Since Bart and I figured the only response to the feeling of "
Wait, how many people are voting for Kon/Buffy? Wtf," was fic (and also sappy music yay), I wrote fic. Also because I enjoy writing fic and sleep is for the weak. So. Buffy/Kon, with some Bart talking about Molly cuz they're cute. Same continuity as
my last fic, because I can.
For a minute, when she wakes up, Buffy has no idea where she is because she's aware of being draped over another human being, which hasn't happened in a while. She's also wearing a shirt that really isn't her own, but her head isn't pounding so she doesn't think she got drunk, went to a party, and hooked up with some guy she doesn't know. Because that really wouldn't make any sense. She props herself up and Kon makes a noise.
Oh, right. Kon.
She's wearing his shirt and not a lot else, which is really okay. And she's in his room, which is messy and dorky and that's also okay. Because she's here. And that's awesome.
"Hey," says Kon. He's grinning. He's basically been grinning since Bart found her. Which is also okay. She'd think things need to stop being okay, but they really don't. Okay is good.
"Hey," she smiles, moving back down so she's lying on him. "Kinda missed this."
"Yeah. Me too. I had some trouble getting used to sleeping alone again."
"See, I figured you had fanclub girls to console you."
He doesn't dignify this with a response and pulls her a little closer instead. "How long can you stay?"
"In theory? Haven't actually got much to do. Missed first semester so I'm taking the year off college. I'm basically just bumming around."
"Well, mom's on my case about getting outta Sunnydale. Cuz Faith is doing the Slayer bit, so there isn't really any good reason for me to be there. And mom's big on the me leaving the whole Slaying thing."
"Huh," says Kon. It's a little strained. "I kinda thought you wanted that too."
"Yeah, I kinda do.'s what I do. And I'd still do it somewhere else, but there's nowhere like a Hellmouth for getting vampires."
She doesn't explain that she's so used to vampire Slaying and it being this whole big thing she can't get out of that the idea of actully getting out of it is really confusing. But Kon's a superhero. So he probably sorta gets it somehow.
Kon knows, in theory, that there's a time and a place to shut up. And that some things should really be eased into. But he's also pretty sure there's something to be said for just seizing the day. Or something.
"Um," he comments. Because that's really helpful. "There's. Um. A pretty good college. Here."
She looks up at him, and he tries really hard to not look away, because that would be shifty.
"Uh. Yeah. Least I hear it's, um. Pretty good. Yeah."
"I dunno if transcripts really carry across universes. Plus it'd be a bitch to get the social security number."
This is possibly a subtle refusal, but Buffy really should know better than to be subtle with Kon.
"We're superheroes. Forged identification? Piece of cake."
"I know."
"No. I mean. That'd be. Really...easy."
"Easy is good," he says, maybe a little too eager. "Really. And. I mean. There's always something. To train with, I mean. Cuz there's...supervillains. And Bart could take you home on weekends. Or whenever. It's not really that far now that he found it."
"...Maybe I'll take a look," she says, looking away from him. She's smiling. This is a really good sign. He rolls them over so she's looking up at him and kisses her because hey, he's got a lot of lost time to make up for. And maybe she could come here and then they wouldn't have lost time time make up for, but they could anyway.
He's working on pulling off the shirt he loaned her when Bart comes in.
"Hi Kon! Hi Buffy!" he says, because somehow he can miss that they're in the middle of something.
Kon slumps back on his side of the bed and puts an arm around Buffy to pull her over anyway. He's pretty sure they haven't actually broken physical contact since they found her.
"Bart, we're gonna have to have a talk about knocking," says Kon.
"But I hadta ask you something," pouts Bart. "Cuz it's Saturday and I go see Molly on Saturdays and we were gonna go to the zoo and make faces at the monkeys and the hippos, but not the lions cuz the lions don't like it when you make faces at them."
"Point, Bart," says Buffy gently.
"Yeah! So if you wanna go home today you gotta go now or after I get back, and Molly said I could stay for dinner and everything so it'd be kinda late. So do you wanna go?"
"No," says Buffy, without any hesitation. "Late's good."
"Okay! I'll see you guys later, okay? And Buffy when it's not Saturday I'm gonna see you but Molly's on Saturdays so--"
"It's okay, Bart. I'll see you later."
Bart zips out.
Kon turns back to Buffy.
"Knocking," he sighs.
"Now that we can actually do stuff? I'm thinking locks."
Kon grins. "So. Where were we?"