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  • Daily Microblogs

    casketgirl Feb 26, 2009 04:00

    • 20:58 Pleh #
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  • Daily Microblogs

    casketgirl Feb 08, 2009 04:01

    • 10:04 I'm attending a historical lecture on women's 14th and 15th century costuming. Neato keen! #
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  • Conflicts suck

    casketgirl Jan 27, 2009 22:42

    Before I get into the meat of tonight's whine: an amusing antecdote!

    I walk into the laundromat and 90% of the room is lined up along the dryer wall staring up at the lone tv in the facility. I think "Oh crap! Something big is going on!" Visions of significant moments flash before my eyes. I join the enraptured line to learn what critical news- ( Read more... )

    life, gaming

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  • Things accomplished

    casketgirl Jan 19, 2009 12:10

    So yesterday I started cleaning out my junk room, beginning the tedious process of turning it back into a guest bedroom. Said process needs to be finished before my parents arrive next month. Task #1 was to deal with dreaded box-o-bills.

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  • crafty (which I hope I don't regret).

    casketgirl Jan 18, 2009 21:14

    The first five people to respond to this post will get something made by me ( Read more... )
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  • Question.

    casketgirl Jan 13, 2009 20:54

    I have 5 ripe avocados from a co-workers backyard. What should I do with them?
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  • Tea and things.

    casketgirl Jan 12, 2009 00:00

    First, tea at the Biltmore! I finished my out fit and was pretty happy with it, although I discovered there's a fine line between "Gibson Girl" and "School Marm". :-)

    Tea was tasty and the Biltmore is way WAY pretty! I wound up switching seats to join Maureen, who was by herself and it made for a great afternoon as we were joined by the always cool chartreusekittyRead more... )


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  • Whee... Tea!

    casketgirl Jan 11, 2009 11:37

    Brown ribbon purchased! Two hours til Tea time!
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  • 1890's Five Gore Walking Skirt

    casketgirl Jan 11, 2009 04:56

    Mostly finished. Still needs hooks and eyes on plackets and, ideally, the hook and eye on the waist band needs to be relocated about half an inch in. But it's done enough.

    It was not without sacrifice as I missed my costuming group's holiday party to finish it. Tomorrow I just need to pick some brown ribbon for the hat.


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