Words/Silence/Flesh: The Harry/Vig/Sean letters to date, in order...

Jul 14, 2003 15:33

Ok, I'm doing this as much for myself as anyone else, since I've realized that I'm having trouble keeping track of where all the letters savageseraph and I have written are, and I keep needing to refer back to them. I've decided not to wait until they're done to post a list.

Oh, and since we haven't done so yet, I'll say it here:
Disclaimer: This is fiction. Didn't happen. Wouldn't know even if it did.

So, to date --

1. It begins with some innocent, friendly writer-to-writer taunting in Bad Puppy.

2. The offending slacker responds in kind in You Snake!

3. Harry starts to take pot-shots at Sean in So Sorry.

4. Sean rises to the challenge in You Fruity Bastard, and sends a little present along for Viggo.

5. Harry pushes the taunting up a bit, and Viggo gets into the act in Express Yourself.

6. Sean tries to get up on his high horse and fails miserably in Unimpressed. The incomprehensible fork references continue.

7. Harry trumps Sean in Stormy Weather, and Viggo points out who's really daft.*

8. Sean continues to spar with Harry in Talk is Cheap. Sean misses Viggo. Smut results.*

9. Fear of kirbycrow's toasting-fork wielding pygmies assaults the writers, as savageseraph posts My Offering to the Pygmies, (or Talk is Foreplay) in which Harry takes aim at Sean's phobias and sends along some interesting material. Viggo writes some lovely smut, and Karl and Orlando appear.

10. The time for verbal sparring is over for Sean in Taking a Beating. Bernard is pulled into the mess.

11. Harry twists the knife deeper and Viggo finds he isn't handling things well in Shattered. Miranda comes to the rescue. Alien shrubbery is purchased.

12. Things get worse in At a Loss, and Sean shops online.

13. Harry's no help in Flower and Stone. Miranda urges Sean to come home, Karl emails Bernard, and Viggo reminds Sean of some simple things.

14. Sean's anger knows no bounds in Airplanes and Anxiety. He gets ready to fly home.

15. Harry drops the BS, and among other things, Miranda makes nice with the alien shrubs, and Viggo tells Sean what he thinks of Harry in Bound.

16. Sean flies home, but things don't go as planned in The Best Laid Plans. Dave appears and emails Miranda.

17. Things really aren't going as planned in No Joy. Karl imparts some important information to Bernard.

18. The consequences continue to pile up in The Aftermath, as rash actions are not so easily rectified.

19. Miranda and Dave hijack the story in Intermezzo, while Harry plays his cards close to his chest, and Viggo swims erratically towards coherence.

20. Bernard calls Harry's bluff, Dave tries some damage control, and Sean refuses to come in from the garden in Sleep is for the Weak.

21. Harry continues to be a frustrating bastard in Whole Lotta Harry.

22. Bernard attempts to cut through Harry's bull, Cate gets ready to collect on her bet, Dave and Miranda do some snooping, and Sean comes in from the garden in Flushed.

23. Harry drops the facade, Miranda shares news with Cate and prods Sean, and Viggo writes a short note in Eviscerate and Dismember.

24. Sean takes stock of more than just his garden in Bets and Regrets, while Bernard attempts to handle Harry, and Cate emails Miranda.

25. Miranda fills Cate in, and Viggo gets up before the rest of the (now-exhausted) household in Opportunity.

26. Cate responds to Miranda, Miranda and Dave sleep together (no, not like that -- actual close-your-eyes-and-snore sleep), and Sean goes for a walk in Morning.

27. Harry's plot begins to unravel in The Insufficiency of Words.

28. Sean finds himself on a beach, and Dave shows Viggo a few things in Flotsam and Jetsam.

29. Miranda searches for Sean and clarifies a sticking point for Viggo, Viggo goes for a chat with Karl, Sean is spotted (but by the wrong people), and Karl phones Bernard in Unravelling.

30. Word spreads and the Sean sighting is twisted in Ripples. Sean tries to see Harry, and Dave spends some quality time with Miranda.

31. Harry makes a few things clear to Karl, Miranda gives in to exhaustion, and Viggo writes lists in What Is Known.

32. The rumour mill works overtime in What Is Obscured.

33. Miranda recounts some recent events, and Viggo worries in Vulnerability.

34. Sean returns home in Broken.

35. Viggo worries, and Harry loses a letter in Poison.

36. Dave can't hold on to his pen in the quieter moments afforded by a bit of Downtime.

37. Viggo wakes up next to Sean in Drawing Poison.

38. Viggo and Sean explore some options in Drawing Poison (cont.).

39. Sean recounts his own version of events around coming home in Cracking.

40. Sean continues to recount his own version of events and Dave and Miranda get an eyefull in Cracking (cont.).

41. Sean and Viggo indulge in a little bit of reconcilliation, and Karl misses a phone call in The Ties That Bind.

42. Miranda wakes, later than the rest of the household, in What a Girl Wants.

43. Viggo's and Sean's roles are reversed in What a Guy Needs.

44. Sean remains at Viggo's mercy and Karl's not picking up his messages in Possessed.

45. Dave gets a little closer to Miranda in Picture Perfect.

46. Viggo finishes Sean off in Mine.

47. Sean finally finds some peace in Yours.

48. Miranda gets a leg up on Dave in Unexpected.

49. Harry has words with Bernard, Billy's in search of Dave, and Miranda emails Cate in Telling Tales. (And as a side note, a happy one month anniversary to the project!)

