FIC: Catalyst (part 60 - FINAL PART) (Harry Sinclair, Karl Urban, Orlando Bloom, Dave Wenham)

Oct 19, 2010 15:10

Title: "Catalyst" (Part Sixty - FINAL PART)
Authors: Brenda (azewewish) & Jo (idiosyncratic)
Series: Claimed Universe
Notes: Click here for full disclaimers and pairings.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve | Part Thirteen | Part Fourteen | Part Fifteen | Part Sixteen | Part Seventeen | Part Eighteen | Part Nineteen | Part Twenty | Part Twenty-One | Part Twenty-Two | Part Twenty-Three | Part Twenty-Four | Part Twenty-Five | Part Twenty-Six | Part Twenty-Seven | Part Twenty-Eight | Part Twenty-Nine | Part Thirty | Part Thirty-One | Part Thirty-Two | Part Thirty-Three | Part Thirty-Four | Part Thirty-Five | Part Thirty-Six | Part Thirty-Seven | Part Thirty-Eight | Part Thirty-Nine | Part Forty | Part Forty-One | Part Forty-Two | Part Forty-Three | Part Forty-Four | Part Forty-Five | Part Forty-Seven | Part Forty-Seven | Part Forty-Eight | Part Forty-Nine | Part Fifty | Part Fifty-One | Part Fifty-Two | Part Fifty-Three | Part Fifty-Four | Part Fifty-Five | Part Fifty-Six | Part Fifty-Seven | Part Fifty-Eight | Part Fifty-Nine

"I feel it," Harry answered, and they both looked down at Orlando, who let out a low, harsh groan.

"Fuck," Orlando breathed, lashes fluttering as he opened his eyes.

Karl slowly exhaled. "How do you feel?"

"Like I've got the flu," Orlando mumbled. One hand opened, closed, and he tugged against the restraint as Harry laced their fingers together. "Arm itches."

"To be expected," Liv said, coming to the bed, a glass of juice in her hand. "Your body's reacting to the mortal blood we're putting into you."

"Right," Orlando agreed, and Karl helped him lift his head to get at the straw. After a few noisy sips, he sputtered out a cough, then flopped back on the pillow. "M'tired."

"I know you are." Harry smoothed Orlando's hair from his forehead. "But we've got a long night ahead of us."

"Lovely." Then Orlando tilted his head to look at Karl. "How long've I been out?"

"A little over an hour," Karl replied, squeezing Orlando's other hand. "Which is good news. It means your body's adapting to the new blood in your system."

"Good news is that it doesn't hurt when I'm out," Orlando said, smiling at Karl as he nudged his head against Harry's hand.

"Still the same demanding brat," Karl chuckled. He watched, relieved, as Harry continued to stroke Orlando's hair and Orlando's breathing evened out. "You ready for round two?"

"No," Orlando said, eyes opening and shifting to find Liv. "But I suppose it's best to get it over with."

"From here on out, it will be much more painful and more drawn out," Liv said. "You'll need all your strength."

Orlando gave a weak thumbs up before closing his eyes again. "Let's do it."

"Alright." Liv nodded to Viggo, who slipped out of the room. She then glanced at Harry and Dave and Karl. "Hard part starts now."

"We're ready," Harry answered, and looked at Dave, who nodded. Karl just held tight to Orlando's hand.


"Has he slept?" Dave asked, when he came back into the room. His voice was soft, but it was still loud enough to make Karl jump.

Karl shook his head, eyes shifting from Orlando to Harry and back. "Probably won't until Orlando wakes," he said, standing and stretching, grimacing as unused muscles pulled in protest. He'd lost track of time, but knew he'd been sitting in that chair for well over 24 hours, with only short breaks while Orlando was awake. Dave had kept busy moving back and forth from room to room, checking on everyone. Karl knew it was to keep himself occupied more than anything.

He couldn't remember Harry moving, but knew he had. Karl opened his mouth to say something and forgot the words when the bond twitched. He dropped back into the chair, hand wrapping around Orlando's, as Harry's back stiffened and he leaned forward.

