Words/Silence/Flesh: Good (Teaser, 1/?)

Mar 01, 2006 04:01

Title: Words/Silence/Flesh: Good (Teaser, 1/?)
Author: Barb (savageseraph) & Galadriel (caras_galadhon)
Fandom: LotRPS
Pairing: Bean/Viggo
Rating: NC-17
Archive: Not archivable at this time.
Feedback: Always appreciated.
Disclaimer: Absolutely did not happen. Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Summary: Viggo has a little something fancy to show Sean.
Warning: Kink
Notes: You do not have to have read W/S/F to read this. Not at all. While this is a teaser for things that happen way down the road, it's also primarily a PWP, born of a cracked conversation between the writers earlier in the evening. We discussed making it an AU, but decided it'd work within the storyline we have set out. Unlike the other parts of W/S/F, what follows does not have multiple first-person POVs, and is in fact very close to what both of us work with when writing in our individual characters' points of view: quick back-and-forthing, accompanied only by sensory cues. So there you go, a third-person objective PWP.

Words/Silence/Flesh: Good (Teaser)
By Galadriel & Barb
Viggo waits until Sean goes into the bathroom before bed, slips into something all sly like, then gets into the bed, pulls up the covers, turns off the lights.

It'll be a short space of time before Sean comes back out, and when he does he's surprised the lights are out. "Are you that tired? Going right to sleep?"

Viggo shifts a little under the covers and makes a sound that could mean just about anything.

Sean snorts, makes his way over to the bed and slips in on his side, turning over towards Viggo to kiss him lightly before he settles down.

Viggo moves closer, against Sean, kisses him back.

Sean 'mm's, slides a hand down Viggo's side to touch the fabric brushing against him. "What, are you cold? ...S'funny. Are these silk?"

Viggo shakes his head a little. "Not cold." However, he 'hmm's at the question. "Maybe. I'm not sure."

Sean chuckles quietly, palm sliding over the fabric. His fingers search out the hem, curling under it. He stops when he realizes the fabric is sliding and bunching in an odd fashion, then starts feeling around the bottom. "Um... Vig? Are these ripped?"

Viggo does not laugh, though he can't help but smile. "No, just the way I bought it."

Sean blinks. "You're sure? Because--" His fingers stop searching, holding fast on the hem. He lifts the blankets with his other hand, looks underneath. "...Um." He clears his throat, frowns in confusion. "That's a skirt."

Viggo clears his throat a little to keep from laughing and nods. "It seems to be."

Sean pushes the blankets down, eyebrows rising. He squints, then drops the hem, shifts so he can turn on a light. As he blinks away the spots in front of his eyes, he looks again. "...It's not even a kilt."

Viggo arches an eyebrow. "Why would I want one of those?"

Sean straightens his neck, looks at Viggo, still squinting. "Because blokes wear kilts, you daft prat."

Viggo shrugs a little. "Only ones like Billy. And I'm not like Billy."

"What, Scottish? No. No, you're not like Billy at all. ...I'm not sure that's a good thing right now, Vig." He grunts, shifts a bit away from Viggo so he can take in Viggo and the skirt more easily.

Viggo runs a hand down the middle of his own body while grinning at Sean. "I thought you liked skirts."

Sean snorts. "On birds, love. Birds."

Viggo smiles wickedly. "So you don't want to find out what's under mine, hmm?"

"I know what's under yours. I see it often enough." He shakes his head, chuckling. "Right, ok. I'll ask, all right? Why?"

Viggo blinks. "I wanted to see." This is delivered like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Sure. Sure. See." Sean waits. After a moment or two, he reaches out and starts playing with the hem. "...See what?"

Viggo smirks, glances down at Sean's hand. "See what you'd do."

"Ah." Sean lets go of the skirt, presses his palm to Viggo's hip. He chews on his lip.

"Ah?" Viggo runs his fingers lightly over Sean's hand.

Sean mutters, "You're takin' the piss." He shrugs.

Viggo arches an eyebrow.

Sean frowns. "Well, what would you call it?"

"Maybe I'm just looking for some nice bloke to feel me up." Viggo moves his hand, strokes across his own chest.

Sean struggles with a couple different emotions before biting his lip, hard. He clears his throat. "You are, are you?"

