
Dec 28, 2008 03:02

Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Steins
Prompt: Getting Carried Away
Notes: For 30 Sexy Fics
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: Victor's rearranged his house for her.

05: Getting Carried Away

It was better than anything. Better than the first look, first kiss, first night. She was better. Amazing. Beautiful.

He honestly wished they were alone right then.

Her father came over to congratulate them for the fifth time that evening. He was a little more intoxicated than he cared to admit. Victor shook his hand and went back to explaining some obscure bit of physics to her.

Janet nodded. Paused to hug her father, and listened. She pretended to listen. It was hard to do much else with Victor and his German-sprinkled lectures after about the fifth time.

He concluded his speech with, “Do you just want to cut out of here?”

She blinked, surprised. “Cut out?”

“Yes. Leave. Go away. Maybe home.”

She raised an eyebrow and started to respond.

“I stood through your priest blathering about the evils of Catholicism and foreigners. The reason we’re here has been taken care of. Let’s go home and see if married sex is as good as the other.

Janet blushed and giggled, more for her father’s benefit than her own. “Okay.”

She went to hug her father one last time, waved to her sister, and followed him outside. It was cool. She shivered and blushed when her nipples hardened.

Victor was holding the car door open for her. She hopped in, checked her skirt, and waited for him to shut it before she reached for the seatbelt. He got in and turned the key. Leaned over to kiss her. Told a joke she didn’t quite hear, but laughed at anyway. He pulled out of the parking lot and stared out the window.

It was a short drive to his-their-house. It always surprised her how convenient his living arrangements were, or, failing that, how fast he could drive.

Victor pulled into the garage. He shut off the engine and contemplated just doing it in the car. Then again, she probably wouldn’t appreciate a gearshift in her back or a stack of books under her head.

Janet got out and started for the door. She had it unlocked and was about to go in when something hit him. He grabbed her arm.

“I should be carrying you.”

It surprised both of them a little. She grinned and slipped into his arms.

“I’m pretty sure that’s for the front door and schlocky movies,” she said. “But I guess, if you really wanted to…”

He chuckled. Scooped her up and almost hit her head on the doorframe. Then he almost forgot he’d moved the bedroom to the tower for her. Three flights of stairs almost deterred him. Then she nuzzled his neck and he damned his soon-to-be aching knees.

“Hm?” she mumbled. “The bedroom’s back on the first floor, isn’t it?”

“Not anymore.”

She gasped when he pushed the tower door open and gaped at him. Victor deposited her at the top of the last few steps and shrugged, not quite looking at her.

“What prompted this?” she asked.

“You said you liked tower rooms and that the picture window downstairs had a good view. So now you have a tower room and a studio with a picture window,” he said, trying for nonchalant. “Is it okay?”

She grinned. “Come try this bed out with me,” she teased, sitting on the edge of the bed.

He shrugged off his jacket and hung it over the doorknob. She stood up and reached for the dress’ zipper.

“You’re going to have to help me with this,” she said.

He unzipped the dress. Watched it fall to the floor, leaving her in just her slip and underwear and shoes. She kicked the latter off and turned. Victor ran his hands over her body and shivered. He pressed his lips to her forehead and coaxed her toward the bed.


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