"He's waking," Liv said, from a dark corner of the room, and Karl spared a glance for the clock, more than a little shocked at the time. Then he forgot everything else as a moan that sounded suspiciously like a whimper forced its way out of Orlando's dry lips.

"Shh, it's alright, little one, we've got you," Harry crooned, smoothing sweat-damp strands of hair from Orlando's forehead.

"Just ride it out," Karl encouraged. The hard, shocking wave of pain pulsing through their bond was almost enough to bring him to his knees. He had no idea how Orlando was able to withstand it.

Liv moved to the head of the bed and reached out to rest light fingertips on Orlando's temples. "There is much strength in him," she intoned, eyes unfocused, and Karl felt the oddest sensation, as if she was sifting through their bond. "And a strong will to live. Already, he's trying to fight off the pain."

"Is there anything we can do to help him?" Harry asked, sliding forward until his knees touched the edge of the bed.

"You're both doing it. He hears you, feels you, and your love and encouragement are doing more for him than anything else could."

"Then we'll stay right here," Harry said, and Karl nodded. There was no way in hell he was going to leave.

"Fuck me," Orlando rasped, voice cracking on each word. His eyes stayed closed as his body shuddered hard. "M'not dead?"

"'Fraid not," Dave replied, standing beside Karl. He stroked Orlando's arm with light fingers, but Karl could see how much the effort was costing him. He'd never been more proud of Dave than in that moment.

"Right..." Orlando's body shook again, and Karl was grateful for the restraints that kept him in place. "S'dark in here."

"Temporary blindness, remember," Harry said, in a soft, soothing voice. "It'll pass."

Orlando blinked a few times, eyes moving, and Karl could feel the panic start to build. "Sucks," he stated, hissing a breath through clenched teeth. "Can't see you guys."

"Not much to look at," Karl replied. "It's just the three of us, and you already know what we look like."

"Gorgeous," Orlando said and managed a small smile. Karl thought it was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. "How much longer?"

"Longer?" Karl's forehead wrinkled in confusion and he glanced at Harry, who just shook his head.

"'Til m'done."

"You are done," Liv replied, for them, and Karl could feel Orlando's groggy confusion.

"It's been over 30 hours," Dave explained. "The transfusions have all been completed."

"So I'm..." Orlando groaned in pain as another shudder wracked his body.

"Mortal," Dave finished for him, in a choked voice.

"Ugh." Orlando grimaced. "Sure m'not dead?"

"Positive," Karl chuckled, glad Orlando could find a bit of humor in the situation. He could feel continuous echoes of his pain in the bond and didn't see how Orlando was still conscious.


"They're fine," Harry said, gentle fingers smoothing through Orlando's hair as Liv began to unfasten the cuffs. "Sleeping right now, but they'll be good as new."

"Good," Orlando sighed, lashes fluttering as his muscles twitched. Karl watched as the tip of a pink tongue flicked out, then Orlando frowned. "Lost 'em."

"Unfortunately, yes. But you'll get your fangs again soon enough," Harry told him. "You thirsty?"

"Mmhmm." Orlando's nod was minute, but visible. "Feels like cotton."

"Another side effect," Liv said, and handed Karl a cup of water with a straw. "Your body used a lot of energy and fluids fighting the poison."

"Mmmm...sounds fun," Orlando said, managing a small smile.

Karl lifted Orlando's head and held the straw to his lips. "Slow and easy. Don't overdo it."

Orlando's head fell back after just a few sips. Karl could see the dark circles under his eyes, starkly contrasted against pale skin. "You okay?"

"We're fine," Harry answered, as Orlando's hand slipped into his and just lay there.


"The whole time." Karl watched battle-scarred fingers wrap around Orlando's as his own fingers cradled Orlando's other hand. "Promised, didn't we?"

"Y'did," Orlando smiled, seeming to use up what little reserve of energy he had built up. "Dave?"

"I'm here," Dave said, and gently stroked Orlando's forehead.

