Title: Hookups and Emoticons
Author: k_chan91
Disclaimer: Last Christmas I wished I could own Yunho...but I guess I was a naughty girl...T.T
Pairings: Yoosu (friends...?), HyukSu, Yunjae, Jaemin, KiMin, HanSiChul
Length: [9/?]
Genre: crack, romance
Rating: PG/PG-13
Warning: Some language, some mentions of smex, Chat world!
Junsu: 8D
Yoochun: >.>
Yunho: <3 JJ 4evah
Jaejoong: Omg~
Changmin: I pwnz
Making and breaking relationships has never been this instant~
1 - Storytelling and Chinese Accents ||
2 - Corndogs and O's ||
3 - Money and Bambi ||
4 - Smexicles and Friend Gods ||
5 - Pokemon and Bananas ||
6 - Yougurt and Bananas ||
7 - Exercise and Holy Water ||
8 - First Kisses and Bald Spots ||
Chapter 9: Mario Kart and Grandpa's Condoms
November 10, Tuesday, 10:28PM
***SUnny has signed in
SUnny: That little martian is SOOOO DEAD!!!!!!
SUnny: asdkfjhk;adjfasf
SUnny: I'm so angry!!!
SUnny: Changmin had better be glad Kibum let him sleep over at his house tonight!
SUnny: Or else he'd be DED!
***YumYunYum has signed in
SUnny: YUNHO!!!! D8<
SUnny: I shall killz him for you~
YumYunYum: ...No need...
SUnny: I'm gonna do it anywayz!!! D8<
YumYunYum: *sigh* It's really no big deal. The whole thing will die down eventually. Most people don't actually believe it
YumYunYum: ...*sigh*
SUnny: RAWR!
***Chunderful has signed in
Chunderful: ....the fuck....? I didn't even do anything yet.
SUnny: I knowz. I'm just PISSED D8<
Chunderful: Dude, calm down. You don't see Yunho bleeding through his ears about this. You're actually taking this pretty well, man
YumYunYum: Eh
Chunderful: I guess that's why you're our cool, collected class president
YumYunYum: ...You didn't even know I was class president til I begged you to introduce me to Jaejoong...
Chunderful: What's your point?
YumYunYum: ...
SUnny: I KILLZ HIM!!! D8<
YumYunYum: That's really unnecessary, Su.
SUnny: IT ISH!!
YumYunYum: It's not
Chunderful: No, really. No one's even taking it seriously. And....pffft...it's pretty funny...heh heh xD
SUnny: That troll went into my room and STOLE that pic of you and me playing soccer. He STOLE it!!! And now I must kill him~
YumYunYum: *sigh* Do what you want
SUnny: Thanks. I will~ When he comes home tomorrow |:<
YumYunYum: Hey, Yoochun, when is Jaejoong logging on?
Chunderful: Eh. He said something about having some free time for internet after he helps his mom wash dishes, irons his dad's ties, braids 4 of his sisters' hair, goes grocery shopping with 2 of his sisters, studies with 6 of his sisters and finishes watching Love Letter
SUnny: Dude....o.o"
Chunderful: I know. It's his life. Just let him live it.
YumYunYum: He's such a humane person~
SUnny: And you know who's not human? D<
Chunderful: You?
YumYunYum: *humane
Chunderful: Hahahahahaha!!
SUnny: =.=
SUnny: *kicks you*
Chunderful: *arm wrestles you*
SUnny: *elbows you*
Chunderful: *licks you*
Chunderful: Ha! xD
SUnny: Seriously!!! Yunnie did not deserve what Changmin did!
YumYunYum: I'm fine, though. Really
SUnny: NO YOU'RE NOT!! D8<
YumYunYum: Okay.
SUnny: No man deserves to be called a slimy, evil baby-kicker
Chunderful: Heh. And then have pictures of the slimy, evil baby-kicker posted all around the school...
SUnny: All of them CLEARLY DOCTORED photos of you kicking "children" when I KNOW it was just some pictures the TROLL stole from my photo album in MY room
Chunderful: Where did he get the software to edit all those pictures?? They weren't bad, really. And how did he blow them all up to massive poster size....?
SUnny: Damn, those pics were huge o.o"
Chunderful: Like, they made Yunho's face look giant
SUnny: And Yunnie's actual face is tiny....o.o""
Chunderful: ...Dude...
YumYunYum: Um...guys...?
SUnny: I'LL KILLZ HIM! D8< He stole those pictures of you and me playing soccer.
