We're obviously insane.
But if this is going to be organizey, let's organize.
Here's what I have for fanworks thus far. Does not include stuff from drabble memes, because I'm just lazy. If I'm missing something and you manage to notice, let me know. I just went through LJs and Buffy's memories.
Kon/Buffy drabble by
_superdork_ Kon/Buffy in-camp fic by
classprotector with bonus drabble by
im_impulse in the comments
Kon/Buffy post-camp with Scoobies by
classprotector Kon/Buffy post-camp by
classprotector Kon/Buffy post-camp with Superman by
_superdork_ He's *My* Dork, All Right?! by
im_impulse (Post-camp, Kon/Buffy, YJ)
Four Scenes by
classprotector (Post-camp, Kon/Buffy, various)
The Naked Truth by
im_impulse (In-camp, Kon/Buffy)
So the mom... by
im_impulse (In-camp, Kon/Buffy, baby!Bart)
Angel has cooties by
classprotector (Post-camp, Kon/Buffy, Angel D:)
Protective Urges by
im_impulse (Post-camp, Kon/Buffy, Angel D:, Bart :D)
Post CFUD stuff by
_superdork_ (Kon and Xander)
stfu Bart fluff is awesome (I rock at naming my memories) by
classprotector (Post-camp, Kon/Buffy)
Kon/Buffy post-camp by
classprotector Post CFUD DCU/Runaways/Buffy by
classprotector (Bart/Molly, Kon/Buffy, Chase/Gert)
Kon/Buffy angst by
im_impulse Tea with Batman by
classprotector (Giles, Batman, Robin, Xander)
Post-camp Kon/Buffy with Young Justice by
classprotector Kon vs. Spike by
classprotector (Kon/Buffy, Spike, Scoobies, YJ)
Double Date by
classprotector (Kon/Buffy, Bart/Molly)
Of Birthdays by
classprotector (Kon/Buffy, various)
Kant/Kon/Buffy OT3 by
classprotector Three Scenes by
classprotector (Kon/Buffy, Bart/Molly, TricK, Xander, Batman)
Malls by
im_impulse (Kon/Buffy, Bart)
Bart's whipped by
im_impulse (Geek!Kon/Buffy)
Buffy's Chest > Kon by
classprotector (Kon/Buffy, Robin wonders wryyy)
Kon > Buffy Amnesia by
classprotector (Kon/Buffy, Bart)
Kid!Bart by
classprotector (Kon/Buffy, Kid!Bart)
Three fics by
classprotector (Kon/Buffy, Bart/Molly, YJ, Runaways, Buffy's mom)
Double Date Redux by
classprotector (Kon/Buffy, Clark/Lex)
Breaking the Sex Rule by
classprotector (Kon/Buffy)
Ten Things Buffy Summers Loves About Superboy by
classprotector (Kon/Buffy)
Everyone Buffy Knows Is Gay by
classprotector (Kon/Buffy, Spike/Angel, Kon/Xander)
Birthday fic by
_superdork_ (Kon/Buffy, Bart, Kal)
Serial thing
One and
Two by
_superdork_ (Kon/Buffy, Kal, dorks)
Post-camp Kon/Buffy with Scoobies by
_superdork_ In-camp Kon/Buffy by
im_impulse We Hate Infinite Crisis by
_sansnom_ (Kon/Buffy, DC)
Cassie fic by
classprotector (Wondergirl-centric, Kon/Buffy)
I hate canon by
classprotector (Kon/Buffy, Bart, Scoobies), bonus drabble by
im_impulse in comments.
Sap sap sap sap by
classprotector (Kon/Buffy, Bart)
Home by
classprotector (Kon/Buffy, Bart)
Not the wrong one by
_sansnom_ (Robin/Lady, Bart)
Two fics by
_sansnom_ (Robin/Lady, Kon)
More sap by
classprotector (Kon/Buffy)
Inui is awesome by
inui_log (Kon/Buffy, Bart, Excel Saga)
Boxed In by
im_impulse (Robin/Lady, Kon)
Kon/Buffy by
its_the_cape Various by
im_impulse Kon/Buffy by
im_impulse Comic by
_superdork_ Three pictures by
im_impulse OTHER:
Kon/Buffy FST by