Fic: Behind The Scenes, Chapter 5 (CSI, Ryan / Eric, Nick / Greg, Flack / Hawkes, NC-17)

Jan 16, 2010 17:41

Title: Behind the Scenes, Chapter 5
Pairing: Nick Stokes / Greg Sanders,
Ryan Wolfe / Eric Delko,
Don Flack / Sheldon Hawkes
Rating: NC-17
Genre: AU
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome

Summery: Six months later. Some things have changed, some things are exactly the same.

Sequel to Soaps R Us:
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5  Chapter 6  Chapter 7 
Chapter 8  Chapter 9  Chapter 10  Chapter 11  Chapter 12  Chapter 13 (NC-17)
Chapter 14  Chapter 15  Chapter 16  Chapter 17  Chapter 18  Chapter 19  Chapter 20
Chapter 21  Chapter 22  Chapter 23  Chapter 24  Chapter 25  Chapter 26  Epilogue

Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4 (NC-17)

“Morning.” Hawkes stepped in. “You’re… awake.”

“Yeah.” Don continued wolfing down his breakfast. “Why are you here?”
“Your Norwegian watchdog threw me out yesterday. I didn’t want to push my luck too much.”
“I’m getting out today, Greg should be here soon. Nick said he’ll borrow me some clothes. They cut my own off of me when they brought me in.”
“You should have called me, I would have brought you clothes.” Hawkes took a step closer. “Anyway… when are they releasing you? I’ll drive you home.”
“I’m not coming home.”

“What do you mean? You got a bunch of bruises, a concussion and a busted arm, you don’t exactly need a convalescent home for that.”
“What did Greg tell you?”
“He said you were tired and you had told me to go home. And then he said some stuff in Norwegian, but I’m not sure if it was a threat or his dinnerplans.”

“We talked last night, I’m staying at Nick’s place for now. He practically lives at Greg’s anyway.”
“Why? It`s not like you can’t walk up the stairs and-”
“This is not about the accident or my injuries.”

“Then what-” Hawkes stared at him as the realisation dawned. “You’re leaving.”

“You can’t.”
“I can.”
“It doesn’t make any sense! Is this about the fight we had before that…” He gestured at the cast covered arm. “… that.”
“No. I was thinking about it before this happened.”
“You were?”
“Why?” For once Hawkes sounded like a lost child. “We were fine, you can’t leave.”
“We weren’t fine.” Don sighed. “I knew this whole thing would be far from easy, but I thought it would be worth it.”
“Isn’t it?”
“I don’t know. I’m tired of fighting over every ridiculous little thing.”

“You can’t.” Hawkes repeated. He wasn’t sure what to say, so his mouth kept repeating it on it’s own. “You just can’t.”

“I’ll drop by to get my stuff when I’m better.”
“That’s all? It’s just over?”
“I don’t know. But I do know I can’t deal with this now. Or with you.”


“How can anyone hate the beach?” Eric mused when he and Ryan returned to their hotel room. “Everyone likes the beach!”

“I like the beach, but I don’t like the sea.” Ryan stated and started to unpack his beach bag. “That water is filthy.”
“It’s bright blue!”
“I didn’t mean the colour, I meant bacteria. And sharks. And fishes.”
“That’s why you don’t like the sea? No one has sterilised the water and there’s few fishes in there so you won’t go in?” Eric grinned from ear to ear. “Germs and fishes and sharks, oh my…”

Ryan shot him a blank look.

“That song from the Wizard of OZ? You know, Lions and tigers and bears, oh my?”
“I do know the song, but I don’t know why a man of your age would paraphrase the lyrics.”
“Forget it. And you liked seeing me getting knocked down by the waves.”
“Especially when that little kid shoved you under the water with that… what was that?”

“Whatever, but that kid was half fish. When I was that age I could hardly swim.”
“I could, my folks took me to the beach when I was old enough to crawl in the sand without getting some of it in my mouth. It’s cheap and easy fun.”
“We didn’t all grow up near the sea.” Ryan eyed Eric’s wetsuit. “You are going to rinse that, aren’t you?”

