Things That Are Plain Wrong, Holiday Card Update, and a Valin Nosta--

Dec 22, 2004 13:14

Happy Belated Birthday, lannamichaels!
Sorry the wishes are late. I was online yesterday, but I think my cold has addled my brain -- anyway, hope it was happy and full of porn.

Holiday Card Update:
Well, I was right; they're going to probably be after Christmas cards. Sorry about that, guys. *sigh* It's not from lack of trying, though. Here's the thing -- the cards are all handmade (by me ^_~), and given that I'm already drowning in stuff I need to get done, I haven't been able to carve out as much time as I need to finish them in a reasonable amount of time, and then when I DID find the time, my eyelet punch broke. >_< I haven't been able to find a replacement that won't require waiting/ordering, so I'm trying to repair the damn thing so I can wail on it with a ball peen again. I have some non-eyelet-requiring cards done and ready to go, but I'm afraid to send them out before I've got the whole batch done and ready for fear that I'll either lose my wits or forget who got what when.

Things That Are Plain Wrong:
On Monday, I woke up with a sore throat.

On Tuesday, I woke up at 6 am and couldn't get back to sleep until 8. Oh, and I discovered that I no longer had a sore throat, but I couldn't breathe. ...Hey, breathing's not a requirement, right?

Today, I woke up at 7:30 am. *sigh* I was out the door at 9:30 am to finish up some Christmas shopping, because hey, I couldn't get back to sleep. Holiday shopping when you're sick does not really make you charitable to other human beings. I went from Sick-But-Trying-To-Keep-Going to Enraged-Holiday-Shopper in the blink of an eye. (Do you REALLY need to park so close to me I have to suck in my entire BODY to squeeze into the driver's side of my car? And c'mon, I know it's very important to stand around behind the cashiers' desk staring at nothing, but must all SIX of you do it? *weeping* I'm stuffed up, exhausted, and I just want to get this done, people! Work with me here!) The worst of my anger, though, came out as stomping away from one set of cashiers that were standing about to another set, and then huffing when all six of them ignored me. Gosh, aren't I a mean one? O_< *cue "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch"*

I remain stuffed up, but at least I am no longer lacking in decongestant (have to wait until I'm almost ready to go to work to use it or it'll quit on me in the middle) or kleenex. Yay me. *falls over*

Ah, but you're saying to yourself, "What's the 'plain wrong' part of this whole deal?" Ok, those of you who haven't met me IRL are saying that. Those of you that HAVE, well, you know I'm a dyed in the wool night owl. I believe single digit hours are best approached from the other side; not greeted as the beginning of day, but markers of a night that's almost over. I hate this cold SO MUCH, if only because unlike other ones I've had in the past, I can't freaking SLEEP through the early hours of the day! *headdesk* God, I was out of the house and shopping before 10 am! *sigh*

Somebody pass me a kleenex, would you? *sniffle*

...Argh. I'll stop complaining in a second... There we go.

Oh, and Nice Things That Have Been Happening:
Thank you, you sweet people that have been sending me holiday cards. I LOVE them; they're all so wonderful, and they've been bringing a smile to my face every time I look at them. I'll send out more specific thanks a bit later, when my head's clearer. *hugs Flist*
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