"Good." Orlando leaned up into Dave's touch, seeking more. "Miss you..." Karl knew he meant their Sire/fledgling mental connection.

A look of raw grief flashed over Dave's face before he schooled it into impassiveness. "I miss you, too, love. But you're not getting rid of me that easily."

"I know. Counting on it..." Orlando offered a wan smile, then let out a shuddering breath.

"Get some rest," Harry advised, with a kiss to the back of Orlando's hand. "We won't be far."

"M'kay." It seemed to be the right thing to say, because Orlando closed his eyes without another word.

"The next week or so is critical," Liv told them. "That's when his body will be the most vulnerable to infection or disease. It would be best if he stayed here until he's ready to be moved back to the castle."

Harry exchanged a quick glance with Karl, then spoke. "Whatever we need to do. Whatever's best for him, we'll do it."

"Someone will need to stay with him," she continued, eying Orlando for a moment. "He'll be too weak to do anything for himself, so you shouldn't leave him unattended. One of you would be best, but Dave or Sean will do just as well. Someone who can reach you instantly if something should happen."

"Done," Harry said, a half second before Karl could open his mouth.

"And we'll hire someone to stay with him after we move him back home," Karl added, knowing there was no way that he or Harry would be able to take weeks (and possibly months) away from their businesses or the Council.

"Gerard's fledgling is a nurse," Viggo said, voice soft, as he walked back into the room.

"That's right, she is," Dave nodded.

"Katie?" Karl blinked, considering the idea.

"You think she'd be willing?" Harry asked.

"Wouldn't hurt to ask," Viggo said, with a shrug. " Besides, part of the reason we accepted her request for the Gift was her knowledge of our physiology. I'm sure, if nothing else, she'd be curious about the unmaking process."

"It's a good idea," Liv concurred. "Someone knowledgeable with both our ways and mortal ways would be a help."

"We'll ask her." Karl nodded in agreement, content to let Harry do the talking just then. The more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea of Katie helping to care for Orlando. If everyone was agreeable, he had some ideas for a rotating schedule so none of the others would feel overwhelmed by the responsibility.

"I can't speak for the others," Viggo said, moving to the foot of the bed and staring down at Orlando's still form, "but I'm willing to sit with the child a few times a week until he's back on his feet."

"We would be honored," Karl replied, touched by the gesture.

"You should see how Josh is doing," Harry said, giving Karl an encouraging smile.

"Are you certain?" He wasn't sure he liked the idea of leaving Orlando just yet, although he couldn't deny he wanted to check on Josh with his own eyes.

"We're not going anywhere." Harry leaned over Orlando's still form to give Karl a quick, firm kiss. "You'll feel better if you do, and we both know it."

"Thank you," Karl whispered. He touched their joined hands, then stood. "Take care of him." He turned to Dave, tugged him forward for a brief, hard hug. "Both of you." He

"Always," Dave said, then took Karl's vacated seat, placing his hand over Orlando's still one. Karl watched as Liv brought a blanket to Harry and he covered Orlando with it, hands gentle as they tucked the material around Orlando. Harry never looked up, but Karl could see his smile. //Go, old man.//

//Love you.//

"Come on," Viggo said. "I'll take you to Josh and let Sean know he can come in."


"He wants to see Orlando for himself. I'm not sure he believes me that Orlando made it through intact."

"Well, you are a horrible liar," Karl commented, as Viggo led him down a deserted hallway and through a set of double doors. Elijah and Dom were asleep in two of the beds, and Josh was lounging in another one. Sean had a chair pulled up by Dom's bed and was flipping through a folder, and both Sean and Josh looked up when Karl and Viggo stepped into the room.

"I take it everything's going well or you wouldn't be here," Sean said, setting down his papers.

"As well as could be expected," Karl replied, with a warm smile that he transferred to Josh. "How're you doing?"

"Groggy," Josh shrugged. He looked a little pale, but otherwise healthy, and Karl felt himself relax.

"Also to be expected," Karl said, sitting on the edge of the bed and letting his eyes roam over Josh.