SUnny: And then he just edited ME out and stuck in random pics of little kids on the playground crying in front of your foot that was SUPPOSED to be kicking ballz!
SUnny: And now my photo album is missing important stepping stones of my life
SUnny: Now I'll never get those memories back TT.TT
Chunderful: You could just ask him to give the originals back
YumYunYum: I still don't think it's that big a deal. Most people could tell that they were all doctored photos
Chunderful: Really...big...doctored photos....
YumYunYum: In fact, I think a lot of people think it's more funny than offensive
SUnny: I will still KILL!!!
YumYunYum: There's only a select few people in our school that actually believed the photos. And they'll stop throwing eggs and paintballs at my car eventually when they get over it
Chunderful: No, really. How did that kid find the materials to professionally doctor all those photos and make them that BIG and post them ALL OVER campus???
SUnny: I WILL KILL Changmin AND the douche bags throwing stuff at your car. D8< I KILLZ them all!
Chunderful: I even found one poster hanging from the ceiling over a urinal in the guy's bathroom. Wicked...
SUnny: FOCUS!! 3:<
***Jaesicle has signed in
Jaesicle: OMO~
YumYunYum: Jae~
Jaesicle: YunYun, I'm soooooo sorry! How could this happen??????????
Chunderful: ....YunYun...???
SUnny: CHANGMIN!!!! D8<
YumYunYum: It's really okay, Jaejoong~ I don't mind too much
Jaesicle: Wait, wait, wait. How do we even know that it was definitely Changmin who did it?
SUnny: Well, why else would the SNOT text me "HAHA. I've ruined Yunho's life. Me. Changmin. The only Changmin awesome enough to do such a thing like this. Alone. All me. Cuz I did it. I put up the pictures. HA. Jaejoong shall be all mine. HAHA."
Chunderful: ....Yeah, but how do we really KNOW that it was definitely CHANGMIN who sent that text??
SUnny: =.= Shut up.
Chunderful: Hahahahaha
Jaesicle: Well, even if Changmin did do it, it's still okay, right? Maybe he just meant it as a little joke. Most people did find it funny, YunYun
Chunderful: YunYun...........
YumYunYum: The second I saw you at school, I really couldn't bring myself to care much about anything else....
Jaesicle: Awwwwz! :D You're so sweet~
SUnny: I'll cut out his brains!!!! |8<
Chunderful: Psh. Good luck with that. His brain is more massive than you give him credit for.
SUnny: I'll cut HIM ]8<
Chunderful: Right, right. That'll take forever, too. He's growing too fast. What is your mom feeding that kid??? And plus, you're life would be hell if Changmin died. Your parents would mourn until YOU died from neglect and then they'd be happy again and make more babies like Changmin~
SUnny: NO! T.T
Chunderful: Hahahahaha xD
SUnny: Why are you siding with him???? D< He's just a stupid piece of dust in life
Chunderful: If he's just dust, then what does that make you?
SUnny: Hey!!! TT.TT
Chunderful: Hahahahahahahaa. This is fun~ x'D
SUnny: I thirst for revenge!
Chunderful: No, you're just confusing that thirst with your thirst for me~ I understand.
SUnny: =.=
Chunderful: Come have a taste of meh, Su~
Jaesicle; So, are you ABSOLUTELY sure you're okay about this whole thing, YunYun?
Chunderful: .........Yun.....Yun........??????
YumYunYum: Absolutely. It's really, really okay. I don't even have to worry about this resurfacing in the next school presidential elections because we're graduating this year.
Chunderful: Woot! Seniors!
SUnny: I want to kill FRESHMEN ]8<
Chunderful: Technically you want to kill a middle school child. Changmin skipped a grade, remember, big brother?
Jaesicle: *gasp* Does that make Junsu the baby-kicker?
Chunderful: I think it does
YumYunYum: Mmmmmm
SUnny: STOP IT!!! And wtf does "Mmmmmmmmm" mean, Yunho?!?!?!?
YumYunYum: Just agreeing with whatever Jaejoong says
SUnny: I want to devise a revenge plan. Who's with me? >D
Chunderful: Su, you don't need a plan to be able to lick me. Just come on over, baby
Jaesicle: What's today? Tuesday?
YumYunYum: Mmhm.
SUnny: Shut up, Yoochun!!!! D<
Jaesicle: Darn! I wish it were Friday or Saturday. Then we could have a proper sleepover~<3
YumYunYum: I'd sleep with you any day
Chunderful: *slurp*
Jaesicle: Goodness, Yunnie! I meant the kind of sleepover where we all eat junk food and watch movies all night!