“I was just gonna hang it out on the balcony to dry. I kinda like that salt water smell.”
“Do you want me to touch you anytime today?”
“We’re on our honeymoon, I expect to get action at least couple times a day-”

“Then you better take yourself and your wetsuit to the shower, because I’m not touching you if you’re covered with who knows what algae and bacteria.” Ryan pulled his own Bermuda shorts down and grabbed few towels from the shelf. “I better supervise the scrubbing, or you’ll come back with half a germ farm.”


“I’m almost ready, get up.” Greg pulled his shirt over his head and took a bite from his toast. “I got the clothes packed, and your guest room’s ready.”

“I can’t even remember the last time I had a guess there. Usually I just use it to storage stuff I don`t want to see. And sometimes I shove Speed there when his night out ends here. With that rug you can’t even tell if he’s thrown up on it or not.”
“Great sales pitch, just forgot to mention the holes on the wall.”
“That was Speed too. He tripped.”

“What did he hit it with?”
“His head.”
“I can believe that… Get dressed or we’ll be late.”

“Yeah, yeah…” Nick snatched the piece of toast from the plate next to his head and got up from the table. “But next time you get the urge when we’re having breakfast, hold on till we get to the bedroom. My table’s about to collapse.”

“You bent over it, so you started it.”
“I was reaching for the newspaper.”


“I need to start surfing again….” Eric groaned and arched his back against the cold tiles. He slowly rocked himself against the three fingers invading him. Ryan pulled away from his cock long enough to give him a knowing glance.

“Surfer dudes have never really been my thing.” He returned to his task, his lips moving along Eric’s cock, while his fingers thrusted gently inside the man. He pulled out of the warm cavern and added more bath oil to his fingers, smearing it on his hard-on.
“So… what’s your type?”

“You.” He mumbled. “Wet.” He pulled away and guided Eric’s other leg around his waist. He slowly got up from his kneeling position, taking a firm hold from the man’s buttocks till Eric was pinned against the tile wall. Eric got the message and wrapped both his legs around Ryan’s waist. He held on to Ryan’s shoulder with one hand while another one reached blindly below him.

“I got you.” Ryan groaned. He positioned himself against Eric’s entrance and let gravity do it’s duty. Eric’s body welcomed him in, squeezing the hard flesh.

“Never…” Eric moaned breathlessly against Ryan’s neck. “… never done it like that. You know… up the wall…” He glanced down at the slippery floor.”

“Trust me.” Ryan pressed him tightly against the wall and increased his pace. His hands were cupping Eric’s butt, his fingers sinking into he soft flesh. “I won’t let you fall.”
“That’s not it…” Eric’s chuckle was winded, he threw his head back trying to take a deep breath. “…. you feel so good…”
“You too.”

Eric wrapped his arms around Ryan’s neck, hanging on while the rest of his body seemed to have a will of its own. His gut informed him of the approaching climax, but he was too far gone to do anything about it. He spewed his load between their bodies, leaving his limbs even looser than they had been before. Ryan took it as a sign to up the antes, his thrusts turned harder and faster. He came with a silent moan.

They slowly slid down to the tile floor. Eric remained wrapped around the man’s body.

“How was it?”
“You said you’ve never done it like that.” Ryan smirked. “How was it?”

“When we….” Eric leaned his head against Ryan’s shoulder and tried to get his breathing steady. “....when we get back home, we need to install safety handles to the shower, because we’ll be spending half our free time there.”

Chapter 6 (NC-17)

-nc-17, pair: don flack / sheldon hawkes, pair: nick stokes / greg sanders, show: csi ny, show: csi miami, csi/ csi ny/ csi miami/ series: soaps r, csi/ csi ny/ csi miami/ series: behind t, pair: ryan wolfe / eric delko, show: csi

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