Josh pushed himself higher against his pillow and reached for Karl's hand. "How's Orlando?"

"Sleeping right now," Karl replied, casting a quick glance at Sean. "Harry and Dave are with him if you wanted to go in."

"Right then," Sean said, brushing a light kiss across Dom's forehead before pushing out of his seat. "Keep an eye on these troublemakers."

"I'll keep both eyes on 'em," Karl laughed.

"So he's really okay?" Josh asked as Sean and Viggo left the room.

Karl settled beside Josh on the bed, and Josh snuggled in close when Karl wrapped an arm across his shoulders. "He's weak and in a lot of pain, but he was coherent."

"That's good, right?"

"That's very good. But he's not out of the woods yet." Karl's heart contracted painfully at the thought of anything happening to Orlando.

"Hey." Josh placed a hand on Karl's jaw. "He's gonna be okay."

Karl nodded, then twisted to wrap Josh in a tight embrace. He breathed in Josh's scent, let it soothe him. "Thank you."

"No problem," Josh replied, voice muffled until Karl let go.

Before Josh could pull back, Karl caught the back of his head and pulled him into a heated kiss. "Love you," he whispered when the kiss finally ended. "Couldn't've done this without you."

"Sure you could," Josh said, but Karl could tell he was pleased. "Of course, Orlando's chances would have been much lower without my superior blood, but..."

"It was your modesty that I fell in love with first about you," Karl deadpanned, feeling lighter than he had in weeks. Everything was going to be fine. Orlando was going to be fine. They'd all make sure of it.

"I'm a modest kind of guy," Josh replied, in a mock-serious tone.

"Man, are you a rotten liar," Dom announced, struggling to a sitting position, and then letting out a low groan. "Fuck me, this is the last time I am ever giving blood."

"You'll be fine," Josh said, rolling his eyes and visibly fighting back laughter. "Karl's gonna feed us."

"I am?" Karl asked, amused, watching as one of the blood bank attendants moved to help Dom slide back against his pillow.

"You are," Dom said, jaw stuck out at a stubborn angle that drew a muffled snort from Josh. "Your pet bled me dry, so you get to fix me."

"Impossible to do," Elijah mumbled, face turned into his pillow as he raised one hand and waved. "How's the dork?"

"Recovering," Karl answered, with a fond smile. Elijah's hair was sticking up in all directions. Made him look a little like a mad scientist.

"And Karl's buying us dinner," Dom said.

"Excellent," Elijah replied around a yawn. "I could use the protein."

"I think we all could," Karl concurred, pressing another kiss to Josh's lips. "Now if I can trust the three of you to behave, I'll go take care of ordering and check on things in the other room."

"Hardly think he's going anywhere," Elijah said, flopping to his back and stretching.

"Not for a little while, no," Karl admitted, looking at the three of them in turn. "He'll be staying here for a week or so, and the three of you will be staying for another night."

"Long as food is involved, I'll stay anywhere," Dom stated.

"That's because you're easy," Sean said as he strolled back into the room. He glanced at Karl, nodded. "I'll take care of these hooligans while you see about dinner." //And Harry wants to talk to you.//

Karl nodded, patting Sean on the shoulder as he walked out of the room and into the hallway. One quick phone call took care of having dinner delivered for everyone, and then Karl made his way back to Orlando's room. Harry was leaning against the wall just outside the door. "How is he?" Karl asked, softly.

"He's been quiet, thankfully. I'm hoping he'll get some true sleep. Liv's insisting we get some rest."

"Who --?"

"Dave's sitting with him. I think he needs some time with Orlando by himself." Harry took Karl's hand and gently pulled him down the hall and into the adjacent room. The door closed behind them, shutting them off from everyone and everything but each other.

"How are you?" Karl allowed himself the question, finally. Given the circumstances, he didn't trust himself to read Harry correctly. Not this time. There was too much that was new and fragile, too many things going on in their bond for him to say yes, Harry was alright.