YumYunYum: CRAP. Crap, crap. No, I know, I know. That's what I meant, too. Sorry, sorry. That was horrible wording, wasn't it??
SUnny: I'm ignoring you, Chun. =_= So! My plan against the Min pest will start with a bowl of wasabi and a single chopstick with streamers wrapped around it. >]
Jaesicle: Aw, you're so cute, Yunho~<3333 I just want to wrap you up in colorful yarn and huggle you forever
Chunderful: Then I'm ignoring you, too~
YumYunYum: Aha...thanks...<3
Jaesicle: But I am TOTALLY ready for us all to have a good sleepover~<3 It'll be SO MUCH FUN!
Chunderful: Alright. Everyone come to my house now. I've got pillows and Coke
Jaesicle: Silly, Chunnie~ You know I can't stay out for long on a school night. My parents have enough children running around without having to worry about their youngest and only son skipping off in the dark doing Lord knows what
YumYunYum: I'll protect you
Jaesicle: I knowz you will, YunYun~ But Jae can handle himself
Chunderful: He really can. Cuz he's manlier than you~<3
Jaesicle: What a chauvinistic thing to say, Chun D':
Chunderful: What??
Jaesicle: Assuming that a person's manliness is what makes them strong. D< You think our species would evolve if all we ever did was flaunt our muscles, chew on steroids and wrestle til we pounded our minds to pulp? How insensitive of you. |:<
Chunderful: Then what about Yunho??? He said he'd protect you because you're all weak and unmanly and stuff
YumYunYum: I never said that
Jaesicle: YunYun was just being oh so sweet<3333333
YumYunYum: Ahaa......<3
SUnny: Okay! >:D Once I stick the chopstick in the bowl of wasabi and shove it down Changmin's throat, here's what I want you to do, Yunho....>D
Jaesicle: So, how about it, you guys? Sleepover? My place? Friday after school?
Chunderful: Mmmmm, sounds good to me
SUnny: FOCUS people! DD< I'm PLOTTING!
YumYunYum: Actually, I can't do it Friday. I'm supposed to help do community service with the Ecology Club. And then my dad and I are going to Incheon to pick up my cousin from the airport
Jaesicle: You're just so so so so considerate, YunYun~<333333
YumYunYum: Aw....not really....heh....
Chunderful: *cough* Own your cock *cough*
Jaesicle: ?!?!?!?!?!
YumYunYum: ?!?!?!?!
SUnny: ?!?!?!?!?!?!
SUnny: That was just stupid and weird, Chun. o.o" Anyway! About meh plan >DD Once Changmin is choking on the wasabi, I want you, Jaejoong to steal his diary from his room while he's distracted. I'm sure that pansy has one somewhere
Chunderful: *cough* You know what I mean *cough*
YumYunYum: Oh.
YumYunYum: Oh!
Jaesicle: Ah, Yunho was just being modest. Weren't you, YunYun?? <33
YumYunYum: Ah, sure. Yeah. I...I'm just about the most modest person in the entire world. I'm super awesome modest
Chunderful: ...
Jaesicle: LOL! That's just an oxymoron, honey~
SUnny: Hey! Don't call Yunho a moron. D:< Anyway! Pay attention to me and meh PLAN!!!!
YumYunYum: Right, right, oxymoron....So, is Saturday good for you guys?
Jaesicle: Sounds fabulous~
Chunderful: Yep. I've got no life, anyway.
Chunderful: Okay, who's providing the video games?
SUnny: *stabs Yoochun with celery*
YumYunYum: I can bring some. I mean, I'm usually really into cell phone games but I've got some video games around here somewhere. I can bring the console, too, if you want me to
SUnny: *stabs YUNHO in his little head with pickle juice* ]<
Chunderful: No need. Just bring games. Jae has PLENTY of consoles. Just bring whatever you've got. Actually, he's got plenty of games, but we'll just see if we can bring something that he doesn't already have
SUnny: ...Hello....? ._.
YumYunYum: Really?
SUnny: *knock knock*
Jaesicle: What, babe? Just because I've got so much estrogen running around in my house, I can't be equipped with a massive horde of video games??? My sisters are gaming FREAKZ
YumYunYum: Ah, I see.
Chunderful: What kinda games you got, Yunho?