"Maybe. If the right one came along." Viggo runs his fingers up the middle of his chest and then his throat, arching his neck and sighing softly as he does.

The corners of Sean's mouth twitch. "Oh? That so?" He reaches out, strokes a line down Viggo's chest with his index finger.

Viggo wets his lips, nods. He watches Sean's finger intently.

"And what kind of nice bloke, do you think, would be your right one?" Sean tilts his head to the side, skims his finger over Viggo's waist, up his side.

Viggo shivers just a little. "A...nice one." His attention is divided between what Sean is saying and what he's doing.

Sean chuckles. "That doesn't tell me anything, love." He leans in, breathes in Viggo's ear, "Or maybe I shouldn't be calling you 'love', just yet, hmm? Maybe we don't know each other well enough?"

Viggo starts, makes a soft sound as he breathes out. "What...what should you call me then?"

Sean grins, murmurs dark and soft, "What would you like to be called, hmm?" He strokes the back of his hand down Viggo's neck.

Viggo tips his head a little to the side as his eyes close and he moans softly. "Whatever you want."

Sean licks his lips, tonguetip brushing very lightly against Viggo's earlobe. "You often slip on something little and go around looking for 'nice' men to cop a quick feel?" He slips his free hand under Viggo's skirt, slides it up to his hip.

Viggo breathes out unevenly as Sean's tongue grazes his skin. "Nice men don't like looking over something...pretty?"

Sean laughs softly. His fingers trace the curve of Viggo's hip. "You think you're pretty, do you?"

Viggo nods, just a little.

"Mmm." Sean kisses Viggo's earlobe, light brushes of lips. "You might be." He dips his head, nuzzles Viggo's neck. "Vain little thing, aren't you?"

Viggo tips his head a little more to the side, shivers. "Not. Just..." He moans softly. "Just...pretty."

Sean curves his hand around Viggo's hip, pulls him closer. He nudges his knee between Viggo's legs. "Pretty easy?" He grins, licks teasingly at the hollow of Viggo's throat.

Viggo only shakes his head a little, not wanting to disrupt Sean. "No. I'm..." His legs tighten against Sean's as he presses against him. "I'm...good."

"Good?" Sean traces Viggo's cheekbone with the pad of his thumb. "What're you good at?" He shifts his knee upwards slightly.

Viggo sighs as he presses against Sean's leg. "Good at?" He shakes his head, wets his lips, softly, "I don't do...don't...things like that. I'm a... I'm good."

"You're a good... hmmm? Good what?" Sean brushes his lips against Viggo's as he curves his hand loosely around his throat. He lets his other hand slip off Viggo's hip and over his abdomen, resting there.

Viggo shivers, moans. He murmurs several partly-broken 'good's.

Sean nips gently at Viggo's lower lip. "Speak up, pretty."

Viggo makes a soft sound at the nip. "Good...good..." He draws a deep breath. "Good...boy."

Sean raises an eyebrow. "Good boy, hmm?" He ducks his head, nips at Viggo's collarbone. "I don't know any good boys who let nice men they've just met get their hands up their skirts." His fingers flutter across Viggo's abdomen.

Viggo bites his lip, then releases it. "Maybe...maybe you aren't a nice man."

Sean chuckles darkly. He murmurs in Viggo's ear, "Maybe I'm not," just before biting down sharply on his earlobe.

Viggo starts, neck arching as he cries out at the bite.

Sean sucks on Viggo's earlobe, then scrapes his teeth across it as he releases it. "Tell me what you want from me, good... boy." He pushes the front of the skirt up, bunching it around Viggo's waist.

Viggo tries a few times to say something, stumbles over the words until he manages a soft, "I...don't...don't know. Good..." He swallows heavily. "...boys don't know about things that men like you are interested in."

"Men like me?" Sean grins wickedly. He licks his lips, cups Viggo's cock, pressing it against his skin. "Then you better close your eyes tight, good boy."

Viggo blinks, a little uncertain, though he does press against Sean's hand. "Why?"

Sean ghosts the fingers of his other hand over Viggo's forehead. "We wouldn't want to corrupt you, now, would we?" He rubs the heel of his palm back and forth against Viggo's cock.

Viggo shakes his head a little, sighs. He closes his eyes.

"That's better." Sean kisses Viggo deeply, taking his time. He wraps his hand around Viggo's cock and strokes him slowly, groaning when he breaks the kiss.