Harry let out a huff that might have been a laugh, and sat on the edge of the bed set up in the corner. He scrubbed a hand over his face, then peered at Karl out of tired eyes. "Truthfully, I have no idea. How're you doing?"

"The same," Karl answered, and sat beside Harry, snagging one of his hands to lace their fingers together. He had a feeling they both needed the contact. "Veering between terrified and relieved. Mostly terrified. He's still so fragile."

"I know. But he's strong and he has all of us." Harry tugged Karl until they were both lying on the bed. "I keep telling myself it's enough."

"It is enough," Karl said, voice soft, but firm, as he rolled into Harry's arms. "He thinks so, anyway. Do you know he truly believes that your strength of will alone is going to see him through this?"

"Does he?"

"He told Josh that God himself wouldn't challenge you." They shifted until they were lying tangled together, chests moving in a slow, steady rhythm as they breathed. Then Karl tipped his head just enough to look at Harry. "This will change everything, you know."

"How do you mean?"

"It just will." Karl wasn't sure he could articulate what he was feeling, but he did his best. "Once you and Orlando have the Sire/Fledgling bond between you to augment the pet bond..."

"Worried that I'll start to neglect you?" Harry teased, nuzzling Karl's neck.

"Not at all." Until the end of his days, Karl would never doubt what he and Harry had, what they meant to each other. "Our bond is eternal. But you remember how it changed once I gave you the Gift."

"I do," Harry confirmed, and tightened his arms around Karl. "But I still say Josh changes things more than me becoming Orlando's Sire will."

Karl thought that over for a moment, frowning as he looked at it from all angles. Then he shook his head. He blamed the grogginess. "I don't follow."

"Orlando is ours, always has been, no matter who Sires him or how strong my bond with him becomes. Josh is yours."

"Ah, I see. And you think that exclusivity will affect things in some way."

"I know it will," Harry replied, with a smile. "Josh is going to force you to grow in ways I never did and Orlando never had to, because he's had me."

"I don't think I'll be the only one forced to do some growing," Karl mused. "There's you to consider now."

"Me?" One eyebrow went up, and Karl had to hide his smile at Harry's expression.

"Well, actually having the pet bond with him now has already changed you. Imagine how it's going to be once it fully settles in and the two of you are accustomed to it."

"Hence why I'm not in any hurry to become Orlando's Sire," Harry replied, eyes fluttering closed as he took a deep breath. Karl just watched him, affection and love thrumming through their bond. "I think we'll need the time. I think we'll all need the time."

"A good idea," Karl said, and dropped his head back to Harry's shoulder, closing his own eyes. "Although I imagine Orlando'll be chomping at the bit to get his fangs back."

Karl could feel Harry's smile. "Patience is one of our defining qualities."

"So Viggo keeps telling me."

"Perhaps he can convince Orlando of that," Harry said, turning his head to nuzzle Karl's hair. "Lord knows I haven't been able to."

Karl laughed softly, his body start to relax. "I wish him luck with that. I have a feeling that relationship is going to be an eye-opener for both of them."

"Can't imagine what gave you that idea," Harry said, and Karl could feel his grin. "Maybe I can convince Gramps to give him the Gift."

"I think Dave's quite enough for him," Karl countered, wrapping an arm around Harry's waist.

"True," Harry replied, voice proud, but slightly slurred with sleep. "Dave's always been a handful. But he was always worth it."

Karl smiled and just held Harry tighter. Trust Harry to still be looking out for Dave, even though they were no longer together. But then, that was just Harry's way. //Love you, puppy.//

//For eternity, old man. Now get some rest.//

//You too.// Karl snuggled closer, breath evening out, matching Harry's, as he let sleep claim him. Orlando and Josh were in good hands, and he was with Harry, both of them safe and secure in each other's arms. The world could live without them for a few hours.


dominic monaghan, elijah wood, lawrence makoare, karl urban, dave wenham, sean bean, claimed 'verse, catalyst, viggo mortensen, harry sinclair, liv tyler, josh hartnett, co-written by brenda and jo, orlando bloom

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