Fic: Behind The Scenes, Chapter 12 (CSI, Ryan / Eric, Nick / Greg, Flack, Hawkes)

Jan 19, 2010 18:29

Title: Behind the Scenes, Chapter 12
Pairing: Nick Stokes / Greg Sanders,
Ryan Wolfe / Eric Delko,
Don Flack / Sheldon Hawkes
Rating: PG
Genre: AU
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome

Summery: Six months later. Some things have changed, some things are exactly the same.

Sequel to Soaps R Us:
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5  Chapter 6  Chapter 7  Chapter 8  Chapter 9  Chapter 10  Chapter 11  Chapter 12  Chapter 13 (NC-17)  Chapter 14  Chapter 15  Chapter 16  Chapter 17  Chapter 18  Chapter 19  Chapter 20  Chapter 21  Chapter 22  Chapter 23  Chapter 24  Chapter 25  Chapter 26  Epilogue

Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4 (NC-17)  Chapter 5 (NC-17)  Chapter 6 (NC-17)  Chapter 7 (NC-17)  Chapter 8  Chapter 9  Chapter 10  Chapter 11

“This is what happens when I listen to you!” Ryan grabbed a fresh shirt from the closet and pulled it over his head. “The meeting`s probably over by now!”

“How was I supposed to know?” Eric scratched his belly and yawned.
“You knew I had that meeting in the morning!”
“They’re not gonna get anything done today, so they don’t need you there. Call Greg and tell him you’re sick.” He reached for the waistband of Ryan’s jeans and yanked him back onto the bed. “Play hookie, I’m a real expect on that area.”

“Tempting, but no.”
“Come on, remember marital duties.”
“I woke up with you humping my leg, so you’ve had enough for one morning.”
“I was just warming up! And you don’t have anything to do today, you can stay home.”
“I could stay home, but if I do that my conscience will be nagging for the next week.”
Ryan pulled away.” Hookie later, but you can drive me there.”

“Does that mean I have to get up?”
“If I can’t sleep late, you can’t either.”
“But you could sleep late and you don’t!”
“It’s a matter of principle. Get dressed, we’ll get some coffee on the way.”


“What’s going on?” Valera parked her rear-end on the edge of Henry’s desk. “Sanders has to know, so you probably know too.”

“I… I don’t know anything more than what the security told me. All soundstages are isolated for now, and all tapings are cancelled.”
“I’ll give you candy.”
“I don’t know anything more.”
“I’ll get you a new stapler.”
“This one is just fine thank you.”
“I’ll flash my tits.”
“I don’t know!”
“You do know.”
“Honestly, I don’t!”
“Final offer: I`ll flash my tits and sing show tunes.”

“Is this a bad moment?” Adam askes awkwardly. His face was bright red. “The door was open so I just…”

“Nice timing, Ross.” Valera groaned. “He was about to crack.”


Don marched into Greg’s office few minutes, dragging Hawkes in with his healthy arm.

“Don`t tell me you two are eloping too?” Greg moaned. “Things are chaotic enough as they as they are and at least Eric gave me a warning before they left.”
“I had to go get him from the main gate.” Don explained. “Vartann called me when they noticed something weird in the logs.”
“How weird?”

“At night-time my people make rounds on the premises, but the main gate is closed. The only way to come and go is the side gate. You have to feed your security pass to the reader to get in. Vartann checked who had used the gate besides the janitorial staff before the cops came here in the morning and isolated all the soundstages.”

Hawkes was still waiting at the door. Don closed it and pulled him forward.
“Tell him.”
“I… I lost my security pass.”
“And tell him how you lost it.”
“I lost it in a bar.”
“And then the whole truth.” Don demanded and turned to Greg. “Someone slipped something to his drink, and took his security pass. He wasn’t assaulted, they didn’t take money, they just wanted the pass.”
“I wasn’t planning to go there.” Hawkes stated. “They had no way to know I would change my plans, unless-”

He paused. The reality hit him like a ton of bricks.

“Unless they followed you.” Greg finished. “And who did Ecklie aim for the last time he was around? You. Maybe they planned to get the pass from you some other way, but when you walked into a bar they decided to take the chance.”

“And the pass was used again almost two hours later.” Don continued. “If he was planning to plant explosives here, they are in the building now.”

“I talked with Dawson, they restricted the soundstages, and now they’re waiting for the bomb team and the dogs." Greg reported. "He said they’ll check the areas and if they found something, they’ll have to evacuate the whole building before they start working. All the marked points are in the other end of the building and there’s several fireproof doors in in corridor leading there, but better play it safe. I checked, and the building is divided into five units in case of an earthquake. If one starts to collapse, it shouldn’t effect the others too much.”

“And the creep and his sister got to set it all up by using my pass.” Hawkes was the picture of misery. “I’ll go and… I got some stuff to do.”


Ryan’s phone rang as soon as he barged into his office.
“Are you ready to go home?”
“Eric, you left me here ten minutes ago, I just got in. They’re double checking everyone’s security passes and half the building is restricted.”
“Just tell them you have to deal with a temperamental actor and spank him back to working shape.”

“I’m sure they would believe that, but I have to at least talk to Greg and make sure I know what’s going on-”
“Couldn’t you do that on the phone?”
“I’m working here, I have to at least show my face here daily. Even  if I don’t have anything to do.”
“How many other people have you seen there today?”
“Besides the cops and security people? Not many.”


“Are you holding a court here, or what?” Nick walked in and closed the door. Both Greg and Don gave him a confused glance.

“What do you mean?”
“People are waiting out there to know what’s going on and Henry`s about to snap.”

“That’s normal.” Greg shrugged. “What are you doing here? No one’s shooting today.”
“I came to get you. You got to handle your affairs and that’s it. We’ll leave and you’re not coming back till they say it’s safe.”

“It is safe. Soundstages are practically a separate building, I’m fine.” Greg snapped his ringing phone open. “Sanders?”

“It’s me.” Detective Dawson greeted. “Is Flack there?”
“Yeah, he’s here. I’ll put you on the speaker.” He pressed few buttons.

“We got an anonymous call, presumably from the sister.”
“Ecklie`s sister?”
“Yeah. She was in a hurry, but she said we were wrong and that we should get people safe. There’s more than one bomb, and apparently some sort of timing device. I just talked to the bomb squad, they’re starting the evacuation. We have to empty the whole building as quickly as possible.”

“Did she say anything about the soundstages or the location?”
“No, but she said we were wrong. I think she meant that they’re placed somewhere else. Get out of there right now and spread the word. My guys will help the squad to check and empty the premises.”

He hung up and Don headed to the door.
"You two get out, I`ll go get Hawkes."

Two minutes later the sound of the first explosion boomed across the building.


“What the hell was that?”
“I don’t know.” Ryan leaped to the door and peeked into the hallway. “I better get out of here.”

“I’m turning back.” The brakes of Eric’s car screamed loudly. “I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

A loud boom echoed through the speaker, covering all other noises.

“Ryan?” Eric listened carefully. The explosion had been loud enough to make his ears ring, even thought the phone. “Ryan? Say something. Ryan?”

The line went dead.

Chapter 13

pair: don flack / sheldon hawkes, pair: nick stokes / greg sanders, show: csi ny, show: csi miami, csi/ csi ny/ csi miami/ series: soaps r, csi/ csi ny/ csi miami/ series: behind t, pair: ryan wolfe / eric delko, show: csi

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