The Shape, it is a Pear (W/S/F Chat)--

Mar 01, 2006 03:03

So there we were, chatting away, savageseraph and I. And then, out of the blue, it all went horribly, horribly wrong.

caras_galadhon: ...Blondes are overrated.
savageseraph: Indeed. And they have scary pubes. Apparently. :-D
caras_galadhon: *LOL* Yes. Good thing Sean's not blond1.
savageseraph: But Viggo is. So there is scary pube exposure going on all the time.
caras_galadhon: Well, that's in line with his character, you know. Scary Viggo = scary pubes.
savageseraph: *ponders* Good point!
caras_galadhon: Another reason Viggo should be impressed with Sean. *nod* Sean could scream and run away, but he doesn't!
*LOL* As long as this worrisome observation does not become part of the fic, I'm good.
savageseraph: Bwahahaha.
caras_galadhon: Viggo: *flashes* *flashflashFLASHFLASH*
Sean: What the fuck are you doing?
Viggo: *FLASHFLASH* Scary pubes. See? *FLASHFLASH*
Sean: *mutters* I'm gonna fucking commit you.
savageseraph: *snorts* Scary Pube Attack!!!
caras_galadhon: ...I am having horrible flashes of Viggo as Pretty Princess Pube Sailor Viggo.
savageseraph: With the little skirt and the big eyes?
caras_galadhon: Ack. Little skirt and sparklies, yes, and NOW the big eyes. That's even more disturbing. Wand. Transformation sequence, complete with inexplicable horse in background, and the most disturbing, perverse attack you've ever seen. *flashflash* Sailor Pube ATTACK! *sparklies from where the sun shouldn't shine*2
savageseraph: Bwahahaha! He'd be a hit at parties.
caras_galadhon: ...He'd be HIT at parties? Yeah, damn right. And they'd cut off his beer, too. ...Of course, depending on the party, he might be hit on. Oh Christ, I have an overactive imagination.
savageseraph: He could have sleepovers with Elijah and they could paint each other's toenails and stuff. :-)
caras_galadhon: I can see Vig and Sean at a party, Vig all decked out, and some guys hitting on him, and then Sean getting all annoyed and put out, even though he objected to the horrid getup in the first place. He struggles to get up, goes over to Viggo-being-hit-on, slings his arm around his shoulders and drunkenly slurs, "S'my Pretty, Pretty Princess, not yers. Fuck off."
savageseraph: *snorts*
caras_galadhon: Oh god. Sleepovers. As long as they hold 'em at Lij's house, not Sean & Vig's.
savageseraph: Why? Sean could come too.
caras_galadhon: Tsk. Because you know what would happen. They'd stay up all night, make all sorts of noise, and Sean'd have to come out of the bedroom (because they're not sleeping in there), turn off the TV and tell them to pipe down, some people are trying to sleep. And Viggo'd smile up at him from the floor, all innocent and shit.
savageseraph: O:-)
caras_galadhon: See? You know I'm right. *pokes*
savageseraph: Me? O:-)
caras_galadhon: You. --> ]:-> ...And Sean'd have to sleep with the bedroom door closed and the [cut for W/S/F spoilers], and you KNOW a disturbingly pink and decked out Lij and Vig would sneak in in the middle of the night and try to pull off some horrible, horrible prank.
savageseraph: *coughs* Viggo would never do that.
caras_galadhon: Of course not. Let me guess, he was led astray by Lij?
savageseraph: Yep.
caras_galadhon: Or is it a case of it wasn't Viggo, it was Pretty, Pretty Pube Princess Vig, and that's completely different?
savageseraph: *blinks* That too! The alter ego! Viggo cannot be held responsible.
caras_galadhon: Of course not. He never can, can he?
savageseraph: Well, that's because... O:-)
caras_galadhon: Mmhmm. Did Sean mention Vig's not wearing that getup to bed? He doesn't want fucking glitter fucking everywhere.
savageseraph: Viggo was thinking Sean might get off on that.
caras_galadhon: He specified both the 'fucking's. ...Oh? Why would he think that?
savageseraph: Because Sean likes skirts.
caras_galadhon: *raises eyebrow* On women, usually.
savageseraph: Well.
Sean likes skirts.
Sean likes Viggo.
