Words/Silence/Flesh: Good (Teaser, 2/?)

Mar 03, 2006 02:34

Title: Words/Silence/Flesh: Good (Teaser, 2/?)
Author: Barb (savageseraph) & Galadriel (caras_galadhon)
Fandom: LotRPS
Pairing: Bean/Viggo
Rating: NC-17
Archive: Not archivable at this time.
Feedback: Always appreciated.
Disclaimer: Absolutely did not happen. Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Summary: Viggo has a little something fancy to show Sean.
Warning: Kink (and getting kinkier)
Notes: You do not have to have read W/S/F to read this. Not at all. While this is a teaser for things that happen way down the road, it's also primarily a PWP, born of a cracked conversation between the writers the other day. We discussed making it an AU, but decided it'd work within the storyline we have set out. Unlike the other parts of W/S/F, what follows does not have multiple first-person POVs, and is in fact very close to what both of us work with when writing in our individual characters' points of view: quick back-and-forthing, accompanied only by sensory cues. So there you go, a third-person objective PWP.

Words/Silence/Flesh: Good (Teaser)
By Galadriel & Barb
"Mmhmm? Is that so? I'd expect a good girl like you to be tighter." Sean slips his arm out from under Viggo, reaches up to card the fingers of his free hand through Viggo's hair, from the nape of his neck to the crown of his head. He withdraws his fingers a little and thrusts into Viggo a few times. "I thought you'd need a little more time, but I bet I could fuck you right now." He says the last with relish, groans under his breath.

Viggo arches his neck as he pressed into Sean's touch. "Good girls can still touch themselves." The soft moan at the thrusts sharpens into a sound of protest as he tries to pull free of Sean. "I don't do things like that."

Sean places his free hand on Viggo's shoulder, more warning him against struggling than keeping him still. "What don't you do?"

Viggo doesn't exactly lie still, though he moves a little less forcefully. "Let men like you...have me."

Sean makes a sound that sounds like a snicker covered by a cough. He curves his fingers slightly, brushes against Viggo. "You're the one who was out trawling for someone like me."

Viggo shivers and shakes his head. "No. Someone nice."

Sean fails to cover the snicker this time. "You weren't objecting to me a couple minutes ago." He dips his head, licks the small of Viggo's back.

Viggo sighs softly. "You were being...nicer then." He shifts a little.

Sean stills his fingers inside Viggo, although he doesn't withdraw them. He kisses his way up Viggo's spine slowly, each touch of lips lingering. "This nicer?"

Viggo bites his lip, nods. "Nicer." He makes soft, contented sounds as he lets any linger tension drain from him.

"Are you one of those girls? Hmm?" Sean kisses the nape of his neck, shifts his fingers inside Viggo very slightly.

Viggo exhales a soft moan. "What...what girls?"

"Expensive dinner. Theatre or a movie, maybe. No kissing on the first date. No holding hands until they've met your parents. No getting in their pants until you've forked over a ring." He twists his fingers, thrusts firmly into Viggo.

Viggo's entire body tenses as he cries out. He tries to shape words, but nothing recognizable comes out.

Sean chuckles darkly. "Nice?"

Viggo stirs restlessly under Sean, pulling his legs together a little. "It's..." He shakes his head.

Sean pushes Viggo's legs wider. "Do most good girls go out without pants under their skirts, hmm?"

Viggo struggles a bit as Sean spreads his legs. "Only men with their hands under the skirts would know."

Sean wedges a knee between Viggo's legs. He licks his lips, slides his fingers almost out of Viggo. "If I remember right, that's what you were wanting."

"Wanting..." Viggo bites his lip, shivers a little. "Well, you are...touching me."

"Say the word, pretty girl, and I'll stop." Sean sighs, rubs his beard against Viggo's back, moans softly.

Viggo mmms as Sean rubs against him. "What do you want?"

"What do I want?" He drops his voice, purrs quietly, "I want to fuck you. Want to feel you tighten around my cock. Want to show you exactly what it is you want." He slips his fingers out of Viggo entirely, shifts until his cock is pressed against Viggo's ass.

