The Best Laid Plans...

Jul 13, 2003 03:43

To: Miranda Otto < >
From: Sean Bean < >

Thanks. For everything. I'll see you when I get in. And maybe we can plant those shrubs you're so fond of together. I think you've got a fine idea for fertilizer there.

Much love,


My agent has all the flight details in case they're needed. But we're not going to do this in public. You're not going to meet me. It's too... It's a bad idea. So I'm coming home from the airport by taxi. I've had Dr. Cornwell prescribe a little something for the flight, so I won't be twisting myself into knots.

Don't worry.

I'll see you in less than 24 hours.

I do love you,

Karningul Hospital, Emergency
6757 Imladris Green
(555) 555-3336

To be completed by patient or patient's proxy.

Family name: Mortensen
Given names: Viggo Peter

3 Pelennor Field

Home: (555) 555-3945
Business: (555) 555-5596

Date of Birth: October 20, 1958

Please select:
[X] European
[_] NZ European/Pakeha
[_] Chinese
[_] Indian
[_] NZ Maori
[_] Other Asian
[_] Pacific Island
[_] Other (please specify) __________

Contact person: Sean Bean
Relationship to them: Partner

Address of contact if different from above: N/A

Contact phone numbers:
Home: (555) 555-3945
Business: (555) 555-5596

To be completed by admitting physician.

Admitted under the care of Doctor: J. Urgayle

Preliminary diagnosis
Possible head trauma, concussion caused by fall. Some bruising evident around lower jaw, consistent with blunt force.

Patient reported temporary loss of consciousness. Released after examination.


Hi, this is Miranda. Sorry, but I'm not in. You know what to do.


Mir? OhjesusfuckMir. Are you there? I... It was all a blur, Mir. A blur. I was there, and then Harry opened the door and it wasn't Viggo and then it was and -- and -- Are you sure you're not there?

Oh god, I hit Viggo.


To: miranda otto < >
From: david wenham < >

Subject: the hell?

dear Miranda,

you remember that little chat we had in the canteen the other day? the one where you mentioned that something might be up between Viggo and Sean, but refused to elaborate?

you were right. i don't know if you know how right you were. i wouldn't have guessed something like this could happen if i hadn't seen it with my own eyes.

Karl came back this morning, so i met him for breakfast. figured the guy might like a nice welcome back after spending all that time shooting with Paris. cute kid, but sheesh. boring as hell.

Karl let drop that he'd be swinging by Viggo's in the evening, although i think that might have been a slip of the tongue. you know, it's been a while since i had a good chinwag with Viggo, so i invited myself along. nothing wrong with that, right? seemed to irritate Karl a bit though. didn't know why at the time.

made sure i was waiting for Karl at his car when he got off shooting in the evening. seems taking off that wig is still taking longer than it should, because i was in and out of costume and left waiting for something like fourty minutes.

Karl seemed a bit sour on the drive over, but who knows what goes on in that guy's head? one minute he's running around like a jackanape, the next he's brooding in some corner. or maybe that's just when i'm around.

anyway, we got to Viggo's without incident. but guess who answered the door when we knocked? c'mon, guess. it was your good friend Harry! Karl immediately grabbed Harry's arm and propelled him into one of the side rooms. guess he knew he was going to be there. i made friendly with Viggo for a while in the kitchen, helped myself to a drink, but Viggo was too quiet, even for him.

asked him when Sean was getting back, and lo and behold, there was a knock on the front door. i heard Karl's and Harry's voices and some footsteps, and Viggo literally jumped out of his chair and raced for the door. didn't beat Harry, though. i followed them out into the corridor, and i could just see Sean's hair over Harry's shoulder. Viggo was pressed right up against Harry, but your friend was blocking the door. heard something go thump, then a second later Harry was ducking. second later, Viggo was laid out on the floor.

Harry said something to Sean that i couldn't hear and next thing i know, Sean's all over Harry. they're on the goddamn floor, throttling one another. Karl grabbed hold of Harry, but something must have happened, because he was sandwiched between the two of them for a moment, and then he's yelling bloody murder. i grabbed Sean, and we managed to drag the two of them away from one another. Karl literally dragged Harry out of the house.

Sean stopped fighting me once Harry was gone, but can you believe through this all, Viggo's still out cold on the floor. took me a bit to get Sean to settle down and make some sense, but once he did the two of us managed to haul Viggo to one of their cars. Sean was especially careful getting Viggo laid out in the backseat. clumsy, but careful. he covered him with his jacket, but refused to come with me to the hospital.

Viggo revived in the car, thank god, but he was kind of groggy. we had to wait for hours at the hospital, i tell you. hours. i had to fill out the forms for Viggo, because he sure didn't seem up to doing it himself. the doctor released him after a twenty-minute consultation, though, and i just got him back home a half hour ago. looks like it's not as serious as it could have been. he's in bed right now, and i've volunteered to stay and check up on him periodically. at least until the morning.

i haven't seen Sean since we got back, although there's a light on in the spare room -- the one with that hideous yellow wallpaper. you've seen it, right? anyway, i can see the light underneath the door.

i'm still not totally sure what it was i watched happen, but i thought i should give you a heads-up anyway. you seem to be tight with Sean. thought you should know before everyone else on set hears. damage control, maybe?

anyway, let me know if you hear from Karl or Harry or anybody. i'd like to have a chance to pick Karl's brain, see what he knows since he seems to be in the know.

looks like i've got to go. almost time to play nurse again.

take care and i'll talk to you tomorrow,

fanfic, fanfic:lotr rpf:w/s/f (my 1/2)

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