The Aftermath...

Jul 14, 2003 02:34


Harry's place. Leave a message.


Harold? *long-suffering sigh* It's Bernard. Why don't you ring me ASAP. I hear things have been going south down there.

Hope to hear from you soon.



[Sean] Hi. Viggo and I aren't available right now, but if you'd like to leave your name and number...
[Viggo] No. Don't say *that*.
[Sean] ...we'll get back to you.
[Viggo] Wait. Hold on...


Viggo? Fran here. There's been a slight change in tomorrow's shooting schedule. We'll need you to report to the set at five a.m. instead of six. Sorry you weren't told earlier. Peter and I found ourselves rehashing the Elrond and Aragorn scene this evening, and well, there's been some last minute changes. *laughs* But that's nothing new, right?

See you then. Ta!


[Written on crumpled piece of paper in wastebasket, spare bedroom.]


Dear Viggo,


I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. What the hell was I thinking? Those pictures, dammit. I can't get them out of my head. Why didn't you tell me?

Oh, good Christ, I hit you. I fucking hit you.

Oh my God, I hit you.

To: miranda otto < >
From: david wenham < >

Subject: sleeping?

dear Miranda,

glad you came by. sorry i didn't hear your message the first time. i was checking up on the great concussed one, and it was already so late that it didn't even occur to me to check the machine. well, that, and it's not my house. i guess Sean's not answering the phone. can't say i blame him, either.

and yeah, it's later now, and you're probably back at home, tucked up in bed, so i'm going to type very quietly so as not to wake you. ;)

thought i'd let you know that i think it was best that we didn't go storming into the spare room like you wanted. about 20 minutes after you left Sean finally saw fit to grace me with his presence. ...ok, i actually think he was lulled into a false sense of security because it was so quiet out here, but that's not the point. i was sitting at the kitchen table, drinking some of that abominable instant coffee they've got lying around in an effort to keep awake for my next round of Viggo-checking, when in stumbles Sean. think he was still a bit shaken. did i mention i can't blame him? think i'm still a bit shaken up myself, despite my cool, manly demeanor. and that's why you love me. c'mon, admit it. sensitive AND sexy.

so Sean comes into the kitchen, and he barely looks at me. instead, he busies himself in the freezer, pulls out a bag of frozen peas, looks at it, grunts, presses it to the side of his face, and then he turns around.


looks like Harry has a wicked punch, because Sean's going to have one hell of a shiner. looks like there's some bruising on his upper arms too, and god knows where else. and did i mention the split lip? ow. made him sit down at the table while i went to rummage in the bathroom for medical supplies. found myself some cotton balls, bit of iodine (the bottle looked like it had been in there for ages, btw. does nobody accidentally cut themselves around here? or are they just flirting with infection?) and managed to clean up his lip until it looked almost normal. if you ignored the puffiness, of course. and the actual split. and if you didn't look at his eye either. i did a good job if i do say so myself.

he just sat there, all through Nurse Dave's attentions, staring into space. even when i tilted his chin up so i could get a better look at the damage. when i was done i sat down across from him, watching him stare at nothing, waiting for him to say something, but eventually i got bored with waiting and told him i thought he could throw a better punch than that. that'd be when he got up, walked to the kitchen door, and stepped out onto the porch. guess levity wasn't the way to get the guy to loosen up, was it?

anyway, he's out there right now. i tell you, with the exception of the fuss earlier this evening, it's the strangest thing i've ever seen! thought he was going to sit on the steps or something, have a good think, but no. sure, the sort-of frozen peas are on the steps, but not Sean. i've flipped on the outside light, and i can just see him, out near the empty gardens on the north side, digging in the dirt. it's almost pitch black out there, and yet he's digging away!

maybe he's trying to tunnel his way out, i don't know. he took those little potted bushes you pointed out to me with him, though, so i suppose he's actually doing something. don't know how long he's going to stay out there in the dark, though.

it's weird. but he's doing something other than hide, so i guess that's good. thought that might make you feel better. see? sensitive to your needs and all, aren't i?

take care,

WETA Digital/WETA Workshop
Internal Memo

For immediate distribution.

To: WETA Digital Staff
From: Richard Taylor

Subject: Use and abuse of facilities

It has come to my attention that one or more employees have been using our facilities after hours without authorization.

A reminder: Using our systems for non-WETA approved projects is strictly prohibited, and may be grounds for immediate dismissal. Anyone working on projects after hours is required to present his/her badge and sign in with security. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Personal requests from the LotR cast public are also not to be entertained.

...And a word to the wise -- Next time, don't leave the photo paper in the printer.

Richard Taylor,
Company Director

fanfic, fanfic:lotr rpf:w/s/f (my 1/2)

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