Viggo's eyes, which had been open, drift closed as he swallows heavily and arches his back. "And what...what do I want?"

Sean 'hmm's, idly strokes both hands up and down Viggo's sides. "You don't want nice or good, that's for certain. You wouldn't be on your stomach with your arse in the air if you did."

Viggo exhales raggedly, makes a soft sound that might or might not be assent. "What is it I do want then?"

Sean's silent for a moment or two, and he spends that time kissing across Viggo's shoulder blades. He smiles against Viggo's skin, murmurs conspiratorially, "A little bit o' rough."

Viggo mmms, as he raises his shoulders into Sean's touch. "Why do you think that?"

Sean chuckles softly. "You really want to know?"

Viggo nods.

Sean moves off Viggo, settling more firmly between his legs. He steadies his cock with one hand, presses it against Viggo's opening, not yet pushing in. "You do, do you?"

Viggo shivers, just a little; wets his lips; and nods. "I do."

Sean makes a soft assenting noise, then a beat later thrusts into Viggo firmly. He curses under his breath, swallows heavily.

Viggo cries out at the thrust and tightens around Sean. He shifts his hips, struggling a little.

"Fucking Christ." Sean moans deeply, shudders. He struggles to catch his breath, murmurs, "That's why."

Viggo draws a few quick, deep breaths, before asking, "What makes you think I like it?"

Sean rocks his hips against Viggo. "Tell me to stop."

Viggo groans, then goes quiet except for the occasionally hushed moan. After a little, he manages a soft and not terribly convincing, "Stop."

Sean stills his movements immediately, although this makes him hiss under his breath. He murmurs, "...Better?"

"Better...?" Viggo shifts restlessly. "Better than what?"

Sean groans and mutters, "Stop moving." He bites down on his lip, then releases it after a few deep breaths. "You wanted me to stop."

Viggo laughs softly.


"Tethered by a single word." Viggo smiles. "Maybe you're a nicer man than you let on."

Sean growls deep in his chest. "If you'd rather have a nice man fuck you, then I can be nice." He shifts slightly, shivers.

Viggo's smile gets a little brighter at the growl. "Really?"

"As long as it ends in fuck, princess, I can be whatever you want."

Viggo blinks, goes quiet as he considers that.

Sean's jaw stiffens, body tensing as he fights the urge to move. He rests his forehead against Viggo's back.

Viggo smiles again, tightens around Sean as he murmurs, "And what if it doesn't end in fucking, hmmm?"

Sean groans. He swallows, clears his throat. "...Then I think you're on your own."

"And what if your princess needs a... a rough bloke to give her what nice men won't?"

Sean laughs a bit unsteadily. "My princess? Mine? When did that happen?"

Viggo chuckles. "Maybe when you shoved your cock into her."

Sean shakes his head, makes a derisive noise. "Fine. And what the fuck do you want, princess?"

Viggo shifts, tightens around Sean. "I don't want you to be nice."

Sean moans. He runs his fingers through Viggo's hair, nape to crown, then curls them into a fist, tugging on Viggo's hair. He tugs Viggo's head up as he starts rocking against him. His head dips, and he licks the side of Viggo's neck.

Viggo tips his head to the side as much as he is able. He groans. "I want you to make me want to be fucked by your cock as much as you want to fuck me with it."

Sean laughs. "Didn't know girls like you knew words like that," he mumbles as he slides almost out of Viggo and thrusts forward firmly. "Fucking Christ, s'nice."

Viggo swallows at cry at the thrust. He take a steadying breath before saying, "Men like you are a bad influence on girls like me." He laughs. "Girls like me must be a bad influence on you." After a pause, he adds an amused, "Since you've become all...dainty."

"Dainty?" Sean growls, mutters something derisive under his breath.

Viggo strains to catch Sean's words. When he doesn't, he simply says, "Dainty."

