about all the different kinds of "friends" you've brought to your house?
SUnny: They just think I'm popular. Which I am~
YumYunYum: You know plenty of normal people. Like me. You'd be perfectly fine without all those "extra" friends. Can you even tell me half their names?
SUnny: I don't have to. Hmph! But I can tell you how big they are~
YumYunYum: Ugh.
SUnny: Wanna know how big Hyukjae is?? >D
YumYunYum: What, is he your favorite?
SUnny: Pssh! xP You know I'M HIS favorite. Even when he goes out and fucks those other two guys he likes to call his boyfriends, he always comes back to me.
YumYunYum: *sigh* So, you're the favorite, then
SUnny: Yup! <3 Hyukjae likes to think he's a player keeping all three of us around, but we all know about each other and none of us care. Hey, did I tell you that Donghae is one of the other guys?
YumYunYum: Nope.
SUnny: Well, I'd already figured out long ago that Donghae was Hyukjae's other boyfriend. And Hyukjae knows I'm popular with other guys, so I don't see why he's so stingy when I want more people in the same bed. D<
SUnny: I guess he just doesn't like to watch me with other guys. Anyway, I figured he wouldn't say no if I asked for a threesome this time with his other boyfriend. And guess what? He didn't say no. >D
YumYunYum: *yawn* Oh, really?
SUnny: Oh, so Mr. Polite is suddenly so BORED with this conversation. DDDDDD8<
YumYunYum: I told you I hate talking about this! What human would ENJOY talking about another guy's sex life?
SUnny: Nonvirgins would. xP
SUnny: Jaejoong didn't seem to mind when I told him I wasn't a virgin xP
YumYunYum: ...Oh really...
SUnny: Teehee. He's not a virgin either~
YumYunYum: ...........Shut up......
SUnny: Oh, YES, he is!!!! >DDDD And you KNOW you want it~
YumYunYum: ....I'm not talking about this. I'm normal. Unlike you.
SUnny: OOOOOOHHHHHZ! *pokes chu*
SUnny: Maybe you and Jaejoong and me, Donghae, Hyukjae and Hyukjae's Other Guy can get together some time. >D
YumYunYum: Ew, Su. Just ew
SUnny: Whateverz. Suit churself~
SUnny: I wonder who that other guy is. o.o Should I snoop through Hyukjae's cell phone and stuff to find out?
YumYunYum: Oh, so you're the jealous boyfriend now?
SUnny: Ha! xD What boyfriend? Hyukjae and I are more like fuck buddies. And maybe I want another buddy to play with. Hyukjae is GOOD at what he does. So this other friend he's keeping to himself might be just as good, if not better.
YumYunYum: Lovely
SUnny: I knowz, right? <3
YumYunYum: Junsu......
SUnny: Shut up, Yunho! >:o
YumYunYum: I don't like this. Ever since you told me about it freshman year. I've never liked this.
SUnny: Well, I never asked for your permission, DID I??
YumYunYum: Sometimes...I wish you had...
SUnny: D:<
SUnny: I can handle myself, thank you. Hmph!
***Maximini has signed in
SUnny: I can suck and fuck any guy I want because it's what they want and what they want is me~ It's fun and easy and it's MY choice, Yunho. MINE.
Maximini: O.O.....>] Oh, is it now? I bet mom would sure like to know about these choices you've been making~
SUnny: ...............................................................................o.o
SUnny: GET. THE FUCK. OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D8<
Maximini: Mmmmmm, nope.
Maximini: Hey, is Jaejoong here?
SUnny: NOOOOO, Soon-To-Be-Dead little brother, now GTFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maximini: Tch. Liar. I bet Jaejoong doesn't like hearing you say things like that. I've asked around and I heard that he's really into nonviolence.
Maximini: Isn't that right, Jaejoong~?
YumYunYum: He's really not here. Just me and Junsu
Maximini: Oh. It's you.
YumYunYum: Um, hi?
Maximini: Tch. Bye.
***Maximini has signed out
SUnny: =.= You want a little brother?
YumYunYum: Ummm, no. I'm good
YumYunYum: Self-restraint, Su. Self-restraint.
SUnny: I have none!!! *FANGS*
YumYunYum: That explains so much
SUnny: Shut upz! =.=
SUnny: So, Yunho. About that ORGY....>D
YumYunYum: Not. Interested.
SUnny: Awwwz. It won't be the same without you and Jaejoong >DD
YumYunYum: Why don't you just ask Yoochun to join you?
SUnny: No
YumYunYum: What's the problem now, Su? You two have known each other for so long, I doubt he'd care.
SUnny: No
YumYunYum: What? Is he not endowed enough for you?
SUnny: NO. I have no idea how big he is...
YumYunYum: Pah. You'd think as long as you two have known each other, you would've at least tried to get in his pants at one point.
SUnny: Fuck you, Yunho. NOT Yoochun. Never.
YumYunYum: Whoa, man. I was only kidding.
SUnny: Sorry...
YumYunYum: No, man, I'M sorry. So, Yoochun is completely like me and Jaejoong to you? No sex whatsoever?
SUnny: Not Yoochun, okay?
YumYunYum: Okay, I get it
SUnny: OKAY?! D8<
YumYunYum: Okay! Jeeze....
SUnny: Yay~ ^.^
YumYunYum: ...It's just hard to tell with you sometimes
SUnny: *RAWR*
YumYunYum: ...
SUnny: ^.^
YumYunYum: Hah....Are you done with your story now?
SUnny: What story? o.o"
YumYunYum: ....About Yoochun's moodiness...??
SUnny: Oh. That. x'D Yeah. I think I am.
YumYunYum: Great.
SUnny: I think he'll be okay tomorrow. Tomorrow's FRIDAY >8D No one can be unhappy on a FRIDAY~
YumYunYum: Maybe that's just you
SUnny: Cuz I'm a sunny person~<33
SUnny: And are you ready for teh slumber party of awesomeness this weekend?? Huh? Huh? Are ya?? >D
YumYunYum: Of course
SUnny: It's gonna be at Jaejoongie's house~ >DD
YumYunYum: ....
SUnny: You know you're excited...>DDD
YumYunYum: ...
SUnny: There's gonna be lots of....
YumYunYum: Please don't say sex, Su. I told you, I don't want Jae for that.
SUnny: O.O
YumYunYum: Ummmm...
SUnny: I was totally thinking video games. xD But YOU were thinking of SMEX
YumYunYum: No! I just thought that you were gonna....tease me or something
YumYunYum: Shut up!
SUnny: Your weiner wants him~
YumYunYum: That's just immature...
SUnny: That's just the truth!
YumYunYum: Gahh...
YumYunYum: I.....um....
SUnny: Just control yourself when your at his house IN HIS BEDROOM this weekend. ;D
YumYunYum: Shut up, shut up! I have....self restraint...unlike you
SUnny: 8D
YumYunYum: Yeah, yeah. Can I do my homework now? I'll never get any sleep at this point.
SUnny: ]:< Whatever. You're almost as nerdy as Changmin
SUnny: *strangles toy version of Changmin*
YumYunYum: ....Have fun with that....
***YumYunYum has signed out
SUnny: MWHAHAHAHAA! >8D *sticks toy version of Changmin with needles*
***SUnny has signed out
Chapter 15-----------------------
I don't think the angst was as bad as I thought it would be....was it? ._.
Happier times shall soon follow! I promise!
*hands out cookies*
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