Conflicts suck

Jan 27, 2009 22:42

Before I get into the meat of tonight's whine: an amusing antecdote!

I walk into the laundromat and 90% of the room is lined up along the dryer wall staring up at the lone tv in the facility. I think "Oh crap! Something big is going on!" Visions of significant moments flash before my eyes. I join the enraptured line to learn what critical news-worthy event has occurred.

American Idol.

Yeah. Seriously.

Anywho... I have a delimma, except it's not really a delimma, because I know what I'm doing. I'm more just frustrated because I have to choose. So this is really just me whining.

The conflict: Maker Faire, a two day crazy-fest of construction and craft oriented madness is the Saturday and Sunday following my next bi-monthlyish Serenity RPG. And 350 miles away in San Mateo. So, not exactly overlapping, but too close for comfort. My options:

1. What I'm probably doing. Attend the game and plan on Maker Faire 2010. Which is still a good choice. I love the game and the people I play with. It will be a good evening.

2. Attempt both! Yeah, sadly I don't think I have the stamina for this. The game usually ends at 1am, so, reasonably, I could be in San Mateo by 7am if I drove all night. Except I can no longer operate at full capacity on no sleep and I actually want to ENJOY the Faire! I guess option 2b would be an early morning flight that could put me into San Jose around 8am, but that's still limited sleep and it doesn't allow for me hauling up stuff for the Faire. Option 2c would be driving up for an early afternoon arrival, which is a sort of compromise, but I still don't get the full Faire and I would be worried about getting in since this is an amazingly popular event!

3. Skip the game and leave Friday at noon to hit the Faire. This is simply not an option. In addition to adoring the game, I am not the kind of person to bail on a commitment because I get a "better offer". I have very little respect for people who do that. I make exceptions for emergencies (work or medical) and weddings or funerals. Although for the later two it would have to be someone I like, relative or no. ;-) And did I mention I really enjoy the game?

That's really it. I'm just whining!!! Now to get some cheese for my whine!

life, gaming

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