Fic: Behind The Scenes, Chapter 17 (CSI, Ryan / Eric, NC-17)

Jan 21, 2010 20:15

Title: Behind the Scenes, Chapter 17
Pairing: Nick Stokes / Greg Sanders,
Ryan Wolfe / Eric Delko,
Don Flack / Sheldon Hawkes
Rating: NC-17
Genre: AU
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome

Summery: Six months later. Some things have changed, some things are exactly the same.

Sequel to Soaps R Us:
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5  Chapter 6  Chapter 7  Chapter 8  Chapter 9  Chapter 10  Chapter 11  Chapter 12  Chapter 13 (NC-17)  Chapter 14  Chapter 15  Chapter 16  Chapter 17  Chapter 18  Chapter 19  Chapter 20  Chapter 21  Chapter 22  Chapter 23  Chapter 24  Chapter 25  Chapter 26  Epilogue

Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4 (NC-17)  Chapter 5 (NC-17)  Chapter 6 (NC-17)  Chapter 7 (NC-17)  Chapter 8  Chapter 9  Chapter 10  Chapter 11  Chapter 12  Chapter 13  Chapter 14  Chapter 15  Chapter 16 (NC-17)



Same noise, over and over again. Eric opened his eyes, but all he could see was the wall next to the bed and the lower half of the curtain. He tried to pull his hands down, and heard the same clinking noise again. That was when he remembered.

He was still cuffed to headboard of the bed.

The only difference was that he had fallen asleep on his back. Now he was laying on his side, his back to the rest of the room. He tried to roll back to his back, but a familiar pair of hands rolled him right back to his side.

“I put you like that for a reason.” Ryan whispered into his ear. “I like the scenery from this angle.”
“You like the scenery from all angles.”
“Community property. If we break up, I get to take half your backside with me.”

“Where’s the fun with just one half?” Eric chuckled and tried to push his back against Ryan’s hands, seeking out more skin on skin.

“Stay still. I’m planning some "We’re alive" sex, and I’m the one who had a near death situation.”
“Do your best. Or worst. Which one is better?”
“They’re both good.”

Ryan’s hands disappeared for a minute. When they came back, Eric’s thigh was pushed ahead to give Ryan a better access to his butt. Eric tried to twist his hips to make the position easier. A loud snap of a bottle cap behind him brought a wide grin on his face. Warm hands returned to spread his cheeks, massaging the firm flesh. Little by little they approached his entrance, sweeping in circles around it before one lubed finger finally dived in. Ryan aimed straight for Eric’s tender spot, and watched him quiver against the cuffs. Another finger joined the first.

“You know what was the first thought in my head when they pulled me out of the building?”
“That if I had died and my phone hadn’t been smashed… What if I had died and you had heard it. Sounds stupid, but it felt awful.” Ryan’s voice sounded slightly teary. “I have no idea how I want to be remembered, but I can’t imagine what it would be like to hear something like that and continue living normal life.”

“It wasn’t that great to hear what I heard.” Eric grinded against him. “First you were there and then the line died and I had no idea if you were even alive.”

“It`s been one year, I don’t want to go anywhere for a long time.”
“Me neither.”

This time Ryan’s voice cracked. He leaned down to plant a kiss on Eric’s neck, leaving few drops of tears on the warm skin.
“Love you.”
“Love you too.” Eric twisted his head up to meet Ryan’s lips. “Love you so much.”

Ryan pulled back and slowly pulled his fingers out. Few more snaps of the lube bottle cap and a warm body pressed against Eric’s. Lips against Eric’s neck, chest against his back, his hard cock resting between Eric’s cheeks. He positioned himself against the tight opening and pushed in slowly. His hand slid over Eric’s hips and up to his belly to pull him closer.

Eric let out a small sigh when Ryan was all the way in. Ryan stroked the skin on the man’s belly and waited for him to get comfortable.
“Querido… go ahead.”
“You go ahead.” Ryan whispered. “I love it when you do that…”

Eric pushed his hips back against Ryan, pulled away and pushed back again, setting a steady rhythm. Ryan’s hands moved down his body to grab his dick, stroking him while Eric rocked against him. He kept kissing the crook of Eric’s neck, aiming for the sensitive patches.

“Eric… You feel so good…”
“I wanna make you feel good…” Eric groaned, tilting his head back for another kiss. “Love everything about you…”
“Tell me…”
“…your lips… your eyes… your hands… your cock… everything… how you just…”
“How I just what?”
“…how you…” Eric let out a husky groan. “…how you just take me and make me…”
“Make you what?”

Eric’s voices were becoming blurry babble as his climax approached. Feeling his state, Ryan sped up his ministrations and Eric shot his load on the sheets. He gasped tried to draw a breath. Behind him Ryan took over, thrusting into him. His strokes were hard and deep, thrusting as deep inside the man as he could. Eric shimmied against him, knowing the signs of his nearing orgasm.

Ryan thrusted deep inside one more time and filled Eric with his release. He stilled, breathing warm huffs against Eric’s shoulder. His hand wandered up the man’s belly and settled on his chest. He placed it over his heart, so he could feel it beating under his palm.

Eric closed his eyes for a minute, sinking into his post-orgasmic haze. Ryan’s hand tightened around him.
“That was… your best, not your worst.”
“You want me to take the cuffs off now?”

“Not yet. Just... stay there...”
“You scared me. When the line died.”
“I know.”
“Don’t do that ever again.”
“I promise. Next time there’s a bomb threat, I’ll stay in bed with you.”

Chapter 18

-nc-17, pair: don flack / sheldon hawkes, pair: nick stokes / greg sanders, show: csi ny, show: csi miami, csi/ csi ny/ csi miami/ series: soaps r, csi/ csi ny/ csi miami/ series: behind t, pair: ryan wolfe / eric delko, show: csi

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