Title: Conversations Between Lovers I/?
Summary: Modern Day AU; in tune with the phone conversations world and idea, this is an IM conversation between Andrew and Theo
Part I,
Valentine's DayPairing: Grovette
Genre: POTC - Romance
Rating: PG-13
Author: Rebecca (alienstars2004 / Blueberry Pancakes)
Feedback: Yes, please.
Author's Notes: These are kind of extensive, so bear with me...
I included the timestamp when it was important- ie to show pauses, quick responses, etc., also to designate the beginning and end times of each conversation. If it's there, there's a reason, if not, then it's just as you please.
I also tried to make them as realistic as possible- spelling errors and corrections, lack of capitals, CAPS LOCK, italics, bolds, emotes, etc. Each Andrew and Theo kind of developed their own style of IMing, it seems...
Though this should be kinda obvious, Andrew is MermaidsFlame and Theo is TeddyBare (I was way proud of that one. :P)
Also- the links are real, so click on them if you wish. :)
Conversation I:
TeddyBare (8:52 PM) : evening, love.
MermaidsFlame: Hi Teddy
TeddyBare: are you enjoying your Friday without me?
MermaidsFlame: Yes.
MermaidsFlame: Because it’s Friday, not because you’re gone.
TeddyBare: for a second I thought I’d been shafted.
MermaidsFlame: *rolls eyes*
MermaidsFlame: Here, I found this, it made me think of you…
http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2007/03/invisiblebreasts1.jpg TeddyBare: …thanks?
TeddyBare: okay that is kinda cute.
MermaidsFlame: I thought you’d appreciate it.
TeddyBare: I don’t know if *appreciate* is the right word… ;)
MermaidsFlame: I had a momentary panic when I saw the PG-13 warning, but then I remember I was at home.
MermaidsFlame: *remembered
TeddyBare: *laughs*
TeddyBare: it is a bit… risqué, I suppose. With your persona-by-day anyway. How was school?
MermaidsFlame: Usual Friday behavior, I guess. Naptime wasn’t too bad this week.
TeddyBare: I find it at least somewhat ironic that you’re still in kindergarten, after all these years.
MermaidsFlame: Heh
TeddyBare: still having trouble with your colours?
MermaidsFlame: That’s actually preschool.
TeddyBare: seriously?
MermaidsFlame: Most of them have at least the primary colors down before we get them.
TeddyBare: oh, any new news on your assistant?
MermaidsFlame: *grits teeth* What assistant?
TeddyBare: nothing, then?
MermaidsFlame: There’s several qualified candidates, but you know schools- all this bureaucracy shite.
TeddyBare: *singsong voice* Mr. Gillette said a bad word.
MermaidsFlame: Oh shut up.
TeddyBare: I couldn’t help it.
MermaidsFlame: I know, Teddy, believe me, I know.
MermaidsFlame: And the afternoon class has taken to calling me Mr. Andrew, anyway. Sometimes they can’t pronounce Gillette very well… The morning class still uses Mr. Gillette.
TeddyBare: in our day we’d probably have been whipped for that
MermaidsFlame: We’re not that old, Teddy.
TeddyBare: the idea of *knowing* a teacher’s first name is quite alien.
MermaidsFlame: True…
MermaidsFlame: Why do you have to go on so many business trips? I feel like I’m turning into the lonely housewife who’s always left behind when her husband’s off on business… being the man and stuff.
TeddyBare: 1- you will never be anything like a housewife, you’re not fat and frumpy, 2- I’m not the husband, 3- you now as well as I do that you totally wear the pants in our relationship
MermaidsFlame: I’m not fat.
TeddyBare: I said you *weren’t* fat, love.
MermaidsFlame: Even if were wearing pants right now, they wouldn’t be metaphorical for “wearing the pants” or “being the man” in the relationship.
MermaidsFlame: We’re both bloody men.
TeddyBare: exactly… wait- you’re not wearing pants?
MermaidsFlame: Nope.
MermaidsFlame: Caps Lock: unleash teh fury.
TeddyBare: seriously, And’. Are you holding out on me?
MermaidsFlame: It’s not actually that exciting…
TeddyBare: my lover isn’t wearing any pants. I fail to see how this is *not* exciting.
MermaidsFlame: I decided to get comfy earlier. I’m wearing boxers. Just not pants. They ended up somewhere in the bedroom… I’ll find them tomorrow so I can do laundry.
TeddyBare: *shakes head* withholding information.
MermaidsFlame: In that case, I’m also wearing one of your old t-shirts, because all my clothes are currently in the hamper or have paint on them from Finger-Painting on Wed.
TeddyBare: did you make any art worthy of the fridge?
MermaidsFlame: Not this time. Too busy to do my own without an Aid. But Tiffany painted me a turtle.
TeddyBare: Aww…
MermaidsFlame: It actually kinda looks like a turtle, too.
TeddyBare: not a Picasso turtle, then, eh?
MermaidsFlame: I desire something… munchy. Be right back.
TeddyBare: so long as you don’t go through my candy stash…
MermaidsFlame: Aren’t you not supposed to tell me you have a candy stash?
TeddyBare: I figured you’d find out eventually, anyway.
MermaidsFlame: Your hiding places could be better.
TeddyBare: I take it you found something to satisfy your craving?
MermaidsFlame: Yes. And don’t call it a craving… it makes me sound pregnant.
TeddyBare: *raises eyebrow* should I be worried?
MermaidsFlame: About what?
MermaidsFlame: Oh, right. No. Teddy- honestly.
TeddyBare: *snickers*
MermaidsFlame: On that note, I’m going to finish my nightcap and go to bed. And by nightcap I mean chocolate milk.
TeddyBare: how’s that “munchy”?
MermaidsFlame: *shrugs* it was the first thing I saw when I went into the kitchen. The Quik was sitting there on the counter… taunting me…
TeddyBare: …you should go to bed.
MermaidsFlame: Probably.
TeddyBare: Goodnight, love. I miss you.
MermaidsFlame: Goodnight. *gives goodnight kiss*
TeddyBare: :-D Love you.
MermaidsFlame: Love you too, babe.
MermaidsFlame signed off at 10:51 PM
*In case it wasn't clear, Andrew's a kindergarten teacher. Theo's a businessman of some type. And though it's not mentioned until another conversation, James works in an office.