[Fiction Index] 'Nother Update of the "Update" Kind--

Dec 21, 2004 17:47

The index is organized alphabetically by fandom (with the exception of the "Original Fiction, Multiple/Mixed Fandoms & WIP Fragments" section, which can be found at the end) and then by story title. In the case of multi-part series, the full series title can be found sorted alphabetically within the appropriate fandom, and then listed chronologically within the series subgrouping.

Additionally, when available, I've provided links at the beginning of each section to the appropriate Memory and Tag categories.

All Fiction: A list of all completed fiction (regardless of fandom) that I've written and posted to LiveJournal is available here. (This includes my half of the W/S/F letters, but not savageseraph's. Your best bet for the full letters series in order is to go here.)

Jump to:
24 | Being Human | The Bourne Identity | CSI: Crime Scene Investigations | The Da Vinci Code | Eastern Promises | Firefly | Fringe | GoldenEye | Harry Potter | Highlander | Hockey RPF | Iron Man | The Island | Jekyll | The Lord of the Rings FPF | The Lord of the Rings RPF | Pirates of the Caribbean | Sharpe | Shoujo Kakumei Utena | Star Wars, Episode I & II | Stargate: SG-1 | Supernatural | Underworld | X (X/1999) | The X-Files | Original Fiction, Multiple/Mixed Fandoms & WIP Fragments

(24 FPF Memoried and Tagged.)
    - Consonants and Vowels (December 24, 2009)
    (Tony/Jack, Tony/Michelle; PG-13; Love is such a fragile word.)

    - Relief (December 2008)
    (Jack/Marwan, Jack/Tony; R; Jack's nightmares were never very far away.)

    - Untitled (WIP):

Being Human (TV):
(Not currently categorized in Memories or Tags.)
    - Hope (December 2008)
    (Herrick/Mitchell, George/Mitchell, Annie; NC-17; There was nothing in the world Mitchell would risk giving any of this up for.)

The Bourne Identity:
(Miscellaneous Fiction Memoried and Tagged.)
    - Risen from Ash (December 2007; Also posted here.)
    (Jason/Nicky; G; Jason had tracked down David's old home, but would his memories come back to him there?)

CSI: Crime Scene Investigations:
(Miscellaneous Fiction Memoried and Tagged.)
    - Kindly Cruel (November 4, 2006)
    (Grissom/Nick; PG-13; Sometimes Nick isn't as good as he should be.)

The Da Vinci Code:
(Not currently categorized in Memories or Tags.)
    - Silas/Cilice (December 2007)
    (Aringarosa/Silas; PG-13; Silas understands the purpose of sin.)

Eastern Promises:
(Eastern Promises FPF Memoried and Tagged.)
    - Simple (December 24, 2009)
    (Kirill/Nikolai; G; Nikolai gives Kirill a simple gift.)

    - Stars (December 2007; Also posted here.)
    (Kirill/Nikolai; R; Kirill is no queer.)

    - Time and Duty (June 23, 2008)
    (Kirill/Nikolai; PG-13; If there was one thing Kirill learned from his father, it was that family loyalty trumped all.)

    - Unseasonably Cold (December 21, 2009)
    (Kirill/Nikolai; M; He will always be Nikolai, he promises himself, and he will always be this happy.)

(Miscellaneous Fiction Memoried and Tagged.)
    - Moustaches in the Mist (November 21, 2007)
    (Wash/Zoe; G; Wash was sure his moustache made him look distinguished; Zoe wasn't so sure.)

(Not currently categorized in Memories or Tags.)
    - Peter (December 24, 2009)
    (Peter, Walter; G; Some part of Peter resents his father, resents the child Walter is.)

GoldenEye (James Bond):
(Miscellaneous Fiction Memoried and Tagged.)
    - The Weight of Steel (July 30, 2009)
    (Alec Trevelyan/James Bond; R; If Alec doesn't think, he can't spare a thought for James.)

Harry Potter:
(Miscellaneous Fiction Memoried and Tagged.)
    - Untitled (May 12, 2004)
    (Snape/a brick; PG; Snape has chemistry with anything.)