SUnny: He's got whips and whipped cream and dildos and Yoo Jae Suk in a box... =.=
YumYunYum: A few RPGs, a couple of minigame type deals for PS2
Jaesicle: Sounds good, baby! Bring 'em ovah! I've got PS2, PS3, Wii, Xbox, Gamecube, Nintendo, you name it~ ;D
YumYunYum: Whoa!
SUnny: =.= Stop ignoring me....
YumYunYum: Nintendo?? Seriously?? In that case, I think I'll dig up my old Pokemon games. I sold my old Nintendo years ago but I've still got some games for some reason
Chunderful: .....Let's not play Pokemon
Jaesicle: Oh, that's right. Sorry, hun, but noooooo Pokemon.
YumYunYum: Why not? It's a classic
SUnny: Why not...? WHY NOT?!!?! Cuz you're IGNORING MEH!!!! *bites you all* 3:<
Jaesicle: YunYun, unless you want to see Chunnie have a furseriouz mental fit, I suggest you leave the Pokemon at homez~
Chunderful: ...Leave it...forever... >.>
YumYunYum: .....Okay........
Chunderful: Hey, Jae...didn't you say one of your sisters bought Mario Kart recently?
SUnny: *gasp* I love that game! :D
Jaesicle: Uh-huh, uh-huh, I totally did say that~
SUnny: I get to play Yoshi!
Chunderful: I call Yoshi!
YumYunYum: Mmmm, Daisy is cute
SUnny: I CALLED YOSHI FIRST!!!! Don't make me pull out all your hair YOOCHUN!!
Jaesicle: Awz, then I'll choose Peach so we can match, Yunnie~
Chunderful: My Yoshi will cream all of your girly karts! >D
SUnny: NO! MY Yoshi!
SUnny: Joongie, make him stop T.T
Jaesicle: Oh, honey, PLEASE don't kid yourself. It's not called 'girly.' It's called POWER >DD
SUnny: JAE, WHY?!??!?!?!? D'8
YumYunYum: I think we should team up just to prove it
Jaesicle: Genius, Yunho! <3
Chunderful: Aw, no fair. Who will I team up with?
SUnny: ME!!!!! D8<
SUnny: But you better give me back my YOSHI!!!
Jaesicle: I think we can get the console computer to play on your team, babe. You can't talk to it or snuggle it <3 but at least you'll have someone to help you against me and Yunho~
YumYunYum: Together we can do anyone~
Jaesicle: ...Um...
YumYunYum: Oops. No! I didn't mean that! I meant......ANYTHING. Together....we can do anyTHING.....
Chunderful: HAHAHA! Most epic typo EVAH!! x'D
SUnny: NO it wasn't! It was LAME! WHY won't you people pay attention to meh?????
Jaesicle: Oh, Yunho honey, you're so silly~
SUnny: LISTEN TO ME!!! I still exist T.T
Chunderful: Hahahahaa! xDD You two can do me anytime~
***Maximini has signed in
Maximini: What the..... Are you deranged????
SUnny: ;ladfjlk ajdf;a sfsadfja;kdfja;jfljaljfakfjlkajfljlasjfasfWHATAREYOUDOINGHEREAGAIN!?!??!?!?!??!? D8
Chunderful: Yo! *high fives*
Maximini: *high fives* So, guys, how's it going?
Jaesicle: Oooooooooooooh! It's the AH-DORABLE little brother!! <33333 *squish*
Maximini: Jaejoong, I'll only allow you alone to *squish* me
Jaesicle: Why, I'm honored, baby~
Maximini: ...He called me baby again...
Chunderful: This is way beyond awesome to watch xD
SUnny: NO it's not! D8<
Maximini: You're just jealous that Jaejoong is giving me well deserved attention
YumYunYum: ...Why does it have to be orange...?
SUnny: And YOU, Yunho, who has been so BLISSFULLY ignoring me like all the other FUCKHOLES in this chatroom, should be more concerned with CHANGMIN'S well-being other than the color of the elephant I want to squish him!!
Maximini: I already said only Jaejoong hyung is allowed to *squish* me
Jaesicle: *squish* <333
Maximini: Yes, more please
Jaesicle: *squish squish*
SUnny: SHUT UP! Not the point!!! D8< That kid SLANDERED your name, Yunho and I DEMAND that you be PISSED at him RIGHT NOW!!!!
Jaesicle: ....You told me to shut up....
