FIC: More (LotRPS)

Nov 01, 2006 14:52

Title: More
Author: Galadriel (caras_galadhon)
Fandom: LotRPS
Pairing: Viggo/David/Bean
Rating: NC-17
Archive: Lothlorien, sons_of_gondor, and Green Opals.
Feedback: Always appreciated.
Disclaimer: Absolutely did not happen. Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Summary: David craves more.
Notes: A double drabble written for ithiliana's birthday. And look, it's on time for once! Story inspired by an odd mix of her favourite pairing and an interesting kink, the logistics of which I've been idly mulling over since I stumbled upon info about it. Happy Birthday! ♥

By Galadriel
David had trained extensively for roles before, but this was proving more intensive, and indeed, much more pleasurable.

They'd started out slow, months ago, at his request. It was something he'd seen, read about somewhere, and eventually curiosity won out over fear. All three had been hesitant, almost unwilling, not sure how far they'd be able to go, not until David surprised himself by begging for a little more, just one step further each time. Viggo and Sean, it turned out, were more than happy to indulge him.

And now, the climax of craving. There was no way he could take more, he thought fuzzily, not with Sean biting his throat, Viggo pressed against his back, both groaning, gasping as they moved awkwardly together. He'd never felt so claimed, so possessed. Their voices mixed, mingled, cock sliding against cock, both buried deep in David, stretched, strained against all sense.

He swallowed around a moan. A dim thought floated to the surface, past the shivers, shudders and cries that claimed his mind. There was one way he could have more. David licked his lips, tasting sweat, salt and memory.

Elijah was very pretty. And David knew just where he'd fit.

(November 1, 2006)

Continue on to Kick-Ass.

Crossposted to sons_of_gondor, rugbytackle, fellow_shippers.

fanfic, fanfic:lotr rpf

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