(Highlander FPF Memoried and Tagged.)
    - Indelible Ink (March 25, 2001; Also posted here.)
    (Methos, Joe; G; The past imprints itself on Methos and Joe.)

Hockey RPF:
(Miscellaneous Fiction Memoried and Tagged.)
    - Bunny Tales (August 14, 2007)
    (Rhett Warrener/Roman Hamrlik; R; Rhett finds out just how lucky rabbits are.)

Iron Man (Movieverse):
(Miscellaneous Fiction Memoried and Tagged.)
    - Here and Now (May 7, 2008)
    (Jarvis/Tony [Jarvis/Pepper]; PG-13; For Jarvis, it has always been as it is now.)

The Island:
(Island FPF Memoried and Tagged.)
    - Hooked (July 23, 2005)
    (Lincoln 6 Echo/Merrick; M; Lincoln 6 Echo has some time to reflect.)

    - Wasted Youth (July 31, 2009)
    (Merrick; PG; Youth was only ever another agnate away.)

(Not currently categorized in Memories or Tags.)
    - Shards (December 2007)
    (Tom/Claire; G; Claire's had trouble sleeping since Tom's come home. [Spoilers for the end of Season 1.])

The Lord of the Rings FPF:
(LotR FPF Memoried and Tagged.)
    - Ablutions (October 2009)
    (Aragorn/Mithrandir, Boromir [Aragorn/Mithrandir/Boromir, Aragorn/Arwen]; NC-17; After so long on the road, Boromir longed to be clean.)

    - Before Dawn (2001; Also posted here.)
    (Boromir; G; Dawn would bring a journey, but the night was not over yet.)

    - Beloved Brother (June 17, 2007)
    (Boromir/Faramir; R; In Boromir's chambers, Faramir remembers.)

    - Brothers in Arms (September 5, 2002; Also posted here and here.)
    (Boromir, Faramir; G; Brothers in arms and blood are not necessarily brothers in thought.)

    - Child of Hope (November 28, 2005)
    (Boromir; G; Duty, responsibility and the admonishments of his mother are all that stand between Boromir and a day better spent running through his city.)

    - Currents (September 30, 2009)
    (Aragorn/Boromir; PG-13; The currents will always carry Boromir home.)

    - (Dis)Chord (December 2008)
    (Olórin/Curumo [Gandalf/Saruman]; R; Before the beginning of the world, the Maiar existed without form in the Timeless Halls.)

    - Do Not Let Me See (February 9, 2003; Also posted here.)
    (Aragorn/Theoden [Aragorn/Legolas/Gimli, Legolas/Gimli, Aragorn/Eowyn]; PG-13; A king must be observant, even when he wishes to shut his eyes.)

    - The Eye (November 15, 2007)
    (Frodo/Sam; G; The reaction to Sam's carefully crafted costume was not all he'd hoped for.)

    - Fan Club:
      - Please, Mr. Gaffer (February 23, 2002; Also posted here.)
      (Old Gaffer; G; Silliness written on the spur of the moment for Old Gaffer's Mailbox Party on the Rivendell Message Board at the Lord of the Rings Official Fan Club. Song parody.)

      - Why We Love Juz (March 19, 2002; Also posted here.)
      (Justin, "Juz," Director of Decipher's LotR Fan Club Services; G; A silly limerick tribute to Juz, written on the spur of the moment on the Rivendell Message Board at the Lord of the Rings Official Fan Club.)
    - Fast Friends (December 23, 2007)
    (Aragorn/Éomer; NC-17; As Éowyn did not win Aragorn's heart, so too was Éomer convinced the new King would find no desire for him.)

    - Five Unusual Things To Do With An Avocado: 1.) Avocado Cake (November 29, 2006)
    (Boromir/Faramir [Boromir/Aragorn]; PG; Faramir asks for Boromir's help in making a treat for Cook.)

