Rose Petals

Nov 08, 2008 08:16

Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Steins
Prompt: Waiting For You
Notes: For 30 Sexy Fics
Warnings: Sex
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: Janet wants to do something silly and romantic.

02: Waiting For You

It was hard to wait. He didn’t really want to, and he wasn’t a very patient man, anyway. If he’d had his way, he would have skipped this part altogether and gone straight to making love.

She’d insisted, though, and he found himself on his knees, peering up at her when she came through the door.

Granted, he thought, the reason he was on his knees was that his glasses were under the bed. Which was also the reason he was peering. She raised an eyebrow and tossed her jacket over a chair.

“Tell me again why we have to do it with rose petals?” he sighed, closing his hand around the arm of his glasses.

“Because you said I could do whatever I wanted, and I wanted something silly and romantic.” She threw a bag of the things across the bed. A handful landed on Victor. He shook them off and stood up. “Now let’s do it.”

He sighed, relieved, and reached for the buttons of her shirt. She grabbed his hand and dragged him into a kiss. It wasn’t long-or maybe he just lost track of time-before they were both standing nude over the bed.

Victor cupped her plump breasts in his hands. Tweaked a nipple. He was achingly hard. She pressed her body to his and his hands slid around her. One traveled down over her backside and between her legs. She shivered when his fingers found her entrance and adjusted so that he could slide them further into her.

He laid her gently on the bed, rose petals letting off a sweet scent as they were crushed beneath two bodies. He slipped his fingers out of her and stuck them in her mouth.

A soft moan and a gasp and he pushed his hardness into her, watching her eyes for her reaction. Her small body tensed under him. She trembled, then, very slowly, relaxed.

He rocked into her, whispered her name, pulled her close. They pushed together again and again, rocking to their own rhythm. She moaned desperately. He pushed harder and tried to soothe her.

Victor had been waiting all day. He’d been waiting since she’d made the suggestion early that morning. He’d been waiting for her to finish her errands. He was tired of waiting and he wanted her so badly…

He slid his knees up under him and got a good hold on her waist.

“What-” she gasped.

He drove into her, hard, fast, desperate. She cried out under him and he did it again. He was sure it hurt a little, but the way her hands gripped the sheets told him it felt doubly as good.

Victor gritted his teeth. He was close. Judging by her near-screams, she was, too. He thrust in a few more times and she did scream and went limp in his hands.

He fell forward, bracing himself against the bed, and forced his throbbing manhood into her once, twice, thrice, and-

The next thing he saw that wasn’t pure white was her flushed face. She was breathing heavily, chest heaving, body trembling, like the heroine of a romance novel. He was loath to leave her body, so he stayed inside of her, connected to her, for a few moments longer.

She whimpered when he did pull out of her. He kissed her swollen lips and settled down behind her. She gave him a pleading look over her shoulder and he pressed against her back, already starting to harden again.


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