Must Have Felt Racy That Day

Oct 29, 2008 06:44

So, continuing with my Pride theme, and not having geeked over Steins enough, or a thousand other factors involved that are a novel unto themselves, I'm going to geek over the Steins like I have no life.  And eventually I will get around to typing the rest of my notebooks.

30 Sexy Fics
List 1. Standard List
1 Pent Up Frustrations
2 Waiting For You
3 Filling Five Senses
4 Trapped, Imprisoned, or Bound (pick any or all)
5 Getting Carried Away
6 We Shouldn't or We Can't (pick either or both)
7 Can't Help Thinking About It
8 Visually Appealing
9 Please Don't or Please Do (pick either or both)
10 For You, I would...
11 Pervert!
12 Perfection or Flaws (pick either or both)
13 Unexpected Guests
14 The First Time or Not the First Time (pick either or both)
15 Student and Teacher
16 An Interloper or A Third Partner (pick either or both)
17 Hard to Get
18 Simple Pleasures
19 I'd eat that ____ off his/her ____.
20 Keep the Light On
21 Touch
22 "Just what did we do last night?"
23 The Art of Seduction
24 Forbidden Territory
26 Does this come with a manual?
27 Taking Responsibility or Shotgun Wedding (pick either or both)
28 A Shower or In the Rain (pick either or both)
29 What we Are Together
30 The Ultimate Expression (or) Love is Cheap


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