    - Fortifications (September 11, 2002)
    (Aragorn/Boromir; PG-13; Not all members of the Fellowship rest easy in Hollin.)

    - Friday's Classified:
      - Greetings from S. Annatar! (August 31, 2007)
      (Sauron; G; Heavily cribbed from a ridiculously lengthy 419 scam email to middleearthnews [and then altered].)

      - Orcish Brides (September 21, 2007)
      (Orcs; PG; Cribbed from and expanded on info gleaned from a Russian brides site.)
    - Good Grief! (November 23, 2007)
    (Aragorn/Boromir; PG; It wasn't that Aragorn didn't miss having a live Boromir around...)

    - Gratitude (December 22, 2006)
    (Aragorn/Boromir; G; At Yuletide, Aragorn counts his blessings.)

    - The Green Lady (November 15, 2007)
    (Aragorn/Boromir; G; Aragorn is gifted with a vision of the forest.)

    - His Mother's Son (December 2009)
    (Boromir/Thorongil; PG; Finduilas was twenty-six when she married Denethor. This night was Boromir's twenty-sixth birthday.)

    - Mettarë (December 22, 2005)
    (Aragorn/Boromir; PG; The Fellowship marks Yule in Rivendell.)

    - Most Admiring (June 27, 2007)
    (Boromir/Aragorn; PG; Boromir admires Aragorn's form in a completely heterosexual and therefore innocent manner.)

    - The Path (November 26, 2007)
    (Aragorn/Boromir; G; Elessar revisits an old path in search of the man he left behind.)

    - Possessed (January 2, 2003; Also posted here and here.)
    (Aragorn/Boromir; PG; Another sleepless night plagues Boromir.)

    - Purpled Nail (August 30, 2006)
    (Aragorn/Boromir; G; High in the Redhorn Pass, Boromir is mystified as to why he itches.)

    - Richest Alchemy (October 2006)
    (Faramir/Gimli [Faramir/Eowyn, Legolas/Gimli]; NC-17; Eowyn and Legolas see far clearer than Faramir and Gimli.)

    - Rigour (April 7, 2003)
    (Aragorn/Boromir; NC-17; Aragorn tries to right harsh words with action.)

    - Scars (May 7, 2006)
    (Eomer/Imrahil; R; Imrahil and Eomer explore the waters of Dol Amroth.)

    - Skytten (February 19, 2008)
    (Éomer [Éomer/Lothíriel, Éomer/Aragorn]; PG-13; Strange Northerners have come to Rohan, but what changes they bring with them are even stranger.)

    - Small Tokens (June 30, 2009)
    (Thorongil, Boromir, Finduilas/Denethor; PG-13; The House of Húrin welcomes a small blessing.)

    - Snowfall (April 17, 2002; Also posted here.)
    (Boromir; G; More than just snow falls on Mount Caradhas.)

    - Terms of Endearment (August 3, 2007)
    (Boromir/Aragorn; R; Boromir finds his king needs lessons in language.)

    - Theatrical Muse: Theoden:
      - Virginity (January 29, 2004; Also posted here.)
      (Theoden/Elfhild, Theoden/Thorongil; PG; Nothing but the touch of a wyrm burrowing its way through layers of deadened sensation...)

      - Guilty Pleasures (February 6, 2004; Also posted here.)
      (Theoden, Eomer, Hama; G; "...have been spotted on our western borders. I fear that the Dunlendings...")

      - Life as a Movie (May 2, 2004; Also posted here.)
      (Theoden, Thengel, Theodwyn; G; The Gondorian troupe is a rag-tag bunch of ruffians...)
    - Trajectory (March 31, 2007)
    (Aragorn/Boromir; PG-13; One member of the Fellowship is unable to find rest.)

    - Use (November 30, 2009)
    (Aragorn/Boromir; R; Aragorn had missed much.)

    - Virvatuli (October 2008)
    (Imrahil/Legolas; PG; Legolas finds himself drawn to Imrahil's light.)

    - Waking Dreams (February 2, 2003)
    (Aragorn/Boromir [Frodo/Sam]; R; Sam wakes, only to drop some eaves.)