SUnny: ._. I'm sorry~
Jaesicle: But....why...? )':
Maximini: Junsu, I will die 1 million deaths before I let you insult Jaejoong hyung
SUnny: Then go ahead and die, pest xP
SUnny: And wtf!? You never call ME hyung
Maximini: Pffft. Cuz you're not a hyung. You're the guy who's giving me 70% of all his food for the next month. You're more like my refrigerator
Maximini: Oh. And apologize to Jaejoong hyung, Fridge
Jaesicle: <3
Chunderful: *eats popcorn*
SUnny: I already did! And I'll say it again but only because Jaejoong is AWESOME! ]8<
SUnny: I'm sorry for shutting you up, my Jaejoong u.u
Maximini: Take it back, Fridge. He's MY Jaejoong now
YumYunYum: Ummm...I believe he's mine....
Chunderful: *COUGH*COCK*COUGH*
YumYunYum: I mean.......JAEJOONG IS MY MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maximini: ...
SUnny: ...
Chunderful: ;D
Jaesicle: Awwwwwz. How sweet~<3 ^.^
SUnny: WTF is wrong with you people???!!? (Especially you, Yunho. o.O W.T.F????)
SUnny: Changmin blew up pictures of Yunho kicking kids and put them up all around the school and now people are throwing eggs at Yunho's car and no one cares????? Not even Yunho???????
Chunderful: Nope.
Jaesicle: Not really.
YumYunYum: I'll be fine
Maximini: Ha.
Maximini: No, wait.... You guys don't care?
YumYunYum: It was pretty funny, actually. Seems like you have a future in photography
Chunderful: That's what I said ;D
Maximini: ....
Maximini: WHAT? So, wait.... Jaejoong.... You aren't going to throw Yunho out on the street for being a horrible baby-kicker??
Jaesicle: Of course not, but if I ever need my picture taken, I'll be certain to go to you, Mr. Photographer~
Maximini: I think I'll become a photographer, then
SUnny: o.o You told mom you wanted to be an engineer
Maximini: I'm young. I'm allowed to change my mind
SUnny: NO! I won't allow you!
Maximini: Ha! You say that as if you have some sort of power over me, Fridge
SUnny: Mwahahahaha! >D Tiz because I do, DONGSAENG
SUnny: And stop calling me that!!!
Maximini: *burp* Ya know, that bibimbap mom made for dinner tonight was good, wasn't it, Fridge-Su? Oh, wait. You didn't get to enjoy ALL of it, now did you?
SUnny: T.T
YumYunYum: Okay....I'd love to sit here and watch Junsu and Changmin fight, but I've got to go to bed, guys
Chunderful: DUDE! This is better than TV! Keep watching them! *eats popcorn*
Jaesicle: No, no, Chun. Let's not be selfish, no matter how entertaining the ADORKABLE Brothers are~<3333 YunYun, you can go to sleep now~
Chunderful: YunYun.....................That's the semi-creepiest nickname I've ever heard......
YumYunYum: ...Okay...
YumYunYum: ....I...I'll dream of you.......
Jaesicle: AWWWWWWWWW!! 8*] Youz are just toooooo CUTE for words!
Maximini: ...What the....?
Jaesicle: You know what? I'm getting offline, too. So I can call you, Yunho, and wish you a good night.
YumYunYum: That would be....incredible
Jaesicle: I know, honey~ <3333 Now get offline now, so I can call you as soon as possible
***YumYunYum has signed out
Chunderful: O.O" Damn that was fast
Jaesicle: Omo~ Thank you so much for introducing us, you two. I think I'll be with him for quite a while, I can feel it~
SUnny: Awwww :'D
SUnny: I mean......RAWR, I het chu, Changmin! D<
Chunderful: Whatever, whatever, Jae. Just go to bed
Jaesicle: Aw, you just need more lovin,' Chunface. No need to be so rough, baby <3
Chunderful: But Su likes it rough, don't cha, Junsu? >D
SUnny: *strangles Changmin*
Chunderful: ...=.=
Jaesicle: ...Keep working on it, Yoochun. Heehee.<333
Jaesicle: SMOOCHIES to EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!
***Jaesicle has signed out
Maximini: What? No!
SUnny: *kicks Changmin*
Maximini: He's gone now.....
Maximini: Junsu, tell me Jaejoong's number or I'll tell dad about grandpa's condoms
SUnny: O.O NO!!!! I TOLD you, leave Jaejoong ALONE!
Maximini: Like hell I will. Give it!
