
Dec 29, 2008 01:54

Rating: R
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Steins
Prompt: Student and Teacher
Notes: For 30 Sexy Fics
Warnings: Sex
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: Janet needs help with a homework assignment.

15: Student and Teacher

“And that is why it is a bad idea to throw clay at people’s heads,” Jane Grunwald informed her students. “Let’s see… What’s today? Monday. New assignment.”

Half of the class groaned. She happily ignored them. Jane flipped her date book open and thumbed to the appropriate page. She rested her fingers on the day in question and grinned.

“Human studies. Model should be an older male. Over forty, or thereabouts. Fifteen sketches. Due next Monday, when next we meet. Farewell!”

And so began Janet’s descent into hell.

She looked for most of the week. Wasn’t sure where she was supposed to go for an older male model. The deadline loomed closer and closer. She sat on the green and tried to find someone, anyone, to no avail.

“Why couldn’t she have picked trees?” Janet sighed.

And then she saw him.

He was perfect. Perfect. Tall and handsome. At least forty. That was old enough. And, anyway, she couldn’t stop staring. It would be so easy to draw him. Over and over, different positions, sweaty and hot or cold as ice and perfect.

At some point, she realized she was thinking about sex and that if she didn’t go ask one of the other prowling art students would. She grabbed her bag and her sketchpad and took off across the green, coming to an abrupt stop three steps ahead of him. She turned to him and turned on the charm.


The man was a little wary of her. She could feel it. She stuck out a hand.

“Janet Eins.”

“Victor Stein.” He shook her hand and raised his eyebrows. “Can I help you?”

“What are you doing later?” she asked. Then she realized how it sounded and amended herself. “I’m in the art class. I want to draw you.”

Victor nodded. “Jane warned me.”

“Warned you?”

“About her students.”

“Oh. Does that mean you’ve been taken?” Janet asked, disappointed.

“No. I just don’t usually sit for students. Or anyone else, for that matter,” he replied. “Are you having trouble?”

She blushed and glanced away. His voice was doing odd things to her. “Yeah. It’s a college town, right? Not a lot of older guys.”

He chuckled. She shivered. “You may be surprised.”

Janet felt her heart plummet. This was probably a resounding, ‘no,’ but she just couldn’t give up until he said the words.

“I’ll sit for you. On one condition,” he said.

She was almost desperate enough to do anything. “What?”

“You sit for me as well. I’ll be in the physics lab at four. Come up. I’ll leave the door open.”

She nodded and thanked him vigorously. Shook his hand again and let him go on his way. Stared after him for a moment, and when he disappeared around a corner, she stood in middle of the path until someone pushed her out of the way.

It was getting late and they both knew it. But she only had three days left before her sketchbook was due. She drew and drew and he waited, patiently. Neither of them brought up the time.

He’d decided to take her to his home for this little excursion. It was easier than explaining their presence to the janitor and night security. Victor was comfortable, sprawled across the couch. Janet was busily drawing from a chair across the room.

“Take off your shirt,” she mumbled in a moment of bravado.

“Come again?”

“Take off your shirt. I want to do something different.”

He gave her an odd look, but pulled his shirt off over his head. She paused for a long moment to gape at him. He coughed. She jerked. Returned to her sketchpad.

Victor wasn’t sure what it was about her-perhaps the way she bit her lip just so when she was concentrating, or the look in her eyes when she turned them on him-but he found himself very much aroused. He folded his hands on his lap and hoped she didn’t notice. She was in Jane’s class, though. She wasn’t likely to miss much.

And there it was. A spark of recognition in pretty brown eyes.

“Um… Do you need for me to go?” she asked, looking anywhere but at him.

“No, no. I’m sorry.”

He started to stand up, then didn’t, thinking better of it. He tried to will it away, which only made it worse. Mentally berated himself and feeling like a teenager. It had been so long since he’d been with anyone, though… It was just too much.

Janet stood up and started for the door. She knew better. Knew they would both get in trouble if she stayed.

“Er, thank you,” she said. “I’ll just go now. It’s late. Um. Let me know when you want me to sit.”

“Right now.”


“How many do you have?” he asked pointedly.

“Seven, but I can finish later.”

“Sit. Draw. I’ll be back in a minute.”