Therefore, Sean would like Viggo in skirt.
caras_galadhon: *ROTFL* ...Viggo's one very fucked up man. You know, this belies the conversation they had the other day.
Viggo likes sandwiches.
Viggo likes Sean.
Therefore, Viggo would like Sean in a sandwich.
savageseraph: He didn't say that he wouldn't. Precisely.
caras_galadhon: I think he did, actually. He said something about not thinking about Sean in between bread.
savageseraph: No, just that he could think of better ways to eat Sean.
caras_galadhon: *rolls eyes*
savageseraph: Not that he objected to the sandwich3.
caras_galadhon: *snort* I worry that this is what would happen at said sleepover. Sean does NOT want to wake up with bread pressed to either sides of his head.... or ANY other parts of him, come to think of it.
savageseraph: How about the painted toenails?
caras_galadhon: ...pressed to his head?
savageseraph: Umm, no. Painting Sean's toenails. Perhaps a nice baby blue?
caras_galadhon: If Viggo wants to go out and get some nailpolish remover in the morning, they can have at it. Provided that's all they paint, and they don't wake him up.
savageseraph: Painting other things might be nice.
caras_galadhon: *wary* Like what?
savageseraph: Ummm... Eyelids?
caras_galadhon: With nail polish? No.
savageseraph: Color perhaps rather than paint. Well, not paint. Color.
caras_galadhon: ...Removable colour?
savageseraph: *nods*
caras_galadhon: Like makeup?
savageseraph: Errr... Yep.
caras_galadhon: Why the hesitation? Hmm?
savageseraph: Just...pondering.
caras_galadhon: Oh? *waves poking finger*
savageseraph: Mmmm. *nods* I think Viggo should try the skirt thing.
caras_galadhon: *blinks* He...he could. If he wanted to. O_o
savageseraph: :-) I think that would be a nice idea. Part of the joy of it would be the surprise. Seeing the reaction it would get.
caras_galadhon: *rolls eyes* I can't believe I'm saying it, but if you want to write that in, fine. In fact, if you want to write it in as an AU, I'll fucking post whatever we come up with tonight. ...I must be losing my mind.
savageseraph: Bwahahahaha! You wanna see the reaction too! Because it would be priceless.
caras_galadhon: I kinda do. Although I can hear someone blond and grouchy objecting in the back of my head. ^_~
savageseraph: *snickers* Would he rather Viggo get it for him? O:-)
caras_galadhon: Waaaaaait. Waaaaaaaitasec, here. Um... a skirt... for SEAN4? O_o
savageseraph: :-) And he could, you know, sing. Something like "I Feel Pretty."
caras_galadhon: ...WHO could sing? O_o Viggo?
savageseraph: Sean.
caras_galadhon: ...Barb? Those perogies you had? They were cheddar cheese and potato, right? Not cheddar cheese and crack?
savageseraph: :-) What makes you say that?
caras_galadhon: Gee, I dunno. *snort*
savageseraph: Something nice and silky slippery. The material. I'm thinking like a wine color would be nice. :-)
caras_galadhon: :-P Ok, g'wan. Put up, or you know, don't. *pokes* I am weirdly intrigued.

...And then it all went pear-shaped. *snicker*

Notes: 1. Er, don't ask. It's a long -- ok, short but weird -- story, involving certain members of a certain person's family, *coughBarbcough* their dislike of blond(e)s and a heavy dose of denial. I don't actually think that blond(e)s of any type are overrated anywhere except as the standard of beauty set by the media. *nod*
2. I have seen ALL of Sailormoon. All of it, mostly via fansubs. Well, except for the Live Action stuff. And I am now picturing Viggo as a horrible Chibimoon knockoff, complete with useless attack and unicorn. Good god. I need bleach. Help me.
3. I know. I know. They have very strange conversations, often involving food and smut. Sometimes both. I blame Harry. ...Because I can.
4. Sean in women's clothes for the purposes of feminization or humiliation happens to be something that sends shivers up my spine. Barb knows this. Tsk. :-P

fanfic, fandom:lotrips:vigbean, fanfic:misc:fragments

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