Second Set

Dec 28, 2008 09:51

Rating: R
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Steins
Prompt: Visually Appealing
Notes: For 30 Sexy Fics
Warnings: Implications
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: Janet talked him into modeling for her again.

08: Visually Appealing

“Dr. Stein?”

He looked up and found himself drowning in her eyes. He’d sworn he’d avoid her at all costs, but it appeared she had not made the same promise. They could both get in a lot of trouble, though. After what happened…

“Yes, Miss Eins?”

She shifted uncomfortably and bit her lip. “I, uh,” she stammered. “Need a model.”

“Jane’s class?”


He sighed. “What’s the assignment.”

She slid a piece of paper across the desk to him. He picked it up and glanced over its contents. And decided his ex-wife was trying to get him fired, killed, or mauled. Victor stood up.

“Excuse me, Miss Eins.”

She watched him go nervously, afraid she’d miss her opportunity. He was gone for less than five minutes. Came back irritated and defeated.

“I’ll do it. Fine.”

Janet drew back. “I’m sorry, Dr. Stein. I can ask someone else.”

“But you’ve already got approval.”

She blushed. “Um… Yes.”

“Then I’ll see you this evening.”

She smiled sunnily and breezed out of the room. He never could say ‘no’ to pretty girls.

He met her at the door and led her to his car. The Dean raised an eyebrow at him. He rolled his eyes and said, “Jane.” The Dean nodded and let them be.

He couldn’t’ help but notice how nice Janet looked in his car.

“Did she tell you why she picked this theme?” Victor asked a few minutes into the awkward, silent drive.

“Because we need to ‘branch out’ and take an ‘alternative view of the scientific community,’” she replied. “Some girls were talking about how all physics majors are unattractive so we had to find a major or a teacher or an actual scientist. Hence.”

Victor sighed. “Jane’s nuts.”


“Aren’t you double-majoring in math?”


“What do they have to say about that?”

Janet didn’t answer. He parked the car and got out. She followed him to the door. Hesitated about coming inside. Victor couldn’t blame her. The last time he’d modeled for her, they’d had very rough sex and a week of awkward before he’d started avoiding her.

“Well, come in,” he said impatiently.

She came in and shut the door behind her. He started toward the kitchen.

“You want a drink?” he asked.

“Um, sure.”

He tossed her a Coke and opened a beer. She eyed it distastefully.


“Nothing. It just bothers me that you feel the need to get a buzz around me.”

Because your body feels so nice and your lips are so soft it hurts. “I had a long day. And anyway, it takes more than one for me to get a buzz.” But it only takes one Janet Eins.

He took a sip and set it on the island, leaning over it and taking a good look at her. She only came up to his shoulder, but she was five feet and six inches of instant erection. He quelled his and jerked his mind away from those thoughts.

“What do you want me to do?” he asked.

“Move that bottle and stay like that.”

In the end, it took two hours for her to get all of the sketches she needed. When she finished the last one, she closed her sketchbook and shoved it into her bag, along with her pens and her Chemistry book.

Victor stood to walk her to the door. She blushed and allowed him to. Stopped at the door and leaned against it. He raised his eyebrows and was about to ask what she was doing.

“Dr. Stein, please don’t send me back yet.”

“Your ride,” he protested.

“I don’t have one.”

“Then turn right and head for the garage.”

She stared up at him, eyes wide and scared. He scrutinized her. Tried to figure out what was wrong. Failed. Tried again, anyway.

Then she hit him like a hundred and twelve pounds of bricks. Latched herself to his shirt and dragged his head down to press her lips to his. He froze, then made to push her off. She dug her nails in and did not stop kissing him.

“Janet we’ve talked about this,” he scolded when she let him up for air.

“Victor, its college, not high school. The rules are a little different.”

“But the consequences are worse.”

She pursed her lips. He thought he’d made his point.

“Shut up,” she snapped.

“Er, what?”

And she effectively shut him up herself.

He couldn’t help himself. He kissed her back, then again, and again. She moaned. He clutched her. He was getting very hard and she knew it. She squeezed him through his pants. He pulled away from her and pulled her in the direction of the bedroom.


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