Things accomplished

Jan 19, 2009 12:10

So yesterday I started cleaning out my junk room, beginning the tedious process of turning it back into a guest bedroom. Said process needs to be finished before my parents arrive next month. Task #1 was to deal with dreaded box-o-bills.

This bin has been holding "important paper work to be saved and sorted" since last year's tax season. Obviously, it wasn't my plan to sort the box-o-bills once a year. It just sort of worked out that way.

Here are things of note I found within the box:

$25 cash, neatly folded.
Two AMC gold passes.
My old iPod nano.
A long missing Yoga book.
A box of Christmas cards I bought for this year.
KCRW Fringe benefits card, still good.
Page of Star Wars stamps, unused.

In addition, when I was sick of sorting, I accomplished to following useful tasks:

Replaced bulbs in chandelier (required turning off power to pry out two broken ones).
Removed and cleaned icky glass cover on kitchen fixtures.
Cleaned kitchen.
Vacuumed living room and kitchen.
Deep cleaned icky section of carpet in front of coffee table where I tend to eat dinner (still smells of carpet cleaner).

All in all, yesterday was very productive. Today I need to figure out what I'm doing with two dozen or so organized stacks of paper that formerly resided in the box-o-bills. After that I'm plaing Civilization Revolution ALL DAY!!!


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