SUnny: NOOOO! 3:<
Maximini: Grandpa's condoms~
SUnny: PSSSH! Like he'd ever believe grandpa even had those things. x'D I don't even believe grandpa had those things. =.= Old people never have sex. x'D Silly grandpa~
SUnny: He must have had them left over after dad was born~
Chunderful: I won't bother telling you how stupid that sounds...
SUnny: Damn, those must be some really old condoms. I should sell them as antiques :D
Chunderful: .....???
SUnny: Shut up, Chun. xP I'll have lots of extra cash for college scholarships. Woot!
Maximini: Like any higher institution would take an idiot like you
SUnny: GAAH! Get offline NOW!!!
Maximini: Nope.
Maximini: Hey....did Jaejoong say that you two helped get him and Yunho together? ...Even you, Yoochun...?
Chunderful: I was forced into it
Maximini: Hmmmm. Then I'll only hold a grudge against Junsu for giving my love away to the arms of a baby-kicker
SUnny: Hey! D:<
Maximini: Oh, look! Kibum returned from taking a shower. Say hi, Kibum!
SUnny: =.= You stole his computer while he was in the shower??? You fiend!!!
SUnny: Stab him, Kibum!!! STAB. HIM.
Maximini: He'd never stab me. He loves me. So there.
SUnny: xP He's the only one.
Maximini: Nope. Mom and dad love me, too. Unlike you~
SUnny: Stop bringing that up!
Maximini: I only do it cuz it's true~
SUnny: You know what??? You can HAVE mom and dad. I don't need them for attention. I've got....I've got....
SUnny: Hyukjae >D
Chunderful: Lies
SUnny: Not lies D<
SUnny: He completes me. |:<
Chunderful: Whatever....
Maximini: Hmmm, so let me do the math for you since you're so incompetent and stupid...
SUnny: Hey!
Maximini: I've got Kibum, mom, dad, all my teachers at school and all the award-winning professors I'll have in college and all the scientific geniuses I'll have as best friends in the future. And you've got Hyukjae. Numerically, I'm still superior
SUnny: Nuh-uh! D':
SUnny: All those future people don't count!
Maximini: Of course they do. My amazing future is amazingly inevitable
Chunderful: *eats more popcorn*
SUnny: *shoves popcorn into your lungs*
Chunderful: *shoves balls into your mouth*
SUnny: If you do that again Park Yoochun I will leave. That's final!
Chunderful: Mmmmmm, okay~
Maximini: See? You don't even have Yoochun. He's forever on my side. Right, Yoochun?
Chunderful: ...I don't think I'm allowed to respond
SUnny: You're not!!!!
Chunderful: See? *eats more popcorn*
SUnny: *takes Chun's popcorn and shoves it in Changmin's eyes*
Maximini: Now that's just juvenile
SUnny: *takes more popcorn and shoves it down Changmin's juvenile pants*
Maximini: *sigh*
Chunderful: ......
Chunderful: *unzips my pants and waits for Su's popcorn*
***SUnny has signed out
Chunderful: ...Whoa...
Maximini: Pretty harsh
Chunderful: I know.... But....I couldn't help it....It was right there!
Maximini: Sorry
Maximini: Kibum says sorry, too
Chunderful: ....All I want is to have something of Junsu's inside my pants. Is that so difficult?
Maximini: ....You know I can't respond when you're being perverted
Chunderful: Eh. Sorry, man
Maximini: Nah, it's alright.
Maximini: I'm gonna log off now. Kibum wants to disprove a scientific theorem using his mom's leftover cooking.
Chunderful: *sigh* Have fun, kid
Maximini: Bye
Maximini: And for the record, I'm not a kid
Maximini: I skipped a grade and I display a maturity YEARS beyond Junsu's capacity
Chunderful: True, true
Maximini: Now, it's time for late night science
Maximini: OMG. Kibum bought a new bubblegum flavored soap! I'm gonna have a good bubble bath tonight~
***Maximini has signed off
Chunderful: ....
Chunderful: I bet Junsu will come back online. He's too wound up now to just go to bed without venting to me. I'll wait
Chunderful: ...
Chunderful: ...11 minutes...He'll come back.
Chunderful: *hums*
***You have been inactive for 250+ minutes. You have been automatically logged out
Chapter 10------------------------------
Ya know, I had a thought. The Yoosu bickering kinda reminds me of me and my friend's text messages. xD I'd be Chunface (minus the sexual harassment >.>) and she'd be Susu. Although, we usually involve ninjas somewhere....
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