I firmly believe Robin/Lady needs more love. I should not be the one giving it, but here we are anyway. For shame.
“So...this really works?”
Not for the first time Lady felt like kicking herself. Normally it wouldn’t be an issue, she knew it worked, she had seen it work, but with Robin...well, she wanted his approval. He knew exactly what to do and where to go, so it was hard for her to watch his expression so guarded when she was trying to impress him.
And out of everyone in camp, he really was the one she wanted to impress.
“Just,” she gritted her teeth, “trust me on this.”
She couldn’t read what was going on in the caped wonder’s head, if his eyes widened they were hidden behind lenses, his mouth didn’t quirk, he didn’t tense noticeably. He simply nodded. “Okay, Lady.”
“Do you want me demonstrate then?” Lady asked. No, she wasn’t blushing damn it, this wasn’t a big deal she knew exactly what she was doing.
“I, uh,” Robin stammered, “you don’t need to. I believe that it’s capable of what you say it can do. I just prefer the old fashioned way.”
“Sneaking out of the shadows?”
Robin looked for a minute like he might shrug. “Well, yes.”
Lady almost wanted to ask what would happen in the situation where there were no shadows, but her world was very shadow friendly. And Robin seemed to project his own little aura of darkness wherever he lurked. Both had their advantages when it came to surveillance or recon, sometimes even just silent introspection like-
“Hey Lady! What’s the box for?”
Escaping Robin’s well meaning teammates.
Bart had already brushed by Lady with a hug and started poking it. He was poking the Box. He was fiddling with her little space of zen and tugging at the flaps, asking if it could be made into a rocket ship...
Robin, sensing Lady’s distress, diplomatically pulled Bart away just as Kon touched down to add more stress to the mix.
“Dude! What’s with the box?”
Lady looked conspicuously away from Robin. “Nothing. A demonstration.”
Kon, being Kon, took it entirely the wrong way. “Demonstration, huh.”
“It’s a neat box,” Bart added helpfully. “Did you need to reach something up high?”
“It’s...to hide from enemy surveillance,” she mumbled.
Bart thought it made perfect sense, and if anything wanted to know where the toggle switches were placed. Robin was circumspect enough to believe Lady even if the idea seemed a little farfetched.
Kon...made things worse.
“So you were giving Bat boy a new toy to sneak around in?”
“No!” Lady snapped, except that’s totally what it was.
“It was simply trading techniques,” Robin dismissed with a wave.
“Heh. So you want to get in Lady’s box, eh?”
Kon started laughing and Bart joined in. Lady looked like she was going to shoot them.
Robin felt a headache coming on, “Bart, why are you laughing?”
The speedster stopped as if he was caught doing something wrong. “Well, you guys playing hide and seek together in a box, it’s, y’know...”
Right. They’ll just go with that.
Robin, in a single move, pulled Lady’s twitching hand away from her holsters and moved over to the side. “So, Lady, do you think you could feasibly throw something from inside the box?”
“What are you-” the demon hunter grinned, recognition dawning. “Ah.”
In one ninja-swoop under the box they went, leaving Kon and Bart to blink in confusion.
“Where’d they go-OW!” Kon yelped as a batarang came out of nowhere to hit him in the forehead. “Stupid bats and their toys…”