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Comments 36

morgana01 October 19 2010, 20:17:40 UTC
what do you mean final part??????? you can't leave us like this!!!!!!!! more, more, more, more


idiosyncratic October 19 2010, 20:22:38 UTC
Don't worry, it's not the end of the story. Just the end of this part of the story. :) Brenda & I have a lot of ideas for upcoming events, but we don't want to rush and put out something we're not happy with, but it hopefully shouldn't be too long before you get to see more of what's going on now that Orlando's mortal again.


morgana01 October 19 2010, 20:27:53 UTC
phew, very relieved to hear that. i'm a big fan of the Claimed stories and can't wait to read the further adventures. good work ladies


azewewish October 30 2010, 18:23:07 UTC
There will definitely be shorter fics that chronicle Orlando's recovery & what everyone's up to, so stay tuned. :)


lenalove October 19 2010, 20:35:55 UTC
azewewish October 30 2010, 18:12:22 UTC
Oh, there will definitely be shorter fics that chronicle Orlando's recovery & what everyone's up to, with a couple of new characters, before we get to the next long fic. Thanks for joining us for the ride! We hope it was worth the journey. :)


krazykitten46 October 19 2010, 21:04:25 UTC
*lets out held breath* I've been checking for this every couple of hours waiting for an update. He survives! (as if there was any doubt of it.)

Harry is still balking at the idea of giving Orlando the gift. Now he suggesting Viggo, Orlando will never go for it. He went through all this to have that with Harry. He will not settle for anyone else. Harry is so right for Orlando. Orlando whines but doesn't get his way until Harry feels he is ready. Harry is going to need that strength of will over the next months because Orlando is going to whine.

Thank you for a wonderful story and not to whine but......hopefully the next story comes soon??? *looks on expectedly and then ducks head* Sorry I'm totally addicted.


azewewish October 30 2010, 18:13:51 UTC
Yeah, well, this'll be a good time for Orlando to learn patience, because Harry never does anything until he's ready. *g*

We will be posting shorter fics that chronicle Orlando's recovery & what everyone's up to, so stay tuned. :)


krazykitten46 November 1 2010, 11:36:06 UTC
*claps hands* Yea! I've been filling in the time by saving the rest of the stories and rereading them. It had been a while since I read Karl and Harry's story.


azewewish November 8 2010, 05:00:22 UTC
One day, I'll get around to writing more of their early history. One day. *g*


nad_no_ennas October 19 2010, 21:55:47 UTC
I will really miss your regular updates! This was a wonderful end, though. Hope you get the next section of the series up soon! Thank you so much.


azewewish October 30 2010, 18:14:11 UTC
We will be posting shorter fics that chronicle Orlando's recovery & what everyone's up to, so stay tuned & thanks for reading!!!! :)


ellie_pierson October 19 2010, 22:24:06 UTC
I'm still nervous and I don't like that last very strange word. "End". Don't like that one at all.

I know Orlando will be okay. Karl and Harry love him too much to let anything happen to him, and I know you two love him too much to kill him off. Torture him(and us) a bit maybe, but in the end he'll be okay.

Thank you for 60 wonderful chapters of this story. Looking forward to the next installment in their lives.

Hugs and kisses


azewewish October 30 2010, 18:15:22 UTC
Yeah, it was hard finding a good ending spot for this part of the story, but it had to be done.

We will be posting shorter fics that chronicle Orlando's recovery & what everyone's up to, so stay tuned and thanks for reading!!! :)


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