Fic: Behind The Scenes, Chapter 4 (CSI, Ryan / Eric, Nick / Greg, Flack / Hawkes, NC-17)

Jan 16, 2010 02:24

Title: Behind the Scenes, Chapter 4
Pairing: Nick Stokes / Greg Sanders,
Ryan Wolfe / Eric Delko,
Don Flack / Sheldon Hawkes
Rating: C-17
Genre: AU
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome

Summery: Six months later. Some things have changed, some things are exactly the same.

Sequel to Soaps R Us:
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5  Chapter 6  Chapter 7 
Chapter 8  Chapter 9  Chapter 10  Chapter 11  Chapter 12  Chapter 13 (NC-17)
Chapter 14  Chapter 15  Chapter 16  Chapter 17  Chapter 18  Chapter 19  Chapter 20
Chapter 21  Chapter 22  Chapter 23  Chapter 24  Chapter 25  Chapter 26  Epilogue

Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3

“It’s a tradition!”

“Eric, you had a Mai Tai before the ceremonies and champagne afterwards. You’re not carrying me across the threshold.”
“I could!”
“I’m not taking any risks.” Ryan gave him a kiss and pushed him into their hotel room. “Honeymoon, remember?”
“Even better.” Eric grinned. “The wedding night.”
“It’s three in the afternoon.”
“Great. I like to see you and we don’t need to put the lights on.” Eric pulled his shirt off and dropped his pants. “Look at the view.”

“I’ve already seen it so many times….”
“I mean the actual view.” Eric pushed open the doors to the balcony and leaned over the railing. “Look at that. Week of sunshine and sea and honeymoon fun…. Can’t get better than that.”

“Yeah, Querido?”
“Look down.”
“It’s my wedding night, it’s supposed to behave like that.”
“I meant look down. Over the railing. There’s a little old lady there on the beach who’s about to have a heart attack.” Ryan deadpanned. “You can either get dressed again, or we can go back in so I can show you how much I appreciate my new ring.”

Eric glanced down at the woman who was currently clutching her chest, and leaped back into the hotel room.
“Can’t believe my mind started wandering like that.”
“Yeah.” Ryan agreed. “Should I be worried?”
“I’m just…. overwhelmed. This a lot to take in.”
“Come here.” Ryan pulled him close and kissed him. “Is the intake getting any easier?”
“Yeah… Wanna hear a compliment?”
“Go ahead.”
“You’re the only one I’ve ever wanted to take to the altar.”
“That’s a big compliment.” Ryan leaned his head on the crook of Eric’s neck and took a deep breath.
“You okay?”

“Yeah, just…. Give me a minute, I’m taking it all in too.”



Greg looked up. Nick was standing in front of him, holding two cups of coffee.
“When did you get here?”
“Just now. We finished work for today, so I thought I’d come and see how he is.”
“Hawkes is in there now.” Greg got up from the bench and took a long gulp from his coffee.
“So how is he?”
“Sleeping, but that’s partly because of the pain meds. He`s been asleep the entire time we`ve been here. Left arm broken in three places, concussion and more bruises than Dalmatian has spots.”
“But he’ll recover?”
“That’s what they say.”

They heard the door being opened and Hawkes stepped into the hallway.
“Is he awake?”
“No.” Hawkes pulled his wallet from his pocket. “I’ll go get something to eat, can you stay with him a little while?”
“Thanks.” He left and Greg looked at Nick carefully.

“You want me to go in first?”
“I’ve been visiting people in a hospital before.”
“Yeah, but it’s… it will be better, but he’s really bruised and knocked." Greg stated seriously. "When I went in I had to look twice to be sure it was Don.”


Eric’s tongue circled the right nipple, making a brisk detour to say hello to the left one and travelled down Ryan’s body. Ryan’s hands were stroking his short hair, guiding him downwards.

“I’ve always wondered…” Eric started. His hand wrapped around Ryan’s shaft and stroked it in a lazy pace. “I got a question about soaps.”
“Now?” Ryan’s response was a mixture of laughter and moaning. “Ask your question, I’ll try to answer.”

“I’ve wondered…” Eric’s tongue swiped the length of the hard cock. “…why people in soap operas….” Another lick. “….always talk about making love…” He swooped down to take all of Ryan’s length into his mouth, letting his tongue dance across the sensitive underside. “…. never having sex… or screwing… or shagging… or fucking…” His words were murmured around the thick member, tickling the pale skin of Ryan’s crotch with warm breaths. “No, they always call it making love. Why?”