    - Warmth (April 9, 2005)
    (Aragorn/Boromir; G; Aragorn remembers.)

    - Yesterday's Wounds:

The Lord of the Rings RPF:
(General LotR RPF Memoried and Tagged. ["Words/Silence/Flesh" Memoried, Indexed and My 1/2 Tagged.])
    - 0-10-20:
      - 0: Simple Past (June 2009; Also posted here.)
      (Viggo/Bean; G; Even in the middle of so much energy and joy, Sean felt alone.)

      - 10: Present Progressive (June 2009; Also posted here.)
      (Viggo/Bean; G; Suddenly, the most important thing for Sean is to keep holding on.)

      - 20: Future Perfect (June 2009; Also posted here.)
      (Viggo/Bean; G; When Sean arrives at the pub, he'll find Viggo is late again.)
    - Alberta Bound (WIP; Cowboy!AU):
      - Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise (July 22, 2007)
      (Viggo/Bean, Karl, Dave; G; Sean, Alberta-based rancher circa the mid-to-late 1800s, considers the future of his homestead.)
    - And to All a Good Night (December 1, 2008)
    (Viggo/Bean; R; Sean wants to share the holiday spirit with Viggo.)

    - Appetites (April 27, 2009)
    (Bean/Viggo; PG-13; The evening has served up nothing but disappointment for Sean, but Viggo's scent is all he needs to awaken more pleasing appetites.)

    - Begin Again (September 13, 2005)
    (Bean/Viggo; PG; Sean and Viggo meet up at the A History of Violence party at the Toronto International Film Festival, Sept. 10, 2005.)

    - Blackberry Fools (June 21, 2008; Also posted here.)
    (Viggo/Bean; PG; There were few things as frustrating as a blackberry bush that refused to be pruned.)

    - Bound for the Holidays (December 11, 2006; Also posted here.)
    (Viggo/Bean/David/Harry; NC-17; With plans for a family holiday gone awry, Viggo unexpectedly finds himself accompanying Sean to the Southern Hemisphere to visit old friends.)

    - Brickwork (June 19, 2009)
    (Bean/Viggo; NC-17; They were addicted to one another, as sure as they both drew breath, and it wasn't a habit either man was inclined to break.)

    - Butterscotch (December 6, 2007)
    (Viggo/Bean; R; Viggo never really cared for butterscotch.)

    - Candied Cure-Alls (April 17, 2009)
    (Bean/Viggo; PG; Sean's visited the dentist to have some teeth filled.)

    - Default Icon Challenge (October 10, 2003)
    (Bean/Viggo; G; Sean's first beard was a scraggly affair.)

    - Easy Virtue (April 26, 2007)
    (Viggo/Bean [Viggo/Lawrence, Viggo/Sala, Karl/Viggo/Harry, Lawrence/Sala, Bean/Lawrence]; NC-17; Sean finds it easy to indulge Viggo's virtues and vices.)

    - Eloquence (May 5, 2005)
    (Bean/Viggo; M; Viggo's quite the orator.)

    - Enough (April 25, 2006)
    (Miranda/Liv/Cate; NC-17; Miranda has what she wants, but she still needs more.)

    - Experienced Inexperience (October 2007)
    (Elijah/David/Viggo/Sean; NC-17; Elijah had never before considered himself innocent.)

    - Eye of the Day (December 7, 2007)
    (Viggo/Bean; G; In Viggo's eyes, Sean shines like the sun.)

    - Falling (August 10, 2008; Also posted here.)
    (Viggo/Bean; R; No one else has ever made Viggo feel this good.)

    - A Figure of Speech (WIP):
      - January: Pathetic Fallacy (February 2, 2008)
      (Viggo/Bean; PG; January is not at all kind to Sean.)

      - February: Meiosis (March 1, 2008)
      (Viggo/Bean; PG; February finds Viggo far away and lost in reflection.)

      - March: Dissonance (April 22, 2008)
      (Viggo/Bean; PG; March has brought Viggo home, but has he brought home harmony?)