Viggo moans at the kiss as he responds. One hand comes to rest on Sean's hip. He gasps softly, without opening his eyes, "What...are you doing?"

Sean smiles, runs his fingers over Viggo's lips. "Nevermind what I'm doing." He skims his thumb over the head of Viggo's cock, 'mm's appreciatively. "Does that feel good?"

Viggo moans, nods wordlessly.

Sean releases Viggo's cock, presses his thumb to Viggo's lips. "Go on. Lick it."

Viggo's tongue slips out hesitantly, just grazes Sean's thumb. He makes a soft, startled sound.

Sean rubs his thumb across Viggo's lips. "Men like me like it when... when boys like you know how to use their tongues." He moves his hand away, sliding it down Viggo's body until his fingers are wrapped around Viggo's cock. He licks across Viggo's mouth.

Viggo moans, his lips parting around the sound. "How...? How is that?"

"You've never played with the other boys, is that what you're telling me?" Sean licks the shell of Viggo's ear.

Viggo whimpers softly, shakes his head. "Nice boys don't do that."

Sean laughs softly. "Do nice girls?" He kisses Viggo's neck, grips his cock a little tighter.

Viggo cries out softly, as he presses into Sean's hand, and after a slight pause, shakes his head.

"Mmm. I see." Sean releases Viggo's cock long enough to tug the skirt back down and wrap the silk around it. He strokes Viggo in long, slow, firm movements. "Are you always good?"

Viggo's eyes and mouth both open a little, then he closes his eyes again quickly. "I..." His legs part a little. "Yes. Yes."

"Tsk. Keep them closed." Sean shifts a little so he can rub himself against Viggo's leg. "I'm not. Sometimes, in the middle of the night, I wrap my fingers around my cock and think about all the things I'd like to do to nice boys like you."

Viggo draws a shakey breath, lets it out. "What kinds of things?"

Sean presses a finger against Viggo's mouth. "I can't tell you." He sounds amused as he murmurs in Viggo's ear, "But I can show you."

Viggo starts a little. "Show...?"

"Mmhmm." Sean shifts again, pressing his cock against the material of the skirt. He hisses, curses under his breath. "Christ, that's nice."

"Nice?" Viggo nearly opens his eyes, but just as he starts, he stops himself.

Sean covers Viggo's eyes with his hand. "What did I say?" He lets his hand rest there for a moment, then removes it. "Roll over."

Viggo swallows. "Over...?" He makes a soft, uncertain sound, though he does turn over on his stomach.

Sean covers Viggo's body with his own. "Do you want to know what men like me want from nice boys and girls like you?" He slips one hand under the back of the skirt, strokes Viggo's ass.

Viggo whimpers softly at the "girls." He nods his head.

Sean grins, kisses the nape of Viggo's neck and murmurs, very, very quietly, "Good girl." He clears his throat, moves off Viggo. "Part your legs."

Viggo does, just a little, and fairly hesitantly.

Sean laughs softly. "Suddenly shy?" He slips one hand between his legs, strokes Viggo's thighs. "Wider."

Viggo makes a soft sound, does as Sean says.

Sean 'mm's appreciatively. The bed dips a little as he moves across it, and there's the sound of a drawer opening and shutting with a smart click. He settles back between Viggo's legs. After a moment, he groans softly.

Viggo bites his lip, tensing and shivering.

Sean leans over, slipping one arm under Viggo, around his waist. He kisses the small of his back, nips at the skin, and presses two slick fingers against Viggo's opening. "Say 'yes'. Tell me you want to know." His fingers circle in teasing brushes.

Viggo makes a startled sound at Sean's touch. "I..." His back arches a little, and he moans.

Sean licks at the small of Viggo's back. "Say it. Three little letters: y-e-s. One sound."

Viggo's head tosses a little, his breathing growing uneven. He finally whispers a barely audible "yes."

"There we are. Not so hard." He presses his fingers into Viggo, pauses, then grins. "Nice girl, hmm?" He twists his fingers.

Viggo breathes out heavily as Sean presses his fingers into him, the sound spiking to a short, soft cry at the twist. "Am..." He nods as his legs part more. "Am...a nice...girl." The last is very soft.

fanfic, fanfic:lotr rpf:w/s/f (my 1/2)

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