
Dec 28, 2008 02:56

Rating: R
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Steins
Prompt: Trapped, Imprisoned, or Bound
Notes: For 30 Sexy Fics
Warnings: Sex, very, very light bondage
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: Janet's determined to play.

04: Trapped, Imprisoned, or Bound

She had to wait until he was asleep. He never would have cooperated otherwise.

Janet very carefully tied his hands to the bed. She almost woke him twice but managed to avoid disaster somehow. When she was finished, she stood at the foot of the bed and took a long look at his shirtless form. Then she squeezed his ankle.

He grunted and tried to sit up, only to find that he couldn’t move very far at all.

“What the hell?” He squinted, trying to focus, and couldn’t quite make her out.

Janet grinned broadly and tossed her bathrobe over the dresser. She pulled his socks off, then went for his belt.


“Hello, Victor.” She got his belt unbuckled and his slacks open. Hooked her hands around the waistband and under his boxers, then yanked them down.

“Jan! What the hell?”

She chuckled darkly. “You will see, very soon.”

Janet knelt between his knees and leaned down to run her tongue over the flaccid thing. Pulled it into her mouth. He hardened quickly. When she was quite satisfied, she sat up and eyed him evilly.

“Anything else you’d like to say?” she asked.

Victor raised his eyebrows. “I am not going to argue with this.”

Janet grinned. “Good.”

She slid her hand over his chest, got a decent grip on him and braced herself. She straddled his hips and ground back against his hard manhood. Victor groaned and bucked his hips. His fingers flexed. She kissed him.

Then just watched for a long while.

Victor whimpered and reminded her that he was very, very hard. “Please, Janet.”

She smiled serenely. Lifted herself up and grabbed his cock. A second more of torture and she impaled herself with a loud moan.

He quivered under her. Pushed up. She frowned and smacked his chest.


“No! Bad Victor!”

He groaned and cooperated.

Janet rode him. Started suddenly and didn’t let up. Her breasts bounced tantalizingly. Loud moans burst past her lips. Victor bit his lip and groaned. It wasn’t long before he couldn’t resist and brought his hips up again to meet her.

Janet fell forward, leaned on his chest. Almost screamed. Her body tensed. Victor pushed as hard as he could.

She leaned down and pressed a tender kiss to his lips, then dismounted. Left him hard on the bed. She grabbed her robe and decided he’d be fine while she went to take a shower.

“Uh, Jan?” Victor called after her. “Jan?” He squirmed, pulled against his bindings. Looked down at himself.

“Ah, hell.”


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