      - April: Personification (May 2, 2008)
      (Viggo/Bean; PG; April brings Viggo a solitude of sorts.)

      - May: Alliteration (July 23, 2008)
      (Viggo/Bean; G; May finds Sean satisfied with his solitary state.)
    - Fortune's Tide (July 12, 2008; Also posted here.)
    (Viggo/Bean; R; Viggo, bosun of the Georg Stage, finds himself at the mercy of both fortune and the sea.)

    - Fragments (July 2009; Also posted here [full version] and here [text-only].)
    (Sean Bean/Harry Sinclair [Liv Tyler/Cate Blanchett]; PG-13; A handful of tiny fragments hints at a larger picture. [Text-only version available here.])

    - Free (April 4, 2006)
    (Bean/Viggo; R; Sean decides to top off a good day with a grand evening out.)

    - Game's On (December 8, 2004)
    (Bean/Viggo; PG-13; Sean needs a new television.)

    - Gentlemen (April 17, 2010)
    (Bean/Viggo; R; Viggo found an immense amount of pleasure in watching Sean ride.)

    - Good Day (July 16, 2006)
    (Bean/Viggo; PG-13; It's been a long, long day for Sean.)

    - Grease Monkeys (December 31, 2009)
    (Harry Sinclair/Karl Urban; NC-17; Harry considered simply unzipping and slipping his fingers beneath the denim, stroking himself while he watched Karl move, but he was enjoying the slow simmer of desire too much to interrupt its build.)

    - Groundhog Day (February 2, 2009)
    (Elijah, Billy, Dom, Viggo/Bean; PG; Perhaps Viggo and Sean should stop letting the Hobbits stay over.)

    - Half-Forgotten/Best-Remembered (February 17, 2006)
    (Dave/Elijah [Faramir/Frodo]; PG; Dave dreams of another's life.)

    - Harmony (July 28, 2005)
    (Bean/Viggo; PG-13; Viggo's got tickets, but Sean's not a fan.)

    - Having, Eaten (January 21, 2008)
    (Viggo/Bean; PG-13; It was supposed to be a very private sort of surprise.)

    - Heave Ho (September 19, 2006)
    (Bean/Viggo; G; Sean finds he's not quite meant for life at sea.)

    - Humiliating Halloween (November 20, 2007)
    (Viggo/Bean; R; Sean found Halloween more than a little humiliating.)

    - Hunger (July 10, 2006)
    (Bean/Viggo; PG-13; Somewhere between late night and early morning, Viggo wakes alone.)

    - Illuminated (December 17, 2002; Also posted here.)
    (Sean Bean/Viggo Mortensen; PG-13; Dark and light, ink and skin.)

    - In Flight (March 17, 2004)
    (Bean/Viggo; PG; Sean swears he is becoming a better flier.)

    - In His Cups (January 18, 2003; Also posted here.)
    (Bean/Viggo; R; The morning after a late night.)

    - Just Desserts (January 19, 2005)
    (Bean/Viggo; PG-13; Sean and Viggo dine at a restaurant sans Miss Manners.)

    - Late Afternoon Light (March 12, 2004)
    (Bean/Viggo; R to NC-17; Sean and Viggo spend some quality time in the stables.)

    - A Matter of Time (April 1, 2003; Also posted here.)
    (Viggo Mortensen/Sean Bean [Aragorn/Boromir], Viggo/Bean/David Wenham; R; Dave likes to watch.)

    - More & Kick-Ass:
      - More (November 1, 2006)
      (Viggo/David/Bean; NC-17; David craves more.)

      - Kick-Ass (January 23, 2007)
      (Viggo/Bean/Dave/Elijah; R; Elijah joins Vig, Sean and Dave for an evening in and finds more than drinks and footie to hold his attention.)
    - Motley Crew (Novemember 22, 2007)
    (Viggo/Bean; M; Viggo and Sean find themselves in rough waters.)