“Because…” Ryan tried to focus on his voice and resist the urge to press Eric’s head down. “… because it’s idealised reality… people meet and two minutes later they are in love…”
“And that’s why they keep making love. They don’t just fuck around… they’re always in love and the guy or girl just changes.”
“That’s right…”

“What about real life?” Eric let go of Ryan’s cock long enough to give him a lopsided smirk. “Fucking or making love?”

Ryan took advantage of the situation and grabbed Eric, flipping him to his back. He pinned the man against the mattress, straddling his hips.

“When I fuck you, you don’t need to think about that. It’s making love.”


First Greg wasn’t sure if it really happened. When Don’s eyelashes fluttered again he leaned closer.

“Don? Can you hear me?”

Flack forced his eyes open. He stared at Greg for a minute before he managed to focus on his visitor.
“Hospital?” His voice came out as a husky croak. “Car?”
“Yeah, you’re in a hospital. Remember why you’re here?”
“Wait a sec…” Greg picked up a beaker from the nightstand and placed the straw to Don’s lips. He took few sips and licked his lips. “More?”

“No.” Don’s voice was still a low groan, but he seemed to be completely awake.
“You remember what happened?”
“Isn’t this that part…” Don’s low chuckle turned into a dry couching. “Isn’t this the part where your characters would get amnesia?”
“That would be the classic soap opera twist.”
“I remember the car. It was going to the wrong direction, going all over the place and then it just… I don’t know. I remember the sound, but that’s all. Metal crashing. And broken glass.”

“You don`t need to think about that now. Hawkes`s probably coming back soon, and Nick too. He went searching for a bathroom without those metal handhelds. I mean Nick, Hawkes went to the cafeteria.”

“Can you…” Don frowned and held his breath. “….tell someone I could use some pain meds here? My arm feels like an elephant is using it as a trampoline.”
“It’s broken in three places.” Greg informed. “I’ll let the nurses know you’re awake, and-”
“Can you do me favour?”
“Tell Sheldon….” He held his breath again, waiting for the wave of pain to go away. “…. tell him to go home.”

“He’s been waiting here for hours, he’ll wanna-”
“Tell him to go away. I’m too tired for this.”
“Are you sure?”
“Just tell him I don’t want him here.”


Eric’s eyesight was turning hazy. He tried to focus on the eyes in front of him. His legs were wrapped tightly around Ryan’s thighs, trying to pull him deep as possible. Ryan’s lips swooped down on steady intervals to kiss him breathless.

“Fu…fu… funny thing…”
“What?” Ryan didn’t miss a beat, he continued his thrusts like opening a conversation in their current situation was the most common thing.
“Wed… wedding night….” Eric managed to groan and chuckled. “You didn’t get a virgin…”
“But you did.”

Ryan’s statement made cogs in Eric’s head come to a screeching halt. Ryan had a strict rule: Their first encounter was not open to discussion of any kind.

“Eric.” Ryan’s hand found Eric’s cock. He timed his strokes to match his thrusts. “Keep your eyes on me.”

Eric didn’t resist. He fixed his eyes on Ryan’s and his thoughts slipped out of his mind. He exploded with a loud moan. Ryan followed him, slumping down on top of him. He nuzzled against Eric’s sweaty skin and sighed contentedly.

“Stop thinking.” Ryan sighed and lifted his head to meet Eric’s eyes. “If I hadn’t forgiven you, I wouldn’t be here, so stop beating yourself up over it.”
“I don’t know if I can.”

“Eric.” Ryan grabbed Eric’s hand and waved the new wedding ring in front of his face. “Focus on that. We’re on our honeymoon. I spent a year loving you, then five years hating you, and then another year loving you. If I got over the old things, you should too.”

“I love you.” Eric pulled the hand close and planted a kiss on the palm. “Love me or hate me, but I love you.”

“I’ve tried both, but I like this a lot better than hating you.”

Chapter 5 (NC-17)

-nc-17, pair: don flack / sheldon hawkes, pair: nick stokes / greg sanders, show: csi ny, show: csi miami, csi/ csi ny/ csi miami/ series: soaps r, csi/ csi ny/ csi miami/ series: behind t, pair: ryan wolfe / eric delko, show: csi

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