There was no use hiding it, so he stood and walked out of the room, scolding himself all the way. The bathroom door was thin. He would have to be quiet about this if he didn’t want to scare her off.

“I’m too old for this,” he growled, unzipping his pants and unbuckling his belt. A knock at the door brought him up short.

“Dr. Stein?” Janet called. She shook her head. This was a bad idea. She didn’t even know this man. And he was a teacher! He would get fired and she would be expelled and it would be all her fault. But she couldn’t deny the fire in the pit of her stomach.

He righted his slacks and opened the door a crack. “Yes?”

She blushed awkwardly. Threw caution out the window. Reached in and laid one small hand on his chest. He shivered.

“Miss Eins. We can’t be doing this.”

She jerked her hand back and looked away. Heat surged downward and he opened the door.

“I’m sorry,” she said, turning intense eyes on him.

There was a split second in which neither of them moved, and one in which they found themselves in each other’s arms, against the wall across from the bathroom door.

He kissed her, hard, passionate. Tangled his hands in her hair and held her up, letting her feet dangle several inches from the floor. She clutched his chest. Grabbed the back of his head and thrust her tongue forward to slide against his.

She was overheated. Desperate. Too much and he wasn’t helping matters. His lips were hot. His chest was smooth. The light hair her fingers found was soft. He was harder than diamond; she was sure of it.

Little moans escaped her. Tender little noises that drove him mad. Pushed him close to the edge. He ground against her and gasped for air, then nudged her head up with his nose and pressed his lips to her throat. She gasped and he let her down, setting her carefully on her feet and taking half a step back.

“I-I’m sorry,” he whispered. “So sorry.”

She grabbed his hand. “No. Don’t stop.”

She reached for him. He stepped forward into her arms and kissed her again, noting the purpling bruise where his lips had been. She sighed. Didn’t struggle.

Victor collected his obliterated mind and found a train of thought to hop onto.

“Bed,” he whispered.


“Bed. We should find a bed.” We should not do this at all.

“Yes,” she agreed. “Bed is good.”

He took her hand and led her further down the hall, hoping he could last until then and afraid he would and terrified that he wouldn’t.

Victor opened the bedroom door for her and stood back. She stepped inside and turned around. He took a moment to appreciate the way she looked standing in his bedroom.

Her shoulders sloped downward and she slid her eyes shut when he touched her. Reached carefully for her shirt’s buttons and pushed them through holes one at a time, agonizingly slow, until she stood, half-naked in the middle of the room.

The shirt fell to the floor, then her lacy bra. He ran his hands over her skin, reverently coming to rest at the waistband of her jeans. He shuddered.

“Miss Eins?”


“Janet, then,” he corrected. “May I?”

“Please,” she replied. “Don’t stop.”

She took a tentative half-step forward. Slipped into his arms. Wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his chest. His heart pounded. She felt hers doing the same. Her breasts pressed against him. He gritted his teeth and held her to him, one arm across her shoulders, one hand down her pants.

She wasn’t sure where her sudden burst of tenderness had come from, but it dissipated when her hip met his leg and his erection dug into her belly. She stepped back and pulled his belt off.

“So demanding,” he teased.

She smirked. Grappled with his slacks and won. He kicked his shoes off, and pulled his socks off with one hand before sending her sprawling across the bed.

Janet shuddered under his hands. Stared at him and wondered if she would regret this in the morning. If he would regret this in the morning. He unzipped her pants and popped the button. Slid them down her legs and pulled them off, taking her shoes with them. Goosebumps ran over her skin. He reached into her panties and slipped his fingers into her.

She arched her back; brought her hips up to meet his hand, and let out a long, low moan. He thrust his fingers into her a few times. Grabbed his hard manhood and squeezed. She moaned. Squeezed his fingers and cried out and he couldn’t stand it anymore.

He yanked her panties down and pushed into her, hard and fast, but as gently as he could. She gasped harshly and opened herself to him. He whispered her name over and over. She groaned incoherently.

Victor held her to the bed and forced into her, harder and faster, more and more desperately, until he came. Collapsed onto his elbows and released inside her.

It was a long time before he could move. A long time after that, he pulled out of her. She protested. He fell beside her and stared at the ceiling.

“Are we,” she began. “Are we going to get in trouble?”

He didn’t have an answer for her. She rolled onto her side and curled against him and waited in the silence for words she knew weren’t coming.


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