BSG (spoilers behind cut)

Mar 22, 2009 18:01

Expectations Before Watching:
    1. I fully expect President Rosalyn to die.
      I kinda expect Admiral Adama to die too, but not as much.
      I expect the little rugrat to be rescued and returned to at least one surviving parent (probably Helo).
      I expect a lot of cylons to die, including 2-3 of the 5.
      I expect to find out what's going on with Starbuck!! Dammit!
      It would be nice if they found a planet, but that's probably not a reasonable expectation.
      I really really really want Gaius Baltar to die a horrible, lingering death.
  • ok. That's done. Now to watch it.

    Comments while watching:

    30 minutes in. So far so good. Totally expected Boomer to switch sides. Again.

    60 minutes. Totally loving the dream symbolism.

    1:18. Woah. Earth? Ok. This could be bad... or good. Should I be having "B" ship flashbacks?

    1:46 Ok. Now it's getting weird. Everyone leaving and "not coming back". Wtf?

    2ish hours: Still cried like a baby when Laura dies.

    The end: Ok. Robot montage wrap-up was a bit too much of a statement for me.

    Final Commentary.

    Eh. Could have been better. Could have sucked worse. I hated the Starbuck resolution. Really disliked the heavy "god" hand. I did like the dream symbolism and tying that all together on the ship. I liked the final battle. I go back and forth on "finding earth". I think I wish they had just found "something like earth". And the whole no more cities thing was stupid and lame. Ditto for the ending bit. My official ending opinion was a B+, but I'm regrading to a B-. The heavy reliance on religion reveal a lack of planning (or imagination) on the part of the writers. Still, i'm glad they wrapped it up and it was a somewhat nice ending. Still wish Baltar had been killed.


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