    - New Blood (March 1-2, 2009)
    (Bean/Harry, Bean/Viggo; PG-13; There's a new hotshot centre on the team, and left-winger Sean is less than impressed. [Hockey!AU])

    - Not Picky (August 8, 2006)
    (Bean/Viggo; PG-13; Viggo is absolutely starved.)

    - Not Yet (April 13, 2003)
    (Viggo/Bean; G; Viggo can't sleep through the wee small hours of the morning.)

    - Nothing and Everything (April 17, 2008)
    (Viggo/Bean; PG; Viggo did not understand Sean's need to be married, and to women, no less.)

    - Out of...
      - Out of Sight (August 24, 2006)
      (Bean/?; G; Sean hopes that things that are out of sight are out of mind.)

      - Out of Mind (August 25, 2006)
      (Bean/?; G; Having begun a course of laser-treatment to remove his Fellowship tattoo, Sean finds that things that are out of sight may not be so far out of mind.)

      - Out of Time1 (September 4, 2006)
      (Bean/Viggo; G; On the heels of his first round of laser treatment to remove his Fellowship tattoo, Sean receives a phone call from an old friend.)

      - Out of Exile (January 25, 2007)
      (Bean/Viggo; G; On the heels of his first round of laser treatment to remove his Fellowship tattoo, Sean receives a phone call from someone unexpected.)

      - Out of Nowhere (April 16, 2007)
      (Bean/Viggo; G; After receiving an unexpected phone call, Sean prepares himself to confront the past.)

      - Out of Excuses (April 16, 2007)
      (Bean/Viggo; G; Agreeing to meet at a café, Sean finally finds out what Viggo needs to say.)

      1. "Out of Time" is one possible resolution to "Out of Sight" and "Out of Mind," and thus ends the plotline without progressing on to the next ficlet. "Out of Exile," "Out of Nowhere" and "Out of Excuses" are therefore sequels to "Out of Sight" and "Out of Mind" (not "Out of Time"), carrying the story forward in a different way, to a different conclusion.
    - Patron Muse (November 15, 2007)
    (Viggo/Bean; PG-13; Sean was never one to overenthuse about his relationship with Viggo.)

    - Perfectly Suited (November 13, 2009; Also posted here.)
    (Viggo [Viggo/Bean]; PG-13; Viggo had no idea where the hell they were coming from, but dammit, they weren't going to be coming back.)

    - Reflection (March 3, 2003)
    (Sean Bean/Viggo Mortensen, Sean Bean/David Wenham; PG; The cast gathers for TTT pick-up shots, and David reflects that he's never actually met his brother before.)

    - Sand, Sun and Sarcophagi (December 5, 2007)
    (Viggo/Bean; PG-13; Sean and Viggo's vacation wasn't turning out how Sean had hoped.)

    - Sense Memories (December 24, 2008; Also posted here.)
    (Viggo/Orlando, Viggo/Karl, Viggo/Craig, Viggo/Ian; R; Being with Viggo was a feast for the senses.)

    - Sheffield Snow (March 12, 2004)
    (Bean/Viggo; PG; One perfect snowball formed from one perfect snowfall.)

    - Smell My Feet (December 5, 2007)
    (Viggo/Billy; G; Viggo receives an unexpected visitor on Halloween.)

    - Sneak Preview (June 21, 2004)
    (Bean/Viggo; PG-13; Viggo wants to sneak in a private showing before a public screening.)

    - Something More (November 10, 2005)
    (Viggo/Orlando, Bean; PG; Sometimes life is all about denial.)

    - Stay There (October 21, 2003)
    (Bean/Viggo; PG-13; Viggo's attempts to spend a quiet day painting are thwarted by the phone.)

    - Water (July 12, 2009; Also posted here.)
    (Viggo/Bean; R; Sean had asked for this. He had.)

    - Winter Wonderland (December 2007)
    (Viggo Mortensen/Sean Bean [Orlando Bloom/Elijah Wood]; G; Sean was only fond of winter when it was firmly on the other side of the window.)

