Only After Ten

Dec 28, 2008 09:16

Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Steins
Prompt: Can't Help Thinking About It.
Notes: For 30 Sexy Fics
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: Victor's acquired a one-track mind.

07: Can’t Help Thinking About It

It was about the time he went to leave that he realized he should remain seated for a few minutes longer. The waiter gave him an odd look and Janet saved him by changing her mind about dessert.

“Is the ice cream thing okay with you?” she asked happily.

“Yeah. Fine.”

He couldn’t care less. He’d barely paid attention to dinner. He just kept imagining her body, still soft and slender, bulge barely visible, naked, vulnerable. And being only a man, he found himself in quite the predicament.

She would tease him later. She would do the same if she had a penis. She’d said so, herself.

They split the ice cream thing. The waiter went back to flirting with Janet.

“Do you need to go anywhere after this?” Victor asked, finally tiring of it. “I think you have an appointment in the morning.”

“Nah. Nothing I can’t do tomorrow.”

Thank you, God. “How’s the ice cream thing?”

“Good. You’re eating it, too, you know.”

“You need anything else?” the waiter simpered.

“No,” Janet said. “We’re good.”

She smiled at Victor, eyes full of promise. Victor hid a half smile by leaning on his hand. The gears in the waiter’s head creaked to life and he gave Victor a filthy look.

“I’ll just get your bill,” he said acidly.

“He likes you,” Victor teased. He handed the boy a check and sent him on his way.

“Shut up. Let’s go.”

Janet grabbed his hand and led him out to the car. His mind returned to his earlier thoughts and he almost didn’t make it to the driver’s side. A short drive and his attention was shot. He almost hit three cars on his way to an exit.

“Victor, this isn’t our exit.”

He ignored her and drove a little further. They found themselves outside the city proper very quickly. He pulled off of the main drag and drove a little more.

“Wow, Vic. Axe murderer territory, or what?” she snapped.

“No,” he replied. “Teenage wasteland. But only after ten.”

They came to a halt far off the beaten path. She gave him a very odd look.

“You want to do it on some make-out dead end?”


She snorted. “Fine.”

He put the top down and hopped over the seat, dragging her with him. The evening air was chilly. He kissed her. Reached for the buttons of her shirt.


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