Sean nips at Viggo's shoulder. "Fucking lady, you." He grunts as he drops both hands to Viggo's hips, gripping there.

Viggo moans at the nip. "Proper lady."

"Slut more like it." Sean's thrusts get firmer, shorter. He grits his teeth. "Draw 'em in with your little song and dance, but in the end all you want is a dirty fuck."

Viggo's breathing gets harsher, interrupted by an occasional soft cry. He tests Sean's hold on him. "Any suggestions where I can find one?"

"Maybe I'm too fucking nice for a little slut like you." Sean almost spits the words. His fingers dig into Viggo's hips. "Stop struggling, or you can fuck your goddamn self."

Viggo yelps a little as Sean's fingers tighten. "Maybe you are." He presses back, grips Sean hard.

"Don't see how that'd be a bad thing." He groans, shudders. "Gagging for it, aren't you?"

Viggo twists his hips as much as he can. He moans softly.

"Sort of slut that'd drop to her fucking knees to suck the nearest cock, aren't you?" Sean thrusts roughly into Viggo, gasps.

Viggo shivers, bites his lip, then says, "Not if it was yours."

Sean laughs in a short, sharp bark. "'Course not, princess. If it was me, you wouldn't need to drop at all. You'd already be down."

Viggo makes an angry sound, twists in Sean's grasp. "You wish."

"I know. Eager slut." He punctuates the words with quick, short thrusts.

Viggo trembles as he chokes back moans. He swallows, murmurs, "Not for what you have."

"You're a bad liar." Sean presses deep, rolls his hips. "I take back what I said. You're damn tight for a cheap slut."

Viggo chokes on a cry, tightening a bit more in the process.

Sean shudders heavily. "Christ, yes. Like that."

Viggo shakes his head.

Sean slides an arm under Viggo, wrapping around his waist, pulling him upward a little. "Kneel up, and maybe I'll fuck you right and proper."

Viggo moves with Sean, kneeling and spreading his legs wider as he arches his back. He moves without even realizing it, and when he does, he stiffens, starts to pull away.

Sean laughs and tightens his hold. "Gagging." He reaches around with his other hand, grips Viggo's cock. "I'd treat you all dainty-like, but something tells me you wouldn't appreciate it." His thrusts become shorter, quicker.

Viggo struggles against the pace that Sean is trying to set, though he makes soft sounds as he does.

"Cat got your tongue?" Sean growls, ignores Viggo's struggles the best he can. He tightens his fingers around Viggo's cock, although he doesn't move his hand. "Bet you're the kind that likes to be sucked off while you're fucked, don't you, nice girl?"

Viggo's neck arches as he cries out as he realizes that fighting Sean's thrusts has him thrusting into Sean's hand. He goes still, shivers.

"Bet you're just dying to come all over my hand." Sean grins as he thrusts deep into Viggo, then rocks against him, trying to force him to move his hips forward. "Do you think I'd make you lick it off my fingers?"

Viggo cries out and tries to pull away, the sound softening to a moan as he presses into Sean's hand.

Sean makes a pleased noise. "I would, you know. Would you do it if I wanted you to, do you think?"

Viggo shakes his head, though the motion isn't terribly firm.

Sean laughs delightedly. "I'd have to force--" he withdraws until only the head of his cock is in Viggo, then thrusts forward with a hiss, "--you, would I?"

Viggo cries out again, whimpers as the motion carries him forward into Sean's hand. "Would...wouldn't do it."

Sean rolls his hips. "Mmm. Wouldn't matter if you did or didn't." He leans over, licks a short stripe up Viggo's spine. "Because I'd turn you over my fucking knee and show you exactly what happens to bad girls."

Viggo shudders as his cock twitches in Sean's hand.

Sean strokes Viggo's cock a few times. "You'd like that, hmm? Arse in the air, your own come smeared over your face? I bet you would."

Viggo makes a strangled cry, thrusting into Sean's hand as he does.

fanfic, fanfic:lotr rpf:w/s/f (my 1/2)

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