50. Dave's no shrinking violet in Surprised.

51. Bernard tries a little mediation, and Sean makes sure his girls know where he's gone in Small Things.

52. Cate emails Miranda, Dave deals with Cate and Billy, and Karl finally answers his phone in Catching Up.

53. Miranda emails Cate, Billy catches up with Dave, Viggo reflects, and Liv runs across her castmates in Interlude.

54. Viggo, Sean, Dave and Miranda stroke more than each other's egos At Amba.

55. Dave emails Billy in the very short Between Friends.

56. Sean chews over dinner at Amba in Drinks, Dinner and Dessert.

57. Billy prods Dave, Miranda finds herself in the backseat of Sean's car, and Karl phones Bernard in Persistence.

58. Viggo, Sean, Dave and Mir head home in Better Than Cologne.

59. Bernard makes a quick phone call and Dave recalls dinner in Brilliant.

60. Fran returns a call and Viggo recounts the ride home in The Long Road Home. (Have we really been at this thing for just over two months now? Huh.)

61. Sean obsesses over his car and his friends (more or less in that order) in Driven (Pt. 1).

62. Sean and Miranda get a little closer in Driven (Pt. 2).

63. Miranda and Dave seize some time alone in Surreal.

64. Viggo's not so comfortable with gardening in Knotted.

65. Sean's ride home is over in Driven (Pt. 3).

66. Viggo wonders how much Sean really understands in Knotted (Pt. 2).

67. Phones and answering machines thwart Bernard in Dispatches.

68. The narrative skips momentarily ahead as Harry spends a night out at a club in Concentration/Dilution (Pt. 1).

69. Harry entertains a guest at home in Concentration/Dilution (Pt. 2).

70. Harry shows Andy around the rest of his house in Strategies.

71. Andy shares an inconvenient observation in Strategies (Part Two).

72. Harry gains back ground in Strategies (Part Three).

73. Harry takes the opportunity to make good use of Andy's now-relaxed guideline in Strategies (Part Four).

74. Andy's side of his encounter with Harry begins in Check (Pt. 1).

75. The narrative returns to still-unfinished business as Viggo receives some very personal attention from Sean in Untangled.

76. Miranda and Sean work some things out in Combat Rituals.

77. The cast of W/S/F grows again as three hobbits and an elf chatter at each other in -- yep, you've got it -- Three Hobbits and an Elf.

78. Viggo recounts Sean's concern for his "baby" and spends some time sussing Dave out in Keys.

79. Andy checks out Harry's home in Check (Pt. 2).

80. Viggo takes some time for Sean and a shower, and considers taking more in Complications.

81. Miranda doesn't believe in simple challenges in Not Easy.

82. Viggo talks with Dave about ownership in Pet.

83. The narrative moves backward a bit as Sean looks for solid ground in the garden in Rooted.

84. Sean stumbles, but Viggo's primed to do some catching (and maybe even some damage control) in Rooted (Pt 2).

85. Viggo keeps Dave on a short lead in Leashed.

86. Miranda and Sean vibrate on the edge of something in Giving Ground.

87. Dave writes and rewrites as he attempts to find time to catch up in Drafts.

88. Billy's quick off the draw with his response to Dave in Tell A Friend, and he's got a couple questions for him.

89. Viggo sees more than he expected as he dallies with Dave in Letting Go.

90. Dave offers Billy bare blokes, birds and a bit of bullshit in Exploits and Exploitables.
91. Sean wants words in exchange for actions in Given Voice.

92. Sean's memories of the evening are interrupted as he confronts an unexpected visitor in Bruised.

93. Viggo finds that all it takes is one unwelcome visitor to reopen a deep wound in Full Dark.

94. Harry's locked away what wounds him most in Learning to Curse.

*Somewhere around rounds 7 & 8, the damn thing begins to move fully over from amusing diversion to actual story. I begin to wonder how the hell that happened. savageseraph laughs evilly.

-- And that's where we are now. Phew. Ack. *looking at list* That's, um, that's a lot of correspondence. O_o

Where It All Began:
Untitled is a snippet from savageseraph's half of the fic that accidentally spawned W/S/F. Will we ever finish it? Who knows?

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