    - Words/Silence/Flesh, written with savageseraph (July 6, 2003+; WIP)
    (Sean Bean/Viggo Mortensen[/Harry Sinclair], David Wenham/Miranda Otto; G to NC-17; Sean's away, on break from shooting, and Harry's taken an interest in Viggo. [Link is to larger index of story parts.])

Pirates of the Caribbean:
(Miscellaneous Fiction Memoried and Tagged.)
    - Drowned Honour (July 14, 2006)
    (Norrington/Jones [Elizabeth/Will/Jack]; R; Norrington wakes to new horrors.)

    - Hospitality (September 27, 2007; Sharpe Crossover.)
    (Norrington/Sparrow/Sharpe; R; Norrington and Sparrow extend The Pearl's hospitality to their latest guest.)

(Sharpe FPF Memoried and Tagged.)
    - Advances (February 16, 2003)
    (Sharpe/Harper; R; The Prince of Wales' Own Volunteers advance on the French. A series of loosely-connected vignettes taking place over the course of one day.)

    - Blooded & Wounded:
      - Blooded (January 10, 2003; Also posted here and here.)
      (Sharpe/Harper; R; The battlefield, blood, and lust.)

      - Wounded (January 26, 2003; Also posted here.)
      (Sharpe/Harper; PG-13; Teresa and Patrick tend to a wounded Richard.)
    - By Ourselves Betrayed (February 23, 2003)
    (Sharpe/Harper [Sharpe/Jane, Harper/Ramona]; PG; The Chosen Men spend an evening with their Major.)

    - Captain's Command (August 31, 2009)
    (Sharpe/Harper; R; In so many ways, Harper was learning to captain his Captain.)

    - Fine (December 31, 2009)
    (Sharpe/Harper, Hagman, Harris; G; Sharpe and Harper say their farewells to two good friends.)

    - Green-Eyed (November 30, 2009)
    (Ramona, Harper/Sharpe; G; Soldiers were honest men, more honest than most.)

    - Gutter Rats (June 30, 2009)
    (Sharpe, Harper; PG-13; Even gutter rats have standards.)

    - Home (October 31, 2009)
    (Sharpe/Harper [Sharpe/Tom Garrard, Sharpe/Jane]; PG; It was strange how distant places and people could come to mean home to a man.)

    - Hospitality (September 27, 2007; Pirates of the Caribbean Crossover.)
    (Norrington/Sparrow/Sharpe; R; Norrington and Sparrow extend The Pearl's hospitality to their latest guest.)

    - The In-Between Spaces (September 30, 2009)
    (Sharpe/Harper; PG; The best Harper could hope for was that he and Sharpe would fade into the in-between.)

    - In Debt (February 28, 2010)
    (Sharpe/Jane, Jane/Rossendale, Sharpe/Rossendale; PG-13; Of all the things Sharpe was prepared for, he wasn't ready for this sort of betrayal.)

    - Newly Forged (May 31, 2009)
    (Sharpe/Harper; PG; As Sharpe is lost to his wounds and fever, Harper resolves to make a sword worthy of his Captain.)

    - Over the Hills and Behind the Tents (August 4, 2005)
    (Sharpe/Harper; PG; Presented here, for your edification, the Sharpe's Siege "OMG, they're SO married!" scene[s], as performed by the LJ players.)

    - Silent Night (December 2007; Also posted here.)
    (Sharpe/Harper; G; The Chosen Men share what cheer they have during a Christmas campaign.)

    - Spring: Games (March 28, 2005)
    (Sharpe/Harper; G; The Chosen Men enjoy some leisure time.)

    - Waxwork (January 31, 2010)
    (Girdwood, Sharpe, Harper [Sharpe/Harper]; PG; If there was anything Girdwood excelled at, it was appearances.)

Shoujo Kakumei Utena:
(Not currently categorized in Memories or Tags.)
    - Rosa Odorata, Safrano (January 4, 2001)
    (Touga, Nanami; PG-13; A thorn hides amongst the hothouse roses. Spoilers for episode 31, "Kanojo no Higeki" ["Her Tragedy"].)

    - Watashi no Tamago (January 4, 2001)
    (Nanami; G; Nanami wanders through the past.)

Star Wars, Episode I: The Phantom Menace & Episode II: Attack of the Clones:
(Not currently categorized in Memories or Tags.)

Stargate: SG-1:
(SG-1 FPF Memoried and Tagged.)
    - Come Back (October 4, 2004)
    (Jack/Daniel; PG; The best comeback lines always occur after the fact.)

    - Spring: Botany (March 28, 2005)
    (Jack/Daniel; G; Sometimes Daniel wishes there was a botanist on the team.)

(Miscellaneous Fiction Memoried and Tagged.)
    - Season of Light (December 13, 2009; Also posted here.)
    (Dean/Castiel, Sam; PG-13; The boys are up to their necks in demons, Dean is hurt, and the end is nigh; this isn't the sort of Christmas any of them had in mind.)

(Not currently categorized in Memories or Tags.)
    - Dark Days (December 2007)
    (Selene/Michael; R; Selene reflects on her past while preparing for an uncertain future.)

X (X/1999):
(Not currently categorized in Memories or Tags.)
    - Sin, Sanctity and Sentiment (January 4, 2001)
    (Fuuma; PG-13; Fuuma looks down on the city from the Tokyo Tower.)

    - Stillborn (January 4, 2001)
    (Kotori, Fuuma, Kamui; M; A small gathering of friends witness a birth.)

The X-Files:
(Not currently categorized in Memories, but Tagged.)
    - Everything Dies (September 21, 2008; Also posted here.)
    (Mulder/Alien Bounty Hunter [Mulder/Krycek, Mulder/Scully]; NC-17; "Not everything dies, Mr. Mulder.")

    - Resist or Serve (September 22, 2008)
    (Krycek/Black Oil; R; Written to the prompts: "slippery," "pure" and "Ten Thirteen.")

Original Fiction, Multiple/Mixed Fandoms & WIP Fragments:
(Fragments Memoried and Tagged.)
    - The arrows hurt. "Dammit!" Boromir died. (October 25, 2006)
    (LotR, LotRPS, Historical [Rome, Einstein], PotC, Lost, Firefly, Bible, Lovecraft; G to M; Six Word Stories.)

    - Brothaaars in Arms (September 20, 2004)
    (LotR; Boromir, Faramir; G; Brothaaars in arms and blud may still be navigatin' by differin' stars. [Piratized Fic. Read the original here.])

    - Faramir (November 18, 2003; WIP)
    (LotR; Faramir/Boromir; PG; For rohandove.)

    - Kink (November 18, 2003; WIP)
    (LotR; Aragorn/Boromir; M; For cinzia.)

    - An Ode to the LJ Cut-Tag (May 12, 2007)
    (LiveJournal; G; Poem.)

    - Snow Blind (January 16, 2004; WIP)
    (LotR; Aragorn/Boromir; G; The Fellowship stop for a brief rest at the base of Caradhras.)

    - Untitled (June 28, 2003; WIP)
    (LotR; Aragorn/Boromir; M; Galadriel's gift to Boromir is more than a mere belt.)

    - Untitled Teaser, written with cinzia (April 17, 2004; WIP)
    (LotRPS; Viggo/Bean; PG-13; The beginnings of a collaboration.)

    - Words/Silence/Flesh Teasers (WIP; written with savageseraph):
      - Andy (November 18, 2003)
      (LotRPS; Andy; G; For ithiliana.)

      - Good: Part 1/?, Part 2/?, Part 3/? (March 1-8, 2006)
      (LotRPS; Bean/Viggo; NC-17; Viggo has a little something fancy to show Sean.)

Last updated: Dec. 21, 2004 April 7, 2005 Nov. 14, 2005 Jan. 4, 2006 Sept. 21, 2006 Feb. 6, 2008 June 19, 2008 July 2, 2008 Nov. 25, 2008 May 10, 2009 Aug. 9, 